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Monday, June 23, 2008

Since When Does WET Speak for Me?

In Sunday's Daily Times we are treated to a letter to the editor from John Groutt calling for Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman to appoint "a blue ribbon panel of experts and citizens to review the accidents (the recent spills at the Salisbury WWTP). Groutt happens to be the past-president of the Wicomico Environmental Trust (WET).

Buried at the bottom of Groutt's warm and fuzzy monologue is the following:
Groutt writes on behalf of the Wicomico Environmental Trust and Wicomico County citizens. -- Editor
With all due respect Susan, since when does Mr. Groutt or WET speak for me? The last time I checked, I was still a citizen of Wicomico County.

How many spills have there been in recent years at the WWTP? Where has WET been up until recently? It's been people like Joe Albero who have been beating the drum and getting called a "crackpot" for their trouble.

Now Groutt and his comrades want a "blue ribbon panel". I can only imagine the type of panel that would be appointed by Tilghman. We need to remember that she appointed a slum lord to chair the board regulating rental housing in Salisbury. The Salisbury taxpayer has just finished paying tens of thousands of dollars to lose a lawsuit defending the behavior of Tilghman appointees at the Salisbury Historic District Commission.

Of course that doesn't matter to these people who are supposedly speaking for me. No. What matters is getting ink. What matters is getting grants. What matters is media exposure that will eventually convince a mind numbed populace that groups like WET really do have their best interests at heart.

That's OK John. Politics is politics. Just next time do me a favor; ask Susan print an accurate bio line:
Groutt writes on behalf of the Wicomico Environmental Trust and lefty, tree hugging Wicomico County citizens. -- Editor

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...


Let's not forget the "salary review committee" that Barrie appointed that met in secret and recommended the 150% raise that she has received in the past few years. In a few months that process will begin again.

Anonymous said...

John Groutt or anyone else from WET speaks for me, I am quite capable of speaking for myself.

WET had no interest in all of the previous spills, the open pipes draining directly into the river from the zoo and the WWTP. They had no interest in the illegal sludge pit at the WWTP, what is their interest now? I'll tell you what their interest is. WATERKEEPERS. That is their interest. Once posted here that waterkeepers did in fact respond timely to the cries from the citizens of Wicomico County they pull their heads out of the sand and now want a blue ribbon panel. Give all of us a break, you have no more interest in this county than Barrie Tilghman. Unless your interest is the same as hers, purely financial gain for her friends. Is Mr. Groutt a friend of BPT or her husband?

Go back to sleep Mr. Groutt, let us citizens that have been keeping up with these spills handle it. You had no interest in the past, no need making an attempt to speak for anyone now. As was said in the Daily Slime... "you guys are WET alright, wet all over." Actually, I think WET is still WET behind the ears.

Blue Ribbon ass

Anonymous said...

WET is just another political committee to suck money out of taxpayers. Pretl was all for the original Old Mall proposal with too much density. He's a lawyer? The citizens made the right choice to let a judge decide and they were right.

All the sewage spills and WET seems like they are afraid to lead the charge, when that is what they should be doing.

Anonymous said...

WET! That's one hell of an environmental group you folks have over there. The only environment they are protecting is their own.

Anonymous said...

Good post GA. Dot and I were members of WET at one time not too long ago, but soon could see that it really wasn't doing anything for the environment that we had expected, so we dropped out. It was about the time Mr. Pretl came on the seen from Baltimore area and we did not agree with what his agenda was for WET. This Blue Ribbon Panel best be ordinary citizens, or dare I suggest the "dirty dozen"?

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

let me let you know a little secret; it is way beyond a "dirty dozen" now. I see at least one really really pissed off platoon (hoping to be a company soon).