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Monday, April 21, 2008

Sheriff Lewis Is Awarded Degree From National Sheriff's Association

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Anonymous said...

Great Job Mike....I hope you deal with the police brutality just like you did the child rapist that worked for you...I am sure it was embarrassing to your department but you did the right thing.

Tim Chaney said...

Way to go Mike and company~! Thanks for your hard work.

Anonymous said...

Now, if only we can improve our record in SBY....

Anonymous said...

You are certainly deserving of any kind of award because of your dedication and record of success.

Anonymous said...

6:15-WTF are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

He's the best thing that has happened in Wicomico County in a long time. Congrats Mike!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike. Too bad you bad that all of your "superior" detective skills are a sham. When you get a tip and uncover theft at the landfill, just say you responded to an anonymous tip rather than claim that you pulled the vehicle on a DOT violation. You will win much more respect by telling the truth and doing your job than using the media to inflate your ego.

Anonymous said...

What else was he supposed to pull the truck over for? The profile of a diesel fuel smuggler? If you don't get it, you just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

7:42 check your grammar next time. Mike's detective skills are no sham just plain good policing. I think it was mentioned early on in the landfill case that information was given several weeks before the truck was stopped for a violation. So there was no trying to hide the idea of a "tip". But the traffic stop was just plain ole good policing. Cant fault someone for being in the right place at the right time. You know there are some good honest hard working people out there still. We always tend to jump to the negative first. Mike doesnt need to try to earn respect through the media or any other outside source he has done that himself with his honesty, integrity and hard work and so has his department in general. The media goes looking for good stories to report Mike has better things to do than try to run them down to do a story about him and as far as ego, check your own.

Anonymous said...

I understand that he needed a reason to pull over the truck, however he could at least have used a plausible scenario. To "claim" that the sheriff himself was on patrol at 9 pm. on a relatively inactive stretch of road is utter bull. He had surveillance on the landfill while the truck was loaded and could have had the offenders apprehended at any time by a deputy or gotten a warrant . However the Super Trooper felt it was more important to upstage the MSP and WBI, risk the investigation and grab the attention for himself.

I get it alright! Lewis is a politician with a badge and right or wrong he will do what is best for his next campaign.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:52 FOAD. If you only had a clue you would know Mike Lewis is the best thing that has happened to Wicomico County in the past 20 years.

Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

11:10 you will all see in time!!
Due to legal matters I can not elaborate on the facts but trust me I have the goods.
Mike knows excactly what I am talking about.I am just wondering how he will deal with it. His reaction to the matter will decide my next vote.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on guys....figure it out. Mike is a great person and is damn good cop. Why don't we ever promote the other excellent officers in the department who ultimately make him look like a hero.....Anyone know Mike Carey??
He is an example of a perfect cop. He doesn't react for an ego trip. He just does what he is paid to do....SILENTLY!!!!

Anonymous said...

5:10 you make this so exciting. I thought this was just another post to give the readers a tad bit of news and you have attempted to turn it in to a hanging of a very good and capable leader. Cant wait to see your goods!!!!!!! There are alot of good cops in the wcso and no one has ever said otherwise, even Mike who as far as I hear is often found tooting the horn for his men and women. Guess you cant please everyone and those who you cant please usually whine the loudest. I believe there are a number of very good cops in the dept. I would think there is a promotional process to follow. I doubt Mike needs to have other cops make him look like a hero. I dont think he ever did his job to look like a hero but because he likes making a difference in the community and I certainly know he isnt the kind to need to ride a coat tail. As far as the "tip" idea goes who cares, we have beat that dead horse enough.

Anonymous said...

5:28....very true, Sgt Carey is a very good man both on the job and off! among others at all the agencies in the area! There are some fine men and women in this area that deserve a HUGE pat on the back in WCSO, SPD, FPD, and MSP! Great work all of you!

Anonymous said...

Mike has served us well. Hell, Mike Lewis for governor, you wanna talk politics! Then maybe we can get that death penalty back on the front burner and start frying some chicken shits and rid the earth of the scumbags!

Some people are all talk, people like Mike get there jobs by GETTING the job done.

Anonymous said...

back to the reason this post blog was made... congrats to mike lewis on being awarded degree from the national sheriff's assoc. you doing a fine job for the county no matter if you have an ego or not. THE JOB IS STILL GETTING DONE!!