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Saturday, May 31, 2008

An Afternoon At City Park

City park was busy today as I walked around fishing. I only caught a few fish, but saw some nice size carp which roam from the zoo to the spillway. You can catch carp many ways including chumming with canned corn with a hook of corn and a host of stinky baits you would use for catfish can also be used. Despite their size they spook easily and can be selective eaters outside of their natural scavenging forage.

The bass are starting to hold along the banks. If the water is clear enough you can sight fish along the banks looking for their beds. The trick is getting them to bite. I spent 25 minutes trying to coax a 4lb to hit. Wouldn't strike. It is a game of patience and some days you get them to bite other days you wont. Last spring I caught and saw others catch 5lb bass regularly through the park area.

The best fisherman was the blue heron in the bottom two pictures who caught a fish and brought to the bank to eat. I watched the heron for 10 minutes as it strutted around its catch pecking at so it could eat. I just missed getting a pic of it coming out of the water with it.

Lot's of friends and families were out at the zoo, Ben's Red Swings, Picnic Island, and up and down the river fishing. This family was pulling up catfish, bluegill, perch, and sunfish all day long and the kids were having a blast.


Unknown said...

Interesting fact Bass instinctively shutdown all feeding so that they will not eat the young fry.

Anonymous said...

All my friends with little koi ponds in their backyards will be glad that the heron has found the zoo waters to fish from! Thanks for the pics, Nick!

Anonymous said...

Didn't know there were catfish in those waters. Where else can you catch catfish around S-bury?
They are a good fish to go for on a lazy day... just toss out some liver (or something stinky) just chill and wait. Thanks for any info.

Anonymous said...

I'm not too sure I would try to eat any fish coming out of this poluted waterway? Too much stuff comes down from the zoo, even though the pipes were capped.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Didn't know there were catfish in those waters. Where else can you catch catfish around S-bury?
They are a good fish to go for on a lazy day... just toss out some liver (or something stinky) just chill and wait. Thanks for any info.

6:08 PM

Oh yeah, catfish love poop and Salisbury is full of SH!T!

Nick Loffer said...

Anon 6:08. That's the first time I've seen a catfish in that stretch.

If you can get access to any stretch of the Wicomico or Pocomoke rivers and throw out some bait on the bottom you should be in some catfish in no time.

A. Goetz, agreed, I would not eat any freshwater fish around here. I've seen lot of people who go down and rip out fish into 5gallon plus sized buckets in the area.

Anonymous said...

I might be wrong, but I think its blue heron. Herring is a fish. Just fyi. Nice pics.

Nick Loffer said...

For some reason I was thinking of Monty Python and the Holy Grail for some reason if any one gets that obscure reference.

Thanks for the correction...

Anonymous said...

we've spotted MEGA carp side by side 3 & 4 deep in the creek that runs in front of the first and around the ninth holes at the March, usually.
They are so tight in there, they stick up out of the water.

Anonymous said...

What does one use for bait?
I'd like to take my 8 yo grandson.

Nick Loffer said...

anon 7:16

Night crawlers or any type of live worm will work throughout the park.
The best fishing for you grandson is from Ben's Red Swings down to the far spillway at the end of the park with your best bet being under the spillways and anywhere where the fish have some cover. Just rig up a small hook with a bobber and small slipshot and you should be in panfish in no time.

Also small crankbaits and Mepps inline spinner baits will provide great results!

Anonymous said...

What does one use for bait?
I'd like to take my 8 yo grandson.

I'd recommend against using your grandson.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nick!

"If you can get access to any stretch of the Wicomico or Pocomoke rivers and throw out some bait on the bottom you should be in some catfish in no time."

Any spots you recommend?

Thanks again

Nick Loffer said...

For the Pocomoke River you have Shad Landing, the Park area on downtown Snow Hill (as well you can rent a canoe fairly inexpensively), the Dock at Winter Quarters in Pocomoke, and downtown Pocomoke at the Docks/park. Just make sure you dont go to far down the river into the "Back Burner" where crack heads roam. Also there is a little pond next to the golf course in Winter Quarters with a dock.

For the Wicomico you have easy acess right downtown, but with the developments and private residents you probably would have to ask for permission to use some property.
