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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Why Is The Mayor So Hell Bent On The North Prong?

I just checked the condos on Riverside Drive (“River Place”). As of June 1 they have deeded 3 of 42 units, the last one sold in Dec. 2007. Two other condo projects on Riverside have been killed before they even start.

This plus the now defunct and part built condo on Fitzwater says a whole lot about how the “North Prong” and downtown development is likely to fare.

Also understand that the available residential units on the market in Wicomico County is now at an all-time high. The vacant commercial space seems to be growing all over the City, just look around.

The Downtown Plaza is just loaded with commercial and residential space available and nothing is moving at all. When I was in Ocean City yesterday it was just unbelievable the amount of commercial space that was available.

Mayor Barrie Tilghman has had 10 years to do something/anything with the Downtown Plaza and I'm sorry Folks but if you can't get ANYONE excited about that area, you're not going to get anyone else excited about any other area either.

I've even heard through the grapevine that there are now some serious issues with the plans of commercial space and or the entire commercial project over by the Shorebirds Stadium.

"Motive" is the key word here referencing the Mayor and the North Prong along the River. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientists to clearly see this Mayor is banking on development on the West side of the City. Look, she wants a new GOB and they still haven't signed contracts with the County for their share of that building. They built a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station over there. They have a newer Police Station, the Mayor wants that land cheap and the fact that she has absolutely 100% failed at revitalizing the Downtown area, she wants the taxpayers to relocate everything elsewhere and create a new City of Salisbury. Nevertheless, they can take that land cheap. Write up enough properties in the depressed areas of the City and take those properties back for nothing. This Mayor isn't stupid.

The Downtown area is NOT a lost cause. When you set a goal to make something work, it usually works, especially when you have the infrastructure already in place. What the taxpayers of Salisbury need to realize is, this Mayor has burned out her welcome and has proven she's just not the right person to run this City.

It's time for a change and Enough is Enough! Keep the old Fire Station and use it to relocate one of the branches of Government the City needs to relocate out of the GOB. Heck, why not move the Mayor's Office and the Administration to that facility? There's lots of great ideas that can be done and it would save some of the historical parts of Salisbury everyone would enjoy.

The North Prong is NOT something the City should be considering right now. Start with the Downtown Plaza and prove it's worth growing any more and look at the signs all around you, NOTHING is selling or renting and we as a Country, (let alone a City or County) are not in a position for growth right now.


Anonymous said...


And now Barrie is pushing a special walkway between the downtown and Fitzwater Street -- more nonsense at taxpayer expense.

If they just took 10% of the money they waste on studies and consultants and rehabbed the Downtown Plaza (and closed it to vehicle traffic) that could make a real difference.

Anonymous said...

Barrie Tilghman has been a disaster for the City by running up huge debt on the notion that new development would be a boon. The record is that is rarely does that in good times and in times like these it's a killer for the taxpayers as development and developers fall by the wayside.

Keep an eye on Aydelotte Farm and the old mall projects, where the City has agreed to or provided huge subsidy (TIF's, etc.). Then there are those Enterprise zone deals that don't make any sense. And don't forget Marley Manor (Rinnier) and Sassafras Meadows (Ruark) where Barrie did big developer reimbursement deals.

Anonymous said...

Barrie wants the north prong just so she can say she TOOK it from people that have worked hard all their lives to maintain their businesses.

Gary wants to run a road across the river from Carroll St and connect to Lake St. He says we can do away with the bridges. Sounds to me like he thinks this is another DUNN deal.

Hang on Farmers and Planters. Hang on Jim Perdue. They are banking on you moving out so they can steal the other properties from the Holloways, Cains, Disharoons and others.

Tell that woman to go pound sand. She won't be around much longer anyway.

Anonymous said...

Obviously someone she knows stands to make a fortune somehow in this deal, just like the LLC that sold the land the new fire station sits on.

Anonymous said...

Is the city responsible for keeping the Riverwalk area clean and inviting? I was so embarrassed the last time I took visitors from out of town there. Not only did the river smell "funny" and have trash floating by, but all the trashcans were overflowing and had flies buzzing around.
Instead of creating a NEW walkway or anything downtown, how about taking care of the things Salisbury already HAS, Miss Mayor!!!! Riverwalk and the City Park need to get some attention before you create any new areas, please.

Anonymous said...

Double Bingo!

All Barrie does is blow money on starting and studying something, then she leaves it to rot as she blows money on starting and studying something else.

She has WRECKED this city!

Anonymous said...

the local economy is like the national economy, crap. the recession has been here for two years and still the goverment and news media portray it as bad loans. this recession is not all about bad loans, there is no work, regaurdless of the trade/buisness your in. the average american has been broke for a long time. just now they cant refinance their home anymore because there already over valued on it and the tightening of all credit took that borrowing power away from the average middle class american. i believe the worst is yet to come, exspecially localy. the foreclosures of resedential single family homes will skyrocket in the next few years. the eastern shore is gonna dry up like an old turd laying in the sun. the middle class working american is a dieing breed. itll surprise me if any remnance of the america we all grew up in still exsist in ten years. corporate capitalistic money whores control everything we see,read and hear. the country may not make it threw this, scary aint it. the american nightmare is gonna come for all of us soon, when did life become the endless pursuit of money.

Anonymous said...

I think she is just in love with the word " PRONG" !

Anonymous said...

It would be beneficial if the businesses in the downtown plaza were open on the weekends. There's nothing to draw people there.

I live downtown right across 13 off of N. Division. I've walked over to the plaza on a Saturday thinking there'd be some places to eat, some stores to browse. Nope, closed on the weekend. Does it make sense?

Anonymous said...

It is always best to start what you finish before you jump off of the roof again.

This mayor has ruined what was a nice little town, even when it was still considered the hub of Delmarva, oh but that wasn't good enough, she wanted it all and has now blown the whole wad and spit it out. This has gotten to be the biggest F'up on the eastern shore and our local government majority pushed for every unsuccessful bit of it.

I do believe someone from dead in the grave could beat either her or Gary in a fair honest election. Is that really possible here in the septic tank of Maryland?

Anonymous said...

I got her PRONG and may she choke on it, gag biotch

Anonymous said...

Joe, do you the real story of why the project Gillis & Gilkerson was proposing a few years ago for the downtown area didn't pan out? They were discussing condos, large parking garage, commercial space below, etc. It sounded exciting, but the project died. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and some years back there was a contractor who was proposing a mall to cover the plaza and include the library, which sounded way over the top. So, itr never went any further. Barrie sure did not learn a thing from that and other fiasco's she has initiated. Her and the bobble heads must be stopped, before we all go down with them!

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I got her PRONG and may she choke on it, gag biotch

7:36 PM

Can I gag on it :D

Ex Council Prez

Anonymous said...

Now THAT was funny.

My earlier post should have read, "You should finish what you have started before jumping off of the roof again."