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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Quote of the Day

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it".
Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

To what?

Barack Obama in an empty suit that is promising the same liberal agenda that has fail every time it has been attempted.

Anonymous said...

tell us something we didn't know.

Anonymous said...

I did not know this was a political blog...
(not what i come here to read, but... I guess its not my blog)

Anonymous said...

My goodness Wymzie. You're losing any credibility you may have had.

This is not anything Obama has ever said. A simple google search, or just checking proves it.

I'd have thought you'd have learned a lesson after your post about Obama taking his oath of office over the Koran. (for those who might have missed it, THAT didn't happen either).

dan said...

Two for two Wymzie. Where do you get your politial ideas,

If I wanted to read this stuff, i would go to any of the right-wing slander blogs (including Duvall, Worcester Right...)

i do not expect everyone to subscribe to the same opinions, but I would hope fr a higher level of discourse in some places.

Thank you for letting me know that I can not expect it from you Wym.

Anonymous said...

The right wing rednecks are going nuts with the prospect of an Obama presidency.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the big deal, I agree with Wymzie and Joe, besides it is a Blog, for all opinions. Anyway you Barrack lovers go right ahead, then you will be the first to bitch later

Anonymous said...

I've already lost respect for Wymzie.

I'm not thrilled about Obama (or Clinton), and I don't hate McCain.

But this b.s. does NOTHING to help us choose.

And anybody who's got to try to win for their candidate by this low-level smear and ugliness will NOT convince me to vote against that candidate or FOR the candidate they support.

Hasn't America had ENOUGH of this? Can't ANYBODY discuss issues any more????

Anonymous said...

Why does he want to change it if that is the case?
I think it is down hill from here on.
Please dont show how dum you are if you vote for this guy. Im begging dont vote for him, something just in not right about him.
The only thing going to change is the name of The White house.Keep up the good work at this blog.
Excellent job. The people who dont like this blog dont like the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

Sory all you liberal idiots out there but this quote speaks the truth. We do live in THE GREASTEST
COUNTRY in the world. So why would you want to change that to the worst country in the world. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at Obama and what he stands for to figure out that if he becomes President we will really be in deep shit. Just look at what the Dems just did. Pass a three trillion dollar budget. Where is all of that money going to come from? Yep you guessed it our paychecks. Our pay keeps getting smaller even with raises because of increasing taxes and fuel cost.
Well be prepared if this guy gets in office the American dream will really be dead in the water. Mega taxes and nothing to show for it.
He has no experience and has no political accomplishments. So why would you vote for him. Just because you don't like Bush. Yeah well that is real smart. Duh. I believe this will be one of the most important elections you will ever participate in. We will either still be the best country in the world and try to make things better. Or we will be on the brink of losing all our freedoms and our money to big government and end up like the communists. The government will have it all and we will have nothing. Think about it Obama lovers. Its your future and the future of your children and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

"We do live in THE GREASTEST COUNTRY in the world. So why would you want to change that...?"

Because someone named Bush has really made a mess of things. Change is needed, and needed badly.

Who will put things right? McCain?? What a joke!

BossHogg said...

John Wade promised change and open government too...

Anonymous said...

Boss Hogg...why are you comparing Obama to John Wade? Because both are black?

Why not compare him to Louise Smith instead, if that's how you feel? Much better analogy when it comes to change and open government.

The covert racism is becoming overt here.

As for this being the greatest country ever, I agree. But do you think NOTHING needs to change about it? That actually undermines what's great about this country!

I don't even like Obama, but the comments here will make me listen twice now.

The hatred, the superficiality, the juvenile party people are FAR more scary than Obama!

This is one Independent that's looking hard at these candidates and issues. That's if I can see it for all the mud and scum you "great Americans" are slinging around.

So far, Ron Paul is looking real good to me. I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but he seems to be independent in his thinking, not a party hack. I hope he leaves the Republicans and runs as an Indie.

joe albero said...

Oh cut the crap. You're not going to vote for Obama anyway anonymous. Put your name up and people just might believe you. Many said the same crap about Andy Harris and he won hands down against Gilchrest.

You can talk all the crap you want, Obama will never see the light of day and this is exactly what the Republican's wanted anyway.

It's very simple. McCain has a track record, Obama does not. Putting Obama into Office would be no different from the Citizens of Salisbury voting for Barrie Tilghman again. You know, the House Wife that screwed up the City because she had no clue what she was doing. Then again, maybe she knew exactly what she wanted and screwed everyone anyway?

I may not believe McCain will go down into the History Books as the best President we've ever had but I can assure you he'll be one hell of a lot better than Bush!

Wymzie said...

Label me if you must.
Lose respect for me if you must.
Rank on me if you must.
But you people gotta know if this guy makes it to the White we are royally screwed!

Liberty will not be found in this man, Liberty will not be found in McCain.

If you want to really make a difference for every single person who says.. "There's NO WAY Ron Paul will win"! Vote for him!!!

By voting for McCain or Obama, you are solidifying the establishment of the police state that we now live in and you will watch everything that you know to be near and dear to your hearts be snatched out of your control.

Are you behind on your McMansion payments?
Thank the bastards, who enslaved you by lulling you into thinking the good times were going to continue to roll!
Every banking regulation that was set up after the '29 crash has been systematically dismantled over the last 15 years and here we sit. Slaves to the banks, the state,and to the gas companies.

We have sold our souls to foreign investors. Not a damn thing is made here anymore, and when you spend your stimulous check are you going to Walmart with it to support China, or are you going to get your prescriptions refilled so that you can zone out and forget how bad it really is.

Sorry, to those whose respect I have lost, I don't fit many labels, but I wasn't raised to buy all the BS that I'm sold.

If Barak didn't say it, oh well.
Do you check the sources of every article that you read in the Times, or the Post?

I have heard enough of what he has said with my own ears to hear that he said NOTHING that will change the direction that our government is currently headed.

Funny that he has campaigned on 'Change' but the changes he is talking about is building a bigger more oppressive government.

I don't want it, I don't think the freedom that beats in every single American's heart does either.

Anonymous said...

Wymzie, then post what Ron Paul is about if you support him.

Or put up the same crap on McCain. Be an equal opportunity slammer.

Joe, I don't know whom I'm going to vote for yet. And why do I have to put my name? You didn't tell others with an opposite viewpoint to "man up" to their statements.

You missed the point. Just campaigning against Obama -- and saying, "Oh well" when something false is posted is unacceptable, Wymzie.

Wymzie, if you are going to slam someone else's credibility, don't take offense when the you are asked to take responsibility for the credibility of your own.

This reminds me of what the mayor did to Tim Spies. That group used the same logic to justify what they did. (Note, I am NOT comparing Obama to Spies. Just the smear tactics of repeating false claims.)

Anonymous said...

wymzie, i just fell in love with you, finally someone other than me is pissed off by the truth.

Anonymous said...

I like your posts, Wymsie. You used to post on Delmarva dealings a lot. I usually find your topics thought provoking . If someone doesn't care for the topic, JUST TURN THE PAGE. We're not all on the same one, anyways. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Whether bho said this or not, the quote is a GRAND summary of what he speaks. "Vote for me, ...for change, daughters shouldn't be having daughters (pro abortion)...bring home the troops (anti military. hope they refuse to come. they are proud of their work, whether it was right or not.) our borders, the rich more, your retirement, new power plants, don't drill here (the gulf, Alaska, N & S Dakota, the Atlantic coast for oil. But China is NOW drilling off the Atlantic, horizontally, towards us.)
I'd like to see the price of gas go WAYYY down & deplete the supplies from Saudi Arabia & other oil rich countries. Then we can supply them.& let them depend on us for theirs...
I won't go on.
Oh, you got me started...

xploded said...

Wymzie don't worry about a poster and his so called respect. I have no respect for anyone that doesn't think for themself and lets the media and the politically correct crowd make their decisions for them. Anybody dumb enough to vote for this clown deserves no respect.

dan said...

Amen, 1:22. You have a responsibility Wymzie, whether you like it, me, or not. If you post something that turns out to be false, and your response to finding out its illigitamcy is "oh, well," then you are no better than the source of the misinformation or the motives behind them.

It is like telling the world that a madman ruler of another country was trying to buy yellowcake uranium from another country and going to war on that information. but, upon finding out that the information you used was false, your only response is, "whoops."

Criticize on the issues. Comment on the issues. And if you truly hate all the major candidates, them smear and slander and throw mud equally and across all barriers.

Your Ron Paul post is a good one because it addresses ISSUES, something that each of your Obama posts is sorely lacking.

Ranting like a crazy person is best left to the anonymous posters of this and every blog. (Of course, maybe that is why they remain anonymous....)

Anonymous said...

And, of course Dan is NOT anonymous cause, he uses his first name.
Gimme a break.


joe albero said...

I know who Dan is and that's all that counts to me.

Anonymous said...

Qouthe Dan:

"Ranting like a crazy person is best left to the anonymous posters of this and every blog. (Of course, maybe that is why they remain anonymous....)

All due respect Mr. A., but Dan remains anonymous to the rest of us.