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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fortis Bank Predicts US Economic Meltdown to be Within Weeks

American 'meltdown' reason for money injection Fortis.
28th of June, 9:10
BRUSSELS/AMSTERDAM - Fortis expects a complete collapse of the US financial markets within a few days to weeks. That explains, according to Fortis, the series of interventions of last Thursday to retrieve € 8 billion. "We have been saved just in time. The situation in the US is much worse than we thought", says Fortis chairman Maurice Lippens. Fortis expects bankruptcies amongst 6000 American banks which have a small coverage currently. But also Citigroup, General Motors, there is starting a complete meltdown in the US"


Tim Chaney said...

Wow my niece and her husband work for Citi-Bank in Wilmington. They were flooded out of their home twice, finally FEMA bought the whole developement to bulldoze.

Odd though, my niece bought that home from my sister, the 30 years my sister lived there they never got flooded. Niece and her hubby just can't catch a break looks like.

Damn they got all their eggs in one basket too.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot Economics Professors saying a meltdown is coming soon. The media doesn't want us to know about it. Are they trying to "protect us" or are they intentionally keeping us in the dark so the elites can capitalize?

Anonymous said...

An economic meltdown will be
caused by 50% true economic
problems and 50% news media
causing the public to panic.

Anonymous said...

yeah protect us from eating out of garbage cans?

Anonymous said...

succeed from the union now, we have the bay we can use the commerce which uses the bay to finance ourselves. we have the ocean, we can use it to finanace ourselves as well. the federal goverment has raped us for way to long, this is the answer.

Anonymous said...

So what is the suggestion? Take everything we have out of the bank in cash money and store it under the bed?

Wymzie said...

The more I'm reading and educating myself in this arena, the more inclined I am to believe that our Republic has become an Empire, that is quietly turning to tyranny.
I have found such unbelievable stuff, that I'm halfway afraid to post it as I will be written off as a whack job, but we are being fed the biggest line of shit from the MSM and the general public is being drugged and lulled into complacency, without a word of concern.
We are far to eager to trade our liberty for security, and the government is keenly aware of this.

Anonymous said...

"There are a lot Economics Professors saying a meltdown is coming soon."

Not the ones at SU! The "business trend anaylsis" gurus there think that Salisbury's economy is bullet proof.

I suppose it is: if you area tenured professor.

P.S., Wymzie you are right on. As you said, "the general public is being drugged and lulled into complacency," especially when we trust the "experts" frequently quoted in the Daily Times.

Anonymous said...

Fortis Bank and insurance are a
very small piece of the pie.
If they went chapter 11 our country
would'nt miss a beat.They are over rated and are trying to protect
their holdings.

Anonymous said...

so many ignorant people.sad.we are now a society that believes anything and everything we hear from our coworkers,our neighbors,even our 12 year old children.believe this,we will not have an economic collapse ln the next year,gas will NOT reach $5 in the next 6 months[unless iran war] and most of us will make big changes to our read it here.

Russ Logan said...

The stock market has been down this week. Just remember now is the time to buy cheap. Don't Panic.

Anonymous said...

The following statement is not meant to offend anyone, on the contrary, it is meant as a historical reminder.

Hitler and his underlings lulled the many in the world to a permanent sleep.

Believe nothing your government declares. Question authority, always. Rely on no one.

Anonymous said...

Trust no one !