One thing you have to have at these events is Police Security and protection. That being said, most, (if not all) of these Officers are not on straight pay, they're on overtime. One of these photos shows 20 Salisbury Police Officers.
Last night the Mayor threw out in her proposed budget how the City's Fire Service extends into the County. Well, the Sheriff's Department also had a ton of Officers present for this event. Does Rick Pollitt charge the City every time the County Services happen to fall get used the City?
About a 2 months ago I stood before the city council and requested officer to population parity to equal what it was over 20 years ago. Two days later the paper reported a drastic drop in the crime rate, how ironic.
Now that the chief has requested 6 more officers, we can clearly see why we have a drop in officer to population ratio, the mayor refuses to acknowledge the thought.
i heard the chiefy specifically told NOONE they could take off that weekend. then, guess where he was? you got, on VACATION!! only at the spd, wow!
Don't fault the police officers for working overtime. They were forced to. Why couldn't they ask for assistance from the MSP, WCSO, FPD, SUPD, DNR, Maryland Park Rangers, DPD, etc. The list goes on and on. The other agencies would have assisted without a problem. Not only does the festival help the local economy but it helps the state as well. In Barries world we don't need help we will just sock it to the tax payers. It is time to get that bitch out of office. WTF is happening to that recall. What a joke!
How do we figure it helps the local economy? The vendors get the money that the restaurants would normally have gotten, and most, if not all, the attendees are local and therefore don't use hotel rooms. The only local economy that is helped is the few vendors who happen to be local. Most of the folks I saw were from other places. I'm not sure what benefit there is to the people of Salisbury to have this festival. We certainly don't need two festivals just days apart. It would seem that this one is done just because it's been done in the past, without making sure it's still a good idea.
Anon 10:44
You are so mistaken, one of our local companies (ASAP) benefited tremendously by the event seeing as how their name was plastered over the handouts.....:)
If the event is so dangerous that it is going to take an army of police and $300,000.00 .
Anonymous said...
How do we figure it helps the local economy? The vendors get the money that the restaurants would normally have gotten, and most, if not all, the attendees are local and therefore don't use hotel rooms. The only local economy that is helped is the few vendors who happen to be local. Most of the folks I saw were from other places. I'm not sure what benefit there is to the people of Salisbury to have this festival. We certainly don't need two festivals just days apart. It would seem that this one is done just because it's been done in the past, without making sure it's still a good idea.
10:44 AM
Dude!!! You have know clue about economics do you? Makes me wonder if you are in the local restaurant business and complain about your failing business on events such as the Salisbury Festival. It was a nice weekend for families to get out and relieve Spring Fever. Chances are the numerous vistors to the Sby Festival would not have gone to a local restaurant anyway.
Another thing, lets say that $300K went to the police officers for OT pay. That is extra money in the pockets of these deserving officers and chances are they will spend that extra money locally as well as paying taxes which benifits the local economy. I could go on and on, but I don't want to go over your head and I hope you get the picture.
not to forget each vendor paid a monetary fee...700 in a lot of the cases.
it goes to the city, i guess, for the mayor to squander???
I have to agree, the local economy made good with the two events both will stimulate the local cash flow for sure. Keep in mind how the goverment supports or helps us in this situation. Overtime for the police officers, they will buy shoes, bullets, and take their family out to dinner, so it cost alot of money to put on? How much came back to you personally? Well look at it this way you have a small business that was at the festival your co. made over the entry fee and a nice profit from the visitors. Now you go and buy vegetables from the local farmer market SEE how it works, the farmer buys some seed from the store. So indirectly many people benifit. Let's look at county employees, now I know you do not want to hear about raises since you will not get one, but look at the largest employer in the county...the county goverment. they get a raise and have additional money to buy a sofa, you work as a sofa delivery guy and work has been slack..mo overtime for you, but this week there is additional sofas to deliver so you get 4 hours overtime, you are happy so you blow it on taking your wife out to a movie for the first time in awhile. The kid working the theater gets to work this saturday because you worked overtime because the county employee had more to spend. Do you see how it works.? What if no one progressed, no one worked overtime, no one got a 40 hour week, EVERYONE would be hurting and no relief in sight. Thank god we have a goverment who sees the big picture and not us who only look to our neighbor bitching about how good he has it
When you pay taxes from tax money you have recieved as a salary you do not increase the tax coffers as there is a net loss from them. The only real taxes are generated by non governemntal employees.
You have got me puzzled now.
If they spend all this overtime money at local businesses, how come the economy is so bad?
Why is everyone complaning about there taxes?
So you say the festival is way for the people to get out. What happen to the park? What happen to the zoo? Getting down town here, ha thats a joke.
Why dont they take all that money and bull doz the plaza open the streets, and put things like restaurants,stores to shop in, and things that people would do if available downtown.
The festival looked like a zoo to me.
Vendors pay their fees to the Chamber of Commerce, not the city.
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