Over the past week we advertised this memorial event held yesterday at the WCYCC and although the seats were full of veterans of many different wars and branches of service, I thought the public attendance sucked.
Forgetting where you came from will destroy this Country, I don't care what anyone says. I'll add, no one else has the ba_ _s to take the time and actually write an article like this. Shame on all of you! Do tell me, (there's plenty of room for comments) just what excuse YOU want to make as to why you couldn't take the time out of your day yesterday to educate your children? There were so many Soldiers who would have been glad to take the time and tell you their story.
No, you will not see this in The Daily Times, 47 News and or 16 News because they too refused to show respect for all these fine local men and women who served YOU to give US the freedom we now enjoy in this Country.
Although some Politicians were out of town, SHAME ON THE MAJORITY OF THEM WHO DIDN'T SHOW UP YESTERDAY! I'll NOT forget that either, because it says a whole lot about who they are! Joe Holloway, Bill McCain, & Gail Bartgovitch were present. Debbie Campbell was there with her Family. THAT'S IT! I know Rick Pollitt was in New York but Mayor Barrie Tilghman, NO SHOW! I'm sorry Folks. I know this isn't my normal style, especially lately but this just ticked me off to no end. Where are all the Teachers/Educators? Even the normal volume of Bikers that usually show us was limited to a dozen or so people/bikes. WE'RE AT WAR PEOPLE! I give up.
Thank You, ALL of you, who attended.
I SHOULD ADD: Not One Fire Truck! Not One Police Car! Not One Fireman! Not One Police Officer! No Ladder Trucks with the American Flag being flown between the two of them, yet they can find the time to do so when they all know the Press is going to be there for a fundraiser. The whole thing made me sick, quite frankly!
How about the fact some people have to work to support their families. Nuff said.
Some do, you're right. Most do not on Saturday.
Hell I had to work Memorial day too...and I own my own company, fact is I'm forced to work twice as hard and twice as long just to began to make up for all the increase cost this year. I'm sure no one meant to be disrespectful.
Whothe hell thinks they have the authorty to change Holiday dates anyway? and on a Saturday to boot?Whats next Christmas? Thanksgiving? Kiss my brown stripes!
One of the few 100% accurate posts on this blog.Those of us that enjoy this unwarranted comfort of todays lifestyle should be ashamed to look a combat veteran in the eye.I can not change what I did yesterday,but tomorrow I will send a $100 donation to John Terrel toward the Memorial fund.Thank you vets,including my late father.
I didn't go because I knew you and your ultra rightous ass would be there.
we have a volunteer armed services, world war II was a war that had to be fought, damn if i support the wars since, theyve all been politically motivated buisness decisions, wars we shouldnt of been in in the first place,didnt support them still dont. many of our young soldiers today are only in the service because higher education is out of their grasp and serving is in their minds the only alternative, still controlled by the rich and the shameless. fuck the services.
MY father was a Major, and my uncle was a well respected Admiral who retired about 15 years ago. I did not attend the Memorial Day service because I am disgusted with the US military's conduct in the Iraq war.
We are an invading, occupying power in a back water hell hole that presented no credible threat to us beyond GW Bush and his necon handlers idiotic fantasies.
Beyond the raw stupidity and squandering waste of lives and resources involved, our presence in Iraq is near criminal on multiple levels. Through Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo we have managed to defecate all over the ethics and ideals we held dear and represented to the world.
We have become fascists and the military has become our enforcement thugs. There is no reason to celebrate the military this Memorial Day.
I have to agree with you here, it was a poor showing at best. I think the county did a great job of preparing for hot weather (poor ROTC kid almost passed out) and it seemed organized nicely. The lack of participation surprised me in that there were no other events of this nature going on at the same time. Not like last Monday where there were several of these events going on simultaneously.
Maybe... and this is a stretch, many people had already celebrated on the traditional Monday.
Anon1027 thats so wrong I cant begin to name the reasons why.
you are right it really did suck
there was hardly anyone there and this is suppose to a day to remember but i guess ppl like havin war and other things
anonymous 10:36,
First of all, you're excuse is pitiful. It's a memorial, NOT a celebration. Secondly, these men and women have served YOU! I don't give a damn what this Country has recently chosen to do, I personally think you're a fool. I do not believe in the current War but I make NO excuses as to why I would go and show my SUPPORT for those who have served us UNCONDITIONALLY! You should have been there and your EXCUSE sucks!
the JROTC Cadets have more respect and there not even in the armed services its leadership being show to the public thet didnt have to be there they had the choose and they love showing there leadership skills to the public
To 10:36
If you were in my company in 1967
I would consider you the enemy.
The odds that you would return to
your squad or patrol unit would
be 0%.
I am right there with mister 9:41 am. Also on Memorial Day I paid my respects.
Anonymous said...
To 10:36
If you were in my company in 1967
I would consider you the enemy.
The odds that you would return to
your squad or patrol unit would
be 0%.
11:59 AM
My thoughts exactly
To Anon 10:27am and Anon 10:36am as well as other assholes like you,
If you don’t stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them!
I am ashamed of myself for not taking off to attend. It was selfish of me. I did work but I could have taken off. Thanks for bringing me back to reality, and where was Mike Lewis,David See, Bill Gordy,and a few more? I will make sure I attend next year!
I can't speak for 16 or 47,but think the Daily Times was extremely remis in not displaying this event prominately on PAGE ONE! In fact it wasn't even mentioned anywhere in the the whole paper.
Ken Smith
Obviously 10:27 and one or two like him/her need to spend some time in the military so they learn respect for those that have. Put them in combat too, cause I doubt they would last long as one poster said! I couldn't be there, since I had to be dialized that morning, sorry. Otherwise I would have been there too.
A. Goetz
Anon 12:25.....Amen to you. I did not attend yesterday because I had no choice but to work a mandatory 8 hour shift. I respect all who have served and even more so since my husband and father of my children has been in Baghdad since November on his second term in that hell hole. I do not agree with war but I will always respect and support the soldiers who have risked or gave their lives for this country. And to those that say fuck the service, then fuck you. Let me see you voluntarily sign up and live through hell without your families and knowing that any day could be your last. Watching kids put their guns in their mouths and blowing their brains out because they can't take it anymore, or watching your buddies die in front of you. And they are doing it for this country, for people they don't even know. So while you are in your comfortable home with your families saying fuck the services just remember that there are alot of children who are losing their fathers or children who don't have their fathers with them just waiting for the day they will see them. People like you with your ignorant attitude make me sick. Forget all the political bullshit behind the war, there are young soldiers who have died for this country and more to die for it just for ignorant assholes like yourself.
So you thought you should be there, and you went. Everyone else is not your problem. I don't need to give anyone a reason or an "excuse" as to why I spent the day with my family, at the pool.
Memorial Day was MONDAY anyway!
Anon 10:36AM
Thank you. And ditto.
Joe Albero:
The soldiers have sworn an oath to uphold the United States Constitution. They have let us down big time. They are obviously too brain washed to know who is the enemy. They should throw these politicians into the brig, and restore order in America. However, the soldiers are too stupid to know the difference between a legal order and the 3rd Reich which has siezed control of our Country. If they want to go to Iraq and Afghanistan and murder innocent civilians - then literally, "to hell with all of them". Thank you for being fair and posting this comment.
Joe: now you are speaking about real issues! Thanks. This is the very conversation which our Zionist-controlled media WON'T ENGAGE.
Americans are finally waking up to the reality that our Government is out of control. We no longer wish to honor the stupid people who join this ugly military and commit violent crimes against citizens.
Some of you think killing Muslims is fine and dandy. Some of you also believe everything this corrupt administration is feeding you on the nightly news. To you who think if I don't support the murderers . . . I mean, soldiers then I should stand in front of them - how about this: If I think it is wrong to kill civilians for corporations, then why would I wish to stand in front? Think about it. I am saying, It is wrong to kill these people and our Government are the terrorists! Why then, would I wish to also be a victim of their thugs in uniform? You make no sense.
This will not be posted and if it is, it will be buried so that nobody will see it.
A proud and gratefull to be an
I wish I knew who some of these Obama loving liberal pussies were???
I hope it is just one punk making all this noise. His daddy or granddaddy must have been a liberal draft dodger in the 60's.
The soldiers have sworn an oath to uphold the United States Constitution
Yes, you stupid SOB they did swear to uphold the constitution, they also swore to obey the Commander in Chief which is at the present time George W. Bush. Right or wrong orders are followed, not questioned.
If you don't like what this country is doing.....LEAVE. There are one way flights daily out of BWI, you and your kind won't be missed. Go spew your liberal bleeding heart bullshit elsewhere
Is that Don Coffin the tax messiah in that picture? I guess he got what he wanted and now doesnt care about what happens.
Yes these soldier fought for our freedom....freedom NOT to attend a memorial if we dont want to. Freedom to harass us through your blog too, if thats what you think is cool. I know you wont post this but just thought you should know.
Anon 11:41
You are sad. The troops are forbidden from obeying an illegal order. Period.
Why do you think a person should leave if he/she does not condone your murderous war-mongering? You are pathetic.
America is about having the freedom to dissent. I dissent. No, I am not leaving. Thank you.
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