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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Chief Of The Delmar Police Department Has What We Call, BALLS!

OK, it's been a while since I created a title to a Post like the one above but you know what, it's the truth!

Unlike the pansy Police Chiefy Webster of Salisbury, the Delmar Police Chief not only attends meetings to support his Staff, he FIGHTS for their rights and he stands up to TWO Mayors, not just one! Chief Saylor sat in last nights meeting for hours like the rest of us and watched in amazement as the Council's from both Maryland and Delaware went into an Executive Session, (closed meeting) to discuss their options with Collective Bargaining.

OK, for starters I believe they broke the law in not just ONE State last night, they broke the Open Meetings Act law in TWO States! You can't go into an executive session over ballot issues that was already decided upon by a Judge! Well, it's Delmar, so they did it anyway. I tried to tell them they were probably making a big mistake doing so but they argued the point and did it anyway.

Nevertheless, they came out of their session calling for a vote and it passed, 3-2 in favor of a Special Election on Tuesday August 27th, 2008. They could have actually held it off for another year and a half but by popular demand the Maryland side voted and passed it.

This is the third time the Citizens have brought petitions on Collective Bargaining to the Table/Council and this time it finally stuck. The current Mayor has been in his seat for some 20 years now and he has simply overstayed his welcome. When a Mayor starts screwing Public Safety, playing with open meeting acts and making decisions for the Citizens opposite of what the Citizens have voted for, it's time for his/her ass to go!

Keep in mind now Folks, the Police Officers have been walking a mighty fine line for years because of this issue and the Mayor constantly doing anything and everything possible to stop if from going through, that takes balls and let me assure you, with very little pay!

Let this show as a sign to ALL the Salisbury Police Officers to follow as they too need to unite and STOP acting like pussies, afraid of the Administration, grow a set and stand up to their leaders and demand their already promised pay increases for starters. No, I'm not ragging on the SPD. I'm challenging them to stand up like men and fight as a TEAM!

Chief Saylor, my hat is tipped to you and THANK YOU for showing your STAFF wisdom and leadership! Sometimes you have to take risks to succeed, Saylor did so as well as ALL of the Police Officers who kept up the fight for what is right. These guys/gals get paid peanuts, seriously!

Now the Citizens of Delmar Delaware and Maryland need to get off their tails and finish what they had started. Oh, by the way, THANK YOU for supporting Public Safety. It's great to see the political system work in the right direction today.

The final 3 or 4 photos shows everyone coming out of their so called Executive Session. IMHO, this should be challenged.


Anonymous said...

Yes Joe your correct about them breaking the MD law of closed meetings. I've met Delmar's Police Chief. He'll fight for his department.

Bob said...

Seems like quite a few elected officials are trying to circumvent the will of the people these days. Most charters employ some sort of referendum provision to prevent the citizens from being oppressed by an elected few. It's sad to see such flagrant efforts to keep important issues out of the hands of the people. It's time for real change in govt. It has to start here at the grass roots level and spread upward.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Attorney for the town was in the room during the executive session. Was he there as adviser?

Anonymous said...

Joe, my God man, you best get all the facts. When Ocean City Police got collective bargaining, taxes went through the roof! They always said it wasn't about money, but about being heard, bull****!, and to make matters worse, just ask how many hours are now spent working with personnel matters and the union, and the dollars and wasted time spent. It is no longer a privilege to work, but a right, and the employer has no rights. Joe, please do your homework in other areas, this is a monumental mistake. I want the officers to be treated well, and they can be though a voice to the public, but get a frickin union involved, it's over!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, thanks for going to the meeting - I called the town office and was told that this was not on the agenda for this month. Could you tell us just how did the votes breakdown ? It would be nice to know whos against giving us voters who signed that petition our right to vote !

Anonymous said...

better not piss judge davis off, boy will tear you a new one if you disrespect his ruling and authority. he dont care who you are.

Anonymous said...

823am...either your terribly misinformed or your a lie'n a$$, it's called "collective bargining" for a reason. Governments raise taxes anytime they think they can justify it...need it or not!
As for personel matters...they shoulda been having those meetings anyway, if they had'a...they wouldnt have been forced to do collective bargining!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:23,you may be full of shit, delmar police bringing home 350-385 clear a week, damn right its about money. that salary is a joke. my job can suck sometimes, but my family is pretty much sure that ill be home when im done for the day. these police officers wives and families dont have that assurance. can you imagine what thats like to live with everyday. as far as the taxes, delmar like every other city is going to have to raise taxes to stay afloat, me personally i can think of nowhere that i would spend that money first except for the police who are protecting us. or maybe your gonna do it for that price, i doubt it. it doesnt seem like the public voice has achieved a damn thing. if it did we probably wouldnt be where we are now.

Anonymous said...

Pussies? Joe you have no idea. I have stood up... to you, other departments, and yes my own several times for things I believe that are right. And I have done this with biased, selfish people just like you nipping me in the ass. As for team work... funny, try a new approach, I have. The problem is that I don't give a damn about the pay. Too many do... especially at SPD. But, good hard work, that is what I believe in. When I see it done I see the same routine: degrading, cutting down, and belittling. Most of it allowed to be done by administration of all agencies, and you on this biased blog. Grow up and start trying to move out of the way. You are an obstacle. Call me a pussy... you couldn't keep up with me on your best day.

Anonymous said...

anon4:30,(chiefy), sign your name and you stop being a pussy. sign your damn name, sound off like you have a set.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Doug and anyone else who thinks SPD officers are pussies...
These fine men and women have no leg to stand on! Council doesn't give a rats *ss who they replace you with...but they will replace you! I have seen it happen! There are many men and women out there who are standing by waiting to take a position with SPD. It's a good starter job, to get your foot in the door. Putting their name out there would be stupid! Great idea, until they become jobless! Thats what these guys pay FOP stand up for them...where is the FOP now you ask? Helping County get leops and pay increases, and collective bargaining! I have a pretty good guess at who wrote the comment at 4:30, and I can guarantee you wouldn't be calling him a pussy to his face!
It's easy to put your name on this site Doug Wilkerson, when you have NOTHING to lose!

Anonymous said...

8:23, anon, you also need to express the other side, their are now more full time officer;s in oc, thus increasing quality of service, vacation family time, better citizen protection, don't try to push the tax thing, work in the shoes of a police officer then you have a right to complain. SPD unit, you need it, you deserve it, nobody else will do it for you (chief) the citizens need it. I'm behind you

Anonymous said...

Does anyone ever READ what Joe post? He didn't call SPD pussies..He said pull together as a TEAM. They can't fire the TEAM and not violate your LEBOR. Joe is pulling for you, the public will pull for you, but you have to pull TOGETHER. Yes, Joe will stir the pot, hence the nature of a having a blog. SPD; stop letting the political end splitting you guys apart, as it is their plan. By keeping you torn at each other, you will continue to be easy picken's. A unified GROUP is much harder to defeat. You have to get your heart off your sleeve. If you guys dont do this, you will still be where you are now. YOU have to start the fight & the FOP will help. You can't sit on you rear and expect them to do it for you. I just may know something about this. Yes, Joe is biased, he will back you!! He can say the things a P.O. can not. Hint, Hint..

Anonymous said...

we all have somethin to lose, i did not call all the s.p.d. officers pussies, i called chiefy a pussy for not having the balls enough to sign his name. he said i dont give a damn about the pay. i bet the officer and wife whos little girl needs braces and cant get them because theres no money cares aboit the pay. and im not scared of any man, sometimes i win and sometimes i lose, but i always show up. check me out youll see how crazy i am.

Anonymous said...

Again I say I'm in favor of bringing our town's pay in line with the other police departments. Having said that, I would also expect the level of protection to come up to other department's standards too.

Anonymous said...

Richard...the lack of protection is due to the lack of officers, not the lack of quality (as much!!) There are so many good officers that work for SPD, these officers are just as good as any other agency...there is only two things they are and quantity of officers...the rest will follow!