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Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Effective March 17, 2008, parking will be prohibited on both sides of Wayne Street and Avery Street between Bateman Street and S. Division Street. This restriction is the result Council of the City of Salisbury Resolution 1630 passed on February 11, 2008.

For more information, please contact Ray Birch at 410-548-3177.

James S. Caldwell, P.E.

Director of Public Works


Anonymous said...

What's the point of this law? Once again Salisbury is making decisions that adversly effect college students. Wayne Street runs by the athletic fields and has typically been used for freshman and commuter parking. In addition, there isn't sufficient parking for sporting events, especially if more than one is going on at one time. The majority of people who use that street are college students. So whats the point of this law? It just doesnt make any sense....

Anonymous said...

Way to go city of Salisbury, make up new laws that affect the students and do it when they are on Spring Break. Go aread and take some more chep shots while we are not looking. I guess that even with he surplus we still need some revenues somewhere to pay for all of the pork spending going on...

Anonymous said...

When are we going to stop punishing the college students for choosing to attend Salisbury University? When are we going to stop and realize the economic impact that they contribute to the local community?

Why would anyone want to send their student to this god forsaken place? All we do is pick, pick, pick and whine. You buy a house 3 blocks from a college, you should expect college students to be your neighbors. You don't want them in your neighborhood don't use their facilities. Don't utilize their fields, libraries, dining establishments, cultural venues or walk your dogs on their sidewalks (and pretend you don't see them deficate without picking it up).

I have no connection to SU but I do respect their existence. I don't live in the city limits but near SU. I was a college student over 25 years ago and thank god I left here to go to school elsewhere where the local community embraced the students.

If they are breaking the law call the police but please stop breaking the students just because you can. Lots of times we are blaming the college students and it is our own high school students committing the autrocities.

Anonymous said...

If you'd ever been down these streets when they are filled, the high number of cars block access for fire trucks and for people to use the the county recycling facility.

Would SU students feel picked on if an accident happened where public safety vehicles could not reach them to help?

Please think beyond your own desire for convenience to look at the bigger picture involving the your own health and safety and that of others.

Why do you students never complain about your university? They are the ones who grew without planning parking.

Look up the term "parochial" so you will understand what your interests are.

If students want a community that welcomes them, they have to think about the community's needs, not just their own.

Anonymous said...

If the city didnt have the revenue from these kids they would be up a creek without a paddle. The city needs to chill out on these students. These students may be young but they still do have rights just as anyone else does. Thank God my children dont have to deal with this crap. This petty crap is why i choose and others as well choose to send our children elsewhere to get their education. Its a sad shame that this city misses out on the revenue because of this crap. again where would this city be without the college?Salisbury U should start saving the money instead of keep building and buy land elsewhere in the county and shanghigh this city. see how they would feel then. The city should be getting nervous, because if the University were smart this is what they would do. MOVE.

Anonymous said...

anonymous at 6:07 p.m. said it all. I was not able to drive down this street twice in a week's time to get to the recycling center because of cars badly parked and students stopping to "chit-chat" from one car to another. At the very least, parking needed to be prohibited on one side of these streets. SU needs to build a multi-level parking garage and stop abusing their neighbors, many of whom were there since it was SSC.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect in a college town. The noise ordinance law. Salisbury has a lovely problem with crime...but yet lets bust every single college party around or harass them with the noise ordinance law. Nothin like being singled out...but the mayor must love to harass out. Talking to some Salisbury police officers, they say that they know of the crime problem but the mayor would rather have the money from the fines of the college kids. Don't we pay enough? Tuition rent utilities now petty fines to help the mayor. What a crock.


Anonymous said...

I drove around this area today to see if any new "NO PARKING" signs or anything else noticeable had been posted. After two passes down Wayne St. I didn't see anything that jumped out at me. So I wonder, are students going to be fined and cars towed now even though there are no signs posted, yet parking spots are still clearly painted on the street? Also, there is currently not enough parking at University Park to meet the demand of the students living there, overflow traditionally goes to Wayne St. Now, where are these kids going to park within a reasonable distance of their own living residence? Are they supposed to park a mile away in someone's neighborhood and walk home? That's ridiculous. Students already get mugged, robbed, and assaulted in UP now and Salisbury PD does nothing about it. So, what is the city going to do when even more students become victims due to having to walk home in the middle of the night?

Rob S