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Saturday, June 07, 2008

143 Days

Obama's 143 Days of Senate Experience

Just how much Senate experience does Barack Obama have in terms of actual work days? Not much.

From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.

After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan.

143 days -- I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that.

In contrast, John McCain's 26 years in Congress, 22 years of military service including 1,966 days in captivity as a POW in Hanoi now seem more impressive than ever. At 71, John McCain may just be hitting his stride.



Anonymous said...

Voting "present" over a hundred times.

(Goes to show you what he stands for)

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many days Obama can take at the Honoi Hilton??? I bet he would squeal like a pig and turn on this country like there is no tomorrow. Wait, he has already done that!! And his wife says for the first time in her life she is proud to be an American?? Why, because her husband may be the president? Ship both of them racists out of here.

Anonymous said...

They ARE racist...and so is the big "O"!, the most racist of all!

Anonymous said...

The Audacity of Hope written by Obama with the help of his personal friend and spiritual mentor, Farrakhan and Kadhafi's friend, Jeremiah "God damn America" Wright: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction," Barrack Obama.

Anonymous said...

look at it this way... he never claims to be half white, does he?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
look at it this way... he never claims to be half white, does he?

8:18 AM

I don't care if he was black or white as long as he was a decent person.

Lt. Governor Michael Steele was by far one of the most credible individuals the state of Maryland has seen in a long time. This man has the potential to go places and I would be honored to call him my Governor or President.

Michaels problem was that he wasn't liberal enough for the mainstream media or the people of this state. It's a shame that good Americans can't think for themselves and are easily persuaded by the liberal media.

Anonymous said...

What is worse than Obama being elected president?

Answer: Obama being assasinated while president.

Think about that for a minute.

Anonymous said...

only meant to point out the "racist factor". I don't care if he's pismuckle orange, he's NOT qualified.
And, he sleeps with dogs! Don't tell me there are no fleas.

Anonymous said...

I, too loved Steele and am still in shock over his loss to Cardin.
Can't understand that one, to this day.
(Except, more dead democrats voted than are registered, perhaps?)

Anonymous said...

Joe, the real sad thing there really are so few good candidates. With hundreds of great people our country is supporting someone that does not support us, this is the worst day in history if he gets elected. It was very hard for me not to say many of the discritive words I have for him, bottom line he is not a true American.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
only meant to point out the "racist factor". I don't care if he's pismuckle orange, he's NOT qualified.
And, he sleeps with dogs! Don't tell me there are no fleas.

8:55 AM

I agreed with you, I was expressing my point as well. Thanks for you support for the better candidate.

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail right on the HEAD.

Anonymous said...

The country will be destroyed if this man gets in, The Democratic party has gone so far off the deep end they have no clue about morality or anything else. What a shame that the country has gone to this.

If I could get into other countries as easily as anyone can get into here, I would leave as soon as Obama wins, if he wins.

Opera is another one that needs to leave, she is another problem with this country.

Freedom to do anything has caused this, we allow people to express themselves in our country, which is fine but people like Rosie and Opera now want to shove it down our throats and make us be lik ethem.

We will not hav ethe bible in the schools, but the Quoran will be.

OBAMA, you suck and you have alternative motives, you have special interest groups called African Americans.

Anonymous said...

Obama couldn't handle the shortest stint in bootcamp, being 5 weeks with the USAF.

Lord help us all if this man is elected. Some of you might want to start bidding on that arsenal in Charlton Hestons basement.

Anonymous said...

i personaly do not believe that is anywhere enough experiance to become president, how-ever the president is merly a position anymore the real power in goverment is congress. but it is all for not because the corporate elite capitalistic powers control all of the country. these politicians are bought and sold like a navy whore. non of this political stuff means anything at all. our goverment is like a buch of puppets hanging from strings, and capitalistic corporate devils are holding the strings. you and i are pawns that keep buying all this foreign shit that is junk, in some ,or most cases we may not have an american product to buy. the corporate capitalistic devils loved nafta,cafta and all the other trade agreements that have ravaged and raped our country because they care more about money than they do their own country or people. i think they should all be tried for crimes against the state and hung.

Anonymous said...

Man are we in trouble now.
I would not waste my gas @ 99cents a gallon to vote for obama,or mccain, much less at $4.50 a gallon . What a waste of good gasoline.
Why does everyone think Mccaine qualifies as president because he was a pow in the vietnam war?
Do they teach politics at the hanoi hilton?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:13 - what is the matter with you? What other choice is there except McCain - one who will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction? That is the most UNAmerican statement ever!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Man are we in trouble now.
I would not waste my gas @ 99cents a gallon to vote for obama,or mccain, much less at $4.50 a gallon . What a waste of good gasoline.
Why does everyone think Mccaine qualifies as president because he was a pow in the vietnam war?
Do they teach politics at the hanoi hilton?

1:13 PM

Another dumbass liberal democrat that does't have enough sense to vote for the lesser of the two evils.

I encourage anyone and everyone with good sense and good morals to do the right thing and exercise your right to vote. For the sake of this country that vote needs to be for McCain!!!

Anonymous said...


PS - Will Barrie Tilghman be a delegate at the DNC committed to her role model -- Hillary?

Anonymous said...

Believe me! OBAMA will not win !

Anonymous said...

George W. Bush
0 days in the Senate
Bill Clinton
0 days in the Senate

What does the Senate have to do with anything? Either you think he can lead our country or not.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think Obama can lead the country, but John McCain certainly can. John isn't JUST a vet of Nam's Hanoi Hilton. John could have walked away from that prison by giving in to the Viet leaders wanted. No, he chose to stay and help other prisoners. You folks need to read what Air Force Col. Day had to say about John helping him correct the broken arm that the Viets set in a way that it would heal crooked. John reset it for him and used pieces of bambo they found on the grounds of the prison to reset the arm correctly, so that Day could continue to fly for the Air Force, if and when he got out of the prison. Many prisoners over there say that John is a hero and I do believe he is, but what's better than that is that John is a true American with many years of leading Senatorial Committee's. You can't find a better person to become President than John McCain!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No, I don't think Obama can lead the country, but John McCain certainly can. John isn't JUST a vet of Nam's Hanoi Hilton. John could have walked away from that prison by giving in to the Viet leaders wanted. No, he chose to stay and help other prisoners. You folks need to read what Air Force Col. Day had to say about John helping him correct the broken arm that the Viets set in a way that it would heal crooked. John reset it for him and used pieces of bambo they found on the grounds of the prison to reset the arm correctly, so that Day could continue to fly for the Air Force, if and when he got out of the prison. Many prisoners over there say that John is a hero and I do believe he is, but what's better than that is that John is a true American with many years of leading Senatorial Committee's. You can't find a better person to become President than John McCain!!

7:57 PM

I would rather vote for a boring, old war hero than I would an anti-American racist!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I, too loved Steele and am still in shock over his loss to Cardin.
Can't understand that one, to this day.
(Except, more dead democrats voted than are registered, perhaps?)

8:58 AM

That is exactly what happened, "Vote Early, Vote Often." That has been the ace in the hole for the Democrats for some time now. Look at the evidence from fraudulent voting by John Wade. Where do you think he learned that trick.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Believe me! OBAMA will not win !" 5:06 PM

You can get 2:1 odds over at Intrade. You can bet on McCain along with all those other losers. The smart money has Obama winning and winning big (especially in Maryland).

Railing on against Obama is the State of Maryland is a complete waste of your time.

I also argue that anyone who voted for Bush (either time), has nothing at all to say about who is actually qualified for the job!!!

Anonymous said...

If he will not salute our flag, he's no patriot and is NOT proud of his country, despite what his wife says about being proud. (she was proud "the first time" in her "adult life" ONLY after it began to look like he might win the battle with Clinton, who, I believe, is not yet "finished". When that ballot is printed without her name, then & only then will I believe it.)
Can't wait to view the end of the Clintonesque era.

Anonymous said...

Have you read the Pelosi block os the trade bill with our south American ally, Columbia.
We need worry about her as much as the bho man, if not MORE.
Then, whoever is the VP, will chair the Senate.

Another aside, how can an endorsement from Ted Kennedy be favorable?

Anonymous said...


That he's been in public office, which happens to be in the senate, is WHAT matters. He has NO EXPERIENCE.

Anonymous said...

Michael Steele had the BEST ads, too.

Anonymous said...

Vote for someone. Take a car full with you. Get everyone you know to vote AGAINST this man. There are at least 3 other candidates.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Vote for someone. Take a car full with you. Get everyone you know to vote AGAINST this man. There are at least 3 other candidates.

9:00 AM

This has got to be the dumbest strategy. McCain is the only one that has a chance Voting for some other than McCain is a vote for Obama. Get your head out of your ass and breathe oxygen somtime. I think you are loosing brain cells.

Anonymous said...

Mcain leans to the left more than I would like. As a "maverick" senator, I witnessed his "quieting" by current administration over the last 4 to 6 years and I said, "Oh, He's gonna run." He's been promised the presidency.
Over the last 2 years he's "softened" considerably, and if I vote for him, it will be as the lesser of the 2 evils. I've been watching obh for about as long and said the same thing. Whenever I spoke of him, no one had ever heard of him. Wish that remained the case.