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Friday, May 02, 2008

Pocomoke City Mayor McDermott Responds to Citizen Input on Skate Park Design Flaws

The professionals from ARC (American Ramp Company) designed the park and included the features which were requested by about 25 young people who took the time to attend a Public Meeting held at City Hall over a year ago. The features in the park were those requested by our young people during that meeting. I guess the "Tattler" did not get that memo.

This park is a beginning and can be expanded as needed. Those who do not appreciate the park can certainly use the public park available in Chincoteague (oh, that's closed); or perhaps Billy could give you a ride to Salisbury and ride in their park...oh, that's right...they do not have a park either...Snow Hill?...Berlin?...Princess Anne?...Crisfield?...

Yeah, I really see your point Billy...and before you say anything else, let me go ahead and apologize for the river not being wide enough to suit your needs...I will take that up with the Creator.

If Billy would like to donate another $250,000.00 I would be happy to see if we could build a park that resembles the one in Virginia Beach...


With a crappy Boss Hogg attitude like this, it is self evident WHY the Boss Hogg establishment did not run anyone against Mayor McDermott, they made a convert out of him...

Click here to read the whole story:

This was posted on the Tattler Forums in response to the following comments:


Anonymous said...

I'm reading alot of opinions of people who do not skateboard here...

Place does look a bit crowded but I think it mihgt work out ok. But, on the other hand, prefab parks SUCK!

Anonymous said...

point # 1... the park in Chincoteague did not close!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect...

While I agree with both Wymzie and Billy about the need for the skatepark to be expanded, is there any way we can put a READ MORE on the page so we don't have to scroll forever to get to the next article???

These super long posts are killing me!

Anonymous said...

It is widely known that the developer has had numerous financial problems as a whole and in their other developments and have been treading water for the past couple years. But at least they have their grandad to bail them out. All you have to do is check out the dept of assessments and taxation page and see who owns the vacant lots. I have dealt with them and have had nothing but problems, all after they got my money. I am not surprised they would enter into a deal like this, they do everything they can to avoid their customers. If you ever think of building a house with them, you should do your homework thoroughly first. You will be surprised with what you find and how willing people are to talk.

not taken care of client

Anonymous said...

you got that right 2:53pm

BossHogg said...

After numerous requests we chopped the length of the post DOWN...

Please click the link to read the whole thing.


BossHogg said...

After numerous requests we chopped the length of the post DOWN...

Please click the link to read the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for chopping it down a bit Billy! Much appreciated.

Back on topic.. did they consider the possible risk of road debris fall off the bridge into the skate park? After reading the earlier article about a trash truck dumping stuff on a sheriff's car, it just makes me wonder.

I'd hate to think of something falling from the road on the bridge onto some kids head.

BossHogg said...

The main consideration was:

How to pocket the cash from the developer as had been customary in the past, without Deputy Dawg, the Mayor noticing.

Here in P-City the politicians only care about how much Russ Blake lets them steal.

Anonymous said...

The Cypress Festival doesn't worry about anything falling down off of the highway either.
All the food vendors set up underneath of the bridge too!!!