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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Councilman Comegys Blocks Handicap Spot?

10 minutes ago a call went out to check a tag for a vehicle blocking a handicapped ramp. Allegedly it came back to Councilman Comegys and you know what, there was a handicapped person trying to get down ramp and couldn't.

Way To Go Gary! Bubba Comegys, Yo Nex Mare! LOL

UPDATE: No question about it any more. The car was registered to Gary and Debbie Comegys. Now, let's see if he got a ticket for doing so, or not? FOB? The fine is at least $100.00 plus.


Daddio said...

How about some visual evidence on this type of stuff? Use your cell phone, and take pictures of these scoundrels showing us what they really are!

Anonymous said...

Bubba is handicapped as well. However a mental handicap shouldn't afford you a physical parking spot ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

He sure looks like he's handicapped, too, in this pic -- and can you sharpen up the lapel pin so the "MML" is legible, please.

Anonymous said...

That reminds me--did we ever figure out what or why Louisal was parking in handicap space a couple months back?

joe albero said...

She has Dee, Dee, Deeee Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I'm confused...

Was it Gary or his dear wife or both out and about for the spin?

Was it a handicapped parking spot being blocked, or one of those sidewalk ramps to allow wheelchairs access?

Did the city ticket the vehicle? If so, the poor worker bee who ticketed it or called it in will probably be fired.

Let's have all the gory details on this classless act!

Anonymous said...

People, especially local politicians, who park unlawfully in handicapped spots or in front of handicapped ramps, should be fined severely. I see far too much of this kind of ignorance, or blatant non-compliance with the law, and the only way to stop this is to hit them hard in the wallet or pocketbook!

A. Goetz

joe albero said...

I'm told it was Gary Comegys, not his Wife, that's a fact. I'm also told the Officer was getting ready to tow his vehicle when he saw Comegys and confronted him by asking him to move the vehicle. I was also told that if the Officer had a ticket book he would have written him a ticket because Comegys acted like a pompous ass, like there was nothing an Officer could do to him.

Yo Nex Mayor, right Salisbury Idiots? I say that to ALL the people that cast a vote for that useless Idiot. It's one thing to be in the know but the FACT is, someone was trying to get off a Transit Bus and was Handicapped. They arrived and could not get off the Bus because Comegys was in the way. Sorry Folks but what an a$$hole.

Anonymous said...

Joe ~
Leave Gary alone. Those who have six chins ARE handicapped.

Anonymous said...

If that would have been my car in that spot, I would have received a ticket - no questions asked. Likely story that the officer did not have his ticket book. Since when do they travel around without their ticket book? Sounds kind of like favortism out there guys!

Anonymous said...

wen i is yo nex mare i be park ever wear i wannt i be da nex mare dam it

dont fogit i ams a man to dam it

Anonymous said...

Gary, Barrie, Shanie have shown they do not acknowledge the requirements of ADA.

Anonymous said...

They both ARE handicapped, don't you know?

Anonymous said...

No sorry about it from you, Joe.

In other words, that lousy SOB got off with nothing but having to move his car. I feel sorry for the cop that had to deal with this pompous A$$!

Since Comegys will have no punishment because he's above the law, I hope you will repeat your post and comment at the top every day. Most people are away and won't see this. Every voter should know this.

I didn't think my opinion of "Bubba" could get any lower, but it did.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, IF he had a ticket book? Don't they keep them in their patrol cars? He has every right to detain Bubba while he retrieves his book.

Face the facts, this poor fella saw his job on the line and opted out.

Anonymous said...


How about you asking him to make a public confession in the public comment during the next Council meeting -- and when he sits there in silence, tell him "You've Been Blogged, Bubba."

Anonymous said...

I just knew he'd act like that if the Officer confronted him and if he had gotten a ticket he would have complained to the Chief and it would have been excused anyway.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Check out Robinson's house. There is an ASAP Disposal Dumpster in front of it.

Anonymous said...

8:55 PM -

So what. Let's forget about Robinson on this blog.

Anonymous said...

True fact, the officer didn't have his ticket book. However he wouldn't have given a ticket if he had.

Anonymous said...

Vote Bubba Fer Mare! What a record!

1.Filed Bankruptcy
2.Contempt of Court for
Non-Payment of Child Support
3.Parks in Front of Handicap Ramp

Then are the little things like supporting violation of the ADA, voting for the illegal mall rezoning, supporting the "honor" of developer reimbursements while hitting citizens with a huge tax hike, voting for mortgaging our future with bonds and TIF's to the hilt, being the "mastermind" behind the 4 to 3 "compromise" that caters to the landlords' bottom line, voting for the 10% water hike before he was "agin it," voted for forgiving tax liens to his buddy Dunn's daddy and a whopper developer reimbursement to a rushed through annexation, tells you how much he cares about the environment while supporting a 6-foot pipe dumping "floatables" into the river downtown, and...

whew! my fingers are nubs.

How could you NOT support this guy for mayor, Salisbury?

Anonymous said...

Gary Comegys is not my pick for Council either, but why do some of the commentators have to make disparaging personal remarks such as "six chins" and "green teeth?" These are, at the least, immaterial and at the most ignorant. His parking in a handicapped spot is legitimate to write about, but the personal attacks should not be permitted.

Anonymous said...


Please pass this on to Mike Lewis so that he can make Cathcart happy about the Sheriff's force doing law enforecemnt in the City.

Anonymous said...

I'm with 11:43 a.m. Skip the childish personal remarks.

He could look like Godzilla for all I care if he made decisions that didn't destroy us like Godzilla did to Tokyo.

You'll just make him a sympathetic figure and get him votes if you attack his looks. Same goes for Herroner, the mayor.

It it the truth (about how they've run things) that shall set us free!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Bubba, To hell with the handicapped. Way to take a stand against the people you can't stand because they can't stand.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If that would have been my car in that spot, I would have received a ticket - no questions asked. Likely story that the officer did not have his ticket book. Since when do they travel around without their ticket book? Sounds kind of like favortism out there guys!

5:22 PM

Who cares if the cop didn't have a ticket book. Isn't there such a thing as a year and a day to go after a law breaker?

Anonymous said...

You, the common citizen, fail to understand that elected officials ar in power and have special rights. The local laws do not always apply to them. Don't be jealous. Get eected the next time if you are liked by any voters and have any guts and sense. Laws are the average citizen. The royality will always be given special priviledges. That is how the system works. It's worse in Mexico. So be thankful. Also money talks so if you grease the right palms, you can get your way too. Learn the American way idiots.Mind your own business and enjoy what life you have left. Our elected officials are having a ball.Why don't you?Stop worrying and wasting your time reading blogs. Go outside and play with your children or pet. Have a good day.