This is the first Mechanics Lien against River's Edge and trust me, there will be plenty more to come.
The Mayor and majority of the City Council are in La La Land thinking everything will come back some time soon. Nope, they're wrong! This is just the beginning Ladies & Gentlemen. You look at my words here and watch what's going on in the next 2 year future, you'll see.
Granted, this is only little old Salisbury News but let me assure you, the United States is in deep sh!t, like it or not. Anyone stupid enough to trust the Stock Market is just that, stupid. It's as simple as looking at what it's costing you to fill your gas tank. Going the the grocery story is so painful you just don't know how you're going to make it, right? That's the majority of Americans struggling to survive while Barrie Tilghman's world continues to fall apart, even after a 14% Tax Increase last year!!!!!! Oh, you don't hear about where that money is now, do you?
The other Condo Complex just across the River has sold 3 Units. That's right, 3 Units, period! I wonder how many of those three were interest only loans? It seems for man the answer is, just walk away from it and move on. The Daily Times dumped $170,000.00 worth of Employees this week. Does anyone else know of any other local business laying people off as well?
I was in Marshalls the other day and there was a girl asking about jobs. The woman behind the counter just laughed a bit and said "no". I was in Barnes & Noble last night and again someone was asking about jobs. the man behind the counter told her that there weren't enough hours for the people that were already working there. I have also heard several employees of local businesses state that they have taken pay cuts just to keep the jobs they have.
When will it end? Prices cannot continue to rise and pay to fall. Politicians: Step up to the plate and demand that something be done. We (the USA) consume the lions share of oil in the world. I don't understand why we cannot, as a country, tell the producers of crude oil that we will pay "x' per barrel and that's it. If they don't like it, take it elsewhere. OH! there isn't elsewhere to take it. That's my friggin' point. With all the money that we have put into fighting fires in Kuwait oil fields, freeing the Iraqi people, etc. WHY ARE WE BEING SCREWED TO THE WALL WITH OIL PRICES? Because we're allowing it to happen.
Enough is Enough...on a National Level!
Kohl's will be another ready to fold up. It's not a quick fix.
They can print money as fast as they want, the problem is it's just worth less and less when that happens.
The Bush Admin has played a huge role in screwing up the economy, when was the last time you heard him say anything about oil prices??He accomplished what he set out to do eight years ago, Take out Saddam,and protect the interests of his rich buddies in oil,and banking and other businesses and screw the MIDDLE CLASS!!
SO, now it's on the the North Prong behind those great leaders, Barrie Tilghman and Bubba Comegys, with Louweasel and Shanie bringing up the rear.
We aren't the only ones competing for oil. China and other Asian countries are rapidly increasing their consumption levels to become just like us, thus keeping the demand and price for oil high. We'd better find alternative fuels fast, because there are more Chinese than Americans and we know from history, we can't win a war of atrition.
The oil is only one problem. What about jobs that you can make a living at.
I worked at a union job in salisbury for 16 years and all i heard was you union workers are the reason stuff cost so much. Well most unions are gone and the price still has not come down,must not of been my fault for sticking up for myself. Maybe i could get a job at the daily times for $7.00 an hour, oh even the low paying jobs are going. Haliburton bought the company i worked for and promptly sold it,and guess what. Now some nice mexicans have $5.00 an hour jobs.
What ate we going to do?
Let me just take this opportunity to remind everyone that sh*t wasn't like this,oh say about ten years ago,when BILL CLINTON was President.
because liberals wont let us drill for oil or build refineries. demand is up too high in china and india. therefore we are forced to buy thier crude.
the president veto's bills and signs them. its up to congress to "do something". the president just makes suggestions. take a class.
if you measure inflation with oil prices, we should be getting charged more.
Finally! A whole page of comments and not one blaming the Democrats!
It amazes me that, after almost 8 years watching our country and our economy on a downhill spiral there are still people who manage to delude themselves that all things wrong are the fault of the Democrats.
I know I had more money, opportunity, and hope for a good future when there was a Democrat in charge. Even if he was someone I wouldn't want to have for a son-in-law!
"because liberals wont let us drill for oil or build refineries."
Same tired old solutions.
We need efficient electric autos, nuclear power, and A MODERN EFFICIENT TRAIN/RAILWAY system. Without it, we are totally screwed. Period. Cheap oil is not coming back.
With it, we are totally screwed only in the short term.
Forget the oil. It ain't the solution!
great point!! when Clinton was president the republicans controlled the senate; everything was great. now everything is in the toilet; who's controlling the house and senate now???
Oil $122 a barrel as of today. Nope, it ain't going down.
Bill Clinton vetoed drilling in Anwar in 1994 after it had passed both houses of congress. But these republican controlled houses did not have the votes to overide Clintons veto. If it were not for Bill Clinton we would have today more oil coming from Anwar then is imported from Saudi Arabia.Domestic oil production has not increased in the USA in the last 25 years. You can thank Bill Clinton and the tree hugging democrat party.
I think everyone here is lost....the greatest cost in the fuel that we get is the Big oil busness.....I would love to be in the middle of a resecion and be posting record profits all the time......We do not blame GM, Ford, or anyone else for the lack of better efficacy....Look at gas milage from 1970-1980 gas milage tripled......so it platouted in the late 80's and 90's and have never improved since......Has anyone seen the documentary "Who killed the electric car" It comes on showtime or on one of the upper tier channel....but it talks about the Saturn VS1 which was a gas that was total electric...it needed not brakes, oil, gas, and very light maintainace....everyone invouled in the program love the car it had great reviews and you could drive it 120miles on a single charge..Scraped by GM...and patten bought by GUESS WHO....Exxon Moblie
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