
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Saturday, June 07, 2008

CHANGE, I Don't Think So


Anonymous said...

Without even getting into the "whole mess" with this man.... he is just a disgrace...

Anonymous said...

Spreading lies, rumors, and gossip... Show me a credible source about that Koran businuess, or the pledge. Give me a real reason to vote for whom you want in office. This stuff is childiish, irrelevant, and most likely, not true.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Spreading lies, rumors, and gossip... Show me a credible source about that Koran businuess, or the pledge. Give me a real reason to vote for whom you want in office. This stuff is childiish, irrelevant, and most likely, not true.

7:27 AM

Believe what you want, but if you think this man is the best choice for office then you need to get an appointment with a psychiatrist.

This "stuff" is not childish and irrelevant. Thank you Joe for having the courage to make these posts.

I love this picture and I am going to send it to as many people as I can and I encourage everyone to do the same.

John McCain is not my choice for President, but he is the best choice.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with race but I feel he just may be a less experienced "Jimmy Carter". Was I better off after Carters 4 years? Hardly! Now believe you me, Bush has also just about brought his country to its knees but I'll say that rant for a another day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Audacity of Hope written by Obama with the help of his personal friend and spiritual mentor, Farrakhan and Kadhafi's friend, Jeremiah "God damn America" Wright: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction," Barrack Obama.

Anonymous said...

Dear 7:51AM:
He may or may not be the best man for the job. Vote for who you want. I'm just telling you, don't believe the hype. Show me a source. Stand behind some real information. We are not in high school anymore. Or are we?

Anonymous said...

Obama is not, seasoned, if you will, enough to be president of anything let alone a nation at war.

John McCain is not my choice however, I believe him to be the lesser of two evils. Doesn't mean I'll vote for him either. There are always options.

No matter who I vote for, I will vote, because if you don't vote, DON'T BITCH!

Anonymous said...

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there!

Wymzie said...

Anon 7:27
Are you kidding?

I watched it live on CNN & Fox when he swore on the Quoran.

I was breaking national news at the time.

This is the problem with America.
We live in an age of 'sound bites'
and have an attention span of about 30 seconds!

Pull your heads out of you $$S!!!

Wymzie said...

Sorry for the typo's.

I just got really pissed!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that picture! soo true, and soo scary!

Anonymous said...

You are remembering when Keith Ellison (D, MN) was sworn in on the Koran, he is a Muslim. Obama was sworn in on the Bible.

Anonymous said...

hey wymizie you lose a lot of credibility when you swear you saw something live on cnn and fox news. what you saw on tv was a congressman from Minesota get sworn in after the 2006 mid-term elections. You give credibility to the notion that there is a lack of intellectual arguements on the conservative side of the political divide.

Anonymous said...

OBAMA is a very good speaker.He
should have been a minister.
He doesn't have the experience that is needed to be in charge of the military or for that matter ,
the country!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:57AM said "Obama is not, seasoned, if you will, enough to be president of anything let alone a nation at war. "

But the real problem is that McCain is WHOLLY unsuited to be Commander in Chief. The guy us a loose wire ready to start a nuclear war...

McCain joked about JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He said he probably would have acted on the first missive from the Kremlin and not have waited for the second. JFK was wise enough to simply discard that first message.

Yea.. If we had McCain back then, it would have been goodbye Washington and New York.

Obama is smart like JFK. That is EXACTLY what we need.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Obama is not, seasoned, if you will, enough to be president of anything let alone a nation at war.

John McCain is not my choice however, I believe him to be the lesser of two evils. Doesn't mean I'll vote for him either. There are always options.

No matter who I vote for, I will vote, because if you don't vote, DON'T BITCH!

8:57 AM

If you vote for the other "option" you are voting for Obama. McCain needs every vote he can get. Please do the right thing and vote for the lesser of the two evils. Please don't waste a good vote!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anon 8:57AM said "Obama is not, seasoned, if you will, enough to be president of anything let alone a nation at war. "

But the real problem is that McCain is WHOLLY unsuited to be Commander in Chief. The guy us a loose wire ready to start a nuclear war...

McCain joked about JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He said he probably would have acted on the first missive from the Kremlin and not have waited for the second. JFK was wise enough to simply discard that first message.

Yea.. If we had McCain back then, it would have been goodbye Washington and New York.

Obama is smart like JFK. That is EXACTLY what we need.

3:26 PM

You are a sick individual to think Obama is what we need. JFK was trouble just like the rest of the Kennedy's.

Anonymous said...

Obama is an empty suit. He is a gifted orator, but get him one on one with no script and it will show. Just another socialist with the same old tired plans to redistribute wealth. It is a shame that there is no true conservative to oppose him. McCain is just a light version of a lib.

Anonymous said...

The only smart choice is Ron Paul, but there aren't enough smart people to vote for him. Ron Paul is America's saving Grace.

dan said...

EVERYTHING is wrong about this.
He was NOT sworn in on the Koran, it was Ellison from MN (Anon 11:35 is correct.

He DOES say the Pledge of Allegiance.

He DOES salute the flag.

The "picture evidence" crazies like Wymzie will cite as "proof" ahs already been determined long ago NOT to be a piture of Obama disrespecting the flag during the Pledge.

Plus, you all better be sure you are all wearing your American Flag lapel pins 24 hours a day, or I will make sure to ask you daily why it is you hate America.

Seriously, Wymzie, check your facts. You come off as naive, predjudiced, ignorant, and dim.

Also, the addition of the Muslim Crescent into the ACLU logo was a very nice touch. So, we not only want to promote lies and ignorance, but outright make-believe and race-baiting. Good Work to the artist, Joe for posting it, and all of you brave Anonymous commentors to having the courage to stand behind your toxic words with your names. Bravo.

FYI - another person who never spent one day in the Senate: Ronald Reagan. He didn't wear a lapel pin either.


Anonymous said...

This Swift Boat/Karl Rovian prejudiced propaganda crap makes me sick.

I'm not a fan of Obama, but these false and hysterical smears are part of what's wrong with politics in our country right now.

As for the ACLU with the crescent, you may not like the outcome of some of the cases ACLU handles, but if it wasn't for groups like them defending our rights, your government would be walking all over you in worse ways than you complain about now.

The John McCain of 10 years ago I might have voted for, but he's a party hack now. Last thing we need is any more Bush.

Ron Paul is looking real good to me right now.

Maybe next time Americans will stop with the crappy sound bite assessment of candidates and listening to the fear-mongering smear on both sides.

We get the government we deserve by our apathy and lack of even a small effort to understand the issues and demand the stinking media cover them rather than personalities.

Anonymous said...

"The John McCain of 10 years ago I might have voted for, but he's a party hack now."

This is so true. McCain has flip-flopped on nearly every issue. He was against the tax cuts before he was for them. Ha Ha.

People said Kerry was a flip-flopper, but Kerry didn't hold a candle to McCain's flip-flopping. Almost every issue!!

Immigration, Taxes, Veterans support, Preemptive war, health care, deficit spending, pork barrel spending, campaign reform,.... It goes on and on!! Where's the real McCain? Is there a real man there somewhere???

Anonymous said...

dan said...

Wah Wah Wah!
Dan, prove that Ronald Reagan never war a Flag Lapel pin. Prove that Obama says the pledge of allegience, prove that he puts his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, prove that he does salute the American Flag.

Dan, why don't you do what you do best. Go back to slopping at the public troughs like you have been doing for years. Don't they allow you to speake at the BOE? You are just like most liberal democrats working for the government. All you want is more, more, more and you will do anything to get another liberal democrat in office to spread the wealth.

Anonymous said...

Can't you people criticize Obama for anything substantial? Why do you continue to spread these lies (the Muslim thing, the Pledge thing, etc, etc)?

I figure it's because if you actually took the time to outline some of Obama's positions on the important issues, you would find that many of your readers would agree with him.

In other words, is this the best you can do? Lies about his religion and character? Do you really think the good-hearted people of this country won't take the time to find out the truth?

dan said...

Actually, I take back what I said in today's post (the "Obama leter") about how this blog was almost like Duvall's. Actually, with anonymous posters being allowed to attack other posters on here, it is EXACTLY like Duvall's, and the reason I stopped reading his.

Hey, Mrs. 11:22,

I do not have to prove anything or do anything for anyone who is not going to state who they are, or blabs on and on about one person's position without actually stating theirs.

In Joe's terms, be a MAN and use your name. ROTFLMAO.

If you can not defend your guy (McCain) or the former Yale Cheerleader (Bush) than that is your problem. But simply spreading lies about Obama and attacking me for my opinions is only proof that you can't debate on the issues.

Sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Very good cartoon. He will probably change the sign to say the Afro- Amercan House because it sounds better than changing it to the Black House. Man what a racist pig Obama is.

Anonymous said...

Strom Thurmond said...
Can't you people criticize Obama for anything substantial? Why do you continue to spread these lies (the Muslim thing, the Pledge thing, etc, etc)?

I figure it's because if you actually took the time to outline some of Obama's positions on the important issues, you would find that many of your readers would agree with him.

In other words, is this the best you can do? Lies about his religion and character? Do you really think the good-hearted people of this country won't take the time to find out the truth?

11:52 PM

What an insult to use Strom Thurmond's name you liberal moron!!

Anonymous said...

I posted for Dan the proof which he seeks in a web address. It didn't get posted.
I didn't know you couldn't post web addresses here.