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Saturday, March 08, 2008

PLEA From Commissioner Bobby Cowger Jr. To The People of Pocomoke City ASKING TO HELP HIM HELP US FIGHT CRIME!

This message from Worcester County Commissioner Robert 'Bobby' Cowger Jr. of Pocomoke City is in response to the recent murder of long-time resident William 'Nib' Niblett and the rampant crime combined with the open air drug market supported by the Pocomoke City Government. Note at the bottom of this post is another plea from Pocomoke City Councilman Rob Clarke to send in OUTSIDE law enforcement help including the FBI. Pocomoke City has long been known as being one of the most openly corrupt city governments in the USA.

County Commissioner Robert Lee Cowger JrI have known Nib for as long as I can remember. He was a very hard working man and enjoyed life. Anyone who has had some plumbing work done in Pocomoke has most likely used him one time or another. This was a terrible thing that had happened to him.

When I decided to run for commissioner I campaigned on the drug problems in Pocomoke. However I took alot of grief for attacking the Pocomoke Police Dept. After I was elected, I went to the Sheriff and said I wanted something done and the people elected me did to.

I was told the County Sheriff's office did not go into Towns unless they were asked by the local police dept. As we know they were not asking. As your local representative I am asking you to flood me with letters of request to have the sheriff's office and county task force come in and help clean up our town.

I do know they are just waiting for a request to come in. If I can receive enough letters of request we could make it happen. I have lived in Pocomoke for 50 years this year and i am also disappointed with our town.

Please send me letters so we can hopefully get started to make a change in our town. We don't need this kind of thing to happen to anymore of our friends or family. 2 murders now is enough.


Bobby Cowger Jr.

Worcester County Commissioner for the Pocomoke Area

2417 Lakeland Drive
Pocomoke City, Maryland 21851
(H) 410-957-0950 (W) 410-957-6797 (Fax) 410-957-67

This was originally posted as a response to the report of 'Nibs' murder this week. Click here to read it as posted

Pocomoke City Councilman Rob Clarke responded by adding this message:

I agree with Commissioner Cowger. Please send emails / letters to me as well. We need the Sheriff’s Office, WCBI, State Police, FBI, in town. Whatever it takes to straighten this mess out.

PCPD needs to stay off of US 13 with their radar traps and stay in the core area of town so they can keep on top of these hooligan's.
1400 Cedar St.
Pocomoke City, MD 21851-9526


Anonymous said...

WORCESTER COUNTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BossHogg said...

Boss Hogg sez you can't keep all that political corruption to yourselves in Wicomico County...

Anonymous said...

When you read the news or see it on tv, you absolutely have to notice that this issue of crime in our area is, pardon me for being blunt, racial. Except for Davis Ruark and the guy who stole stuff from the landfill, all the criminals were black. This is a social issue more than a law-enforcement issue. I can't help but wonder if there IS a solution.

Anonymous said...

We need an email addy for Mr Cowger please. Pocomoke should have a sign/ billboard to tell its citizens how they can help. Salisbury's gunna get one of those electronic billboards and Joe's going to work the program key board for it.

BossHogg said...

Here is Mr Cowgers e-mail address:

Anonymous said...

Every citizen of Pocomoke should contribute to a reward fund for information leading to the conviction of the thug(s) that did this. Let's get them behind bars where they belong.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Pocomoke, don't expect help from the state or the feds. They're all in bed together. Look at Salisbury. They haven't helped us none.

Anonymous said...

I fully support Mr. Cowger's plea; however, it does bother me when someone has lived in Worcester County for 50 years and spells it Worchester...Hope it was a typo!

Anonymous said...

I have spoken to three different Worcester County Deputies about the problems in Pocomoke City.

All three were of the opinion that the WCSO needed to come back into Pocomoke City - to take over the police department again, like they had to ten or so years ago because of the corruption.

That's pretty bad, considering the mayor of said city is one of their coworkers.

Anonymous said...

Is this the one they used to call T-Bone? I was just telling my boy's about what he did to that beautiful new cougar back in 74.

Anonymous said...

This is all to disturbing to me, it seems like there is corruption everywhere, way to many people scratching each others backs, come on people, we are not in a TV show this is real life. Lets do the right thing, this man needs your help in bettering your own community. Do something now or for ever feel fear in your own homes. Has anyone thought that there could possibly be a connection in the spring of roberries/murders in the William Nibblett-Pocomoke and Stephen Boyd-Princess Anne cases? I happened to watch a teen age boy beat a teen age girl up with my own eyes, I called 911, they took to long so I had to get in the car and drove up to the scene to stop the boy from hitting the young girl, when the police got there, the boy grabbed the girl by the hand and ran, the police could not find them, unbelievable, people my youngest son witnessed this and all he cause say is Mom it was like TV he stiff armed her, wow what does it take.

Anonymous said...

I think Cowger should work on his English and Spelling...for someone who has lived in Pocomoke for the 50 years he speaks of, he has learned nothing! I've noticed Cowger supports not one thing here in Pocomoke except the Fire Dept. Now all the sudden, he wants to go on a bashing spree of the PPD, which given there are issues in that department, but because of the headlines for the recent murders here he wants to speak harshly of the PPD...well, let's be honest, those murders happened outside city limits and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations and the Sheriff's Department ARE handling those crimes...PPD needs to ask for NO assistance in that, they are not their crimes to investigate! Bobby, your fighting the wrong battle! Why don't you invest some time in supporting the local historical sites or events that happen here in Pocomoke! Work on things for the young adults here that have gotten into drugs as a form of entertainment instead of battling a fight that does not need your input!
Bobby get a life and if you can't tell by now I surely DID NOT vote for you! Start using that seat you only warm to do good for Pocomoke and support the things that are good here so that it will out way the bad and just maybe the drug problem here would somewhat dimish! Give our kids something else to do EXCEPT DRUGS! Get your head out of your a** and fight for something that needs your support! At very minimum for yourself, go back to school and at least learn how to spell your EMBARASSING!
You bet I'm gonna flood your email but its not going to be for the reason your requesting! I can't stress enough how embarrassing you really are!

choquer said...

There are very few posts on here that don't contain typos and spelling errors. Mr. Cowger was elected to look out for the health and well being of his constituents. He is doing just what I voted him to do. Mr cowger is a hard working, dedicated man who cares deeply about what is happening in our area. Keep up the good work Bobby.
P.S. FYI - He is not T-bone.

Anonymous said...

There are very few posts on here that don't contain typos and spelling errors. Mr cowger was elected to look out for the health and well being of his constituents. He is doing just what I voted him to do. Mr cowger is a hard working, dedicated man who cares deeply about what is happening in our area. Keep up the good work Bobby.
P.S. FYI - He is not T-bone.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:01,

Mr Cowger has been very responsive to the issues I have brought before him. It is not his job to entertain his constituents. It is his job to address issues that are brought before him, and try to find a solution to them through his position with the county.
I didn't know that correct spelling was a pre-requisite to being a commissioner.
We have a City Manager form of Government in Pocomoke, and in order to get rid of him it takes a 3/4 vote. Unlike Salisbury, you get to elect a new leader every few years, yet here in Pocomoke we are stuck with an unelected dictator that won't go until we can get the corrupt leftover council members out of city hall. Once councilman sits at his seat and doesn't even live the district he represents.

Our police force is run by our city manager. Only he can hire or fire our police chief. Not the council!
When our last Chief had to do weekends in jail and a grand jury convened our city manager was one vote away from indictment and he wasn't even the one being investigated.

Everything flows from the head down, and until you take out the head and change the leadership of Pocomoke City the song will remain the same.
These two murders may have taken place in the county, but you can bottom dollar the killers live in town. You can bet they are all involved in drugs, and you can bet they purchase them from the "City Approved Drug Dealers".

Anyone of you posting are welcome to come here and drive up 4th Street at any time day or night drive real slow, stop at one of the many people 'guys wearing big hoods and baggy pants are the usual' and ask them if you can get some _____________ or some _________. Fill in the blanks yourself cause you can get whatever you want.

Why don't you do it and take it to the Police Department and tell em where you got. See what the response will be.

Mr. Cowger is not barking up the wrong tree. He remembers what Pocomoke used to be, and like myself would like to see it brought back.

Stephanie Burke

Anonymous said...

12:26 PM, You stated “There are very few posts on here that don't contain typos and spelling errors."

One of those very few is your own comment.

Mr cowger, for instincts should be Mr. Cowger, if your going to be a critic make sure your comment is correct. LOL

Anonymous said...

To Stephanie Burke, if you know about the city’s corruption its drug dealings, and do nothing to help Mr. Cowger, how can he help if the community if the community does nothing to help him? If you want to clean your streets and get rid of corrupt leftover council members, do something about it, that’s why we have Senator’s/Governor's. Your comment on this Blog and your signature means what? NOTHING, if the one’s reading it is the same ones you are complaining about. So what must one do to step up and gain control? Well Mr.Cowger has taken his first step, don’t be scared of taken a step to report what is going on in your community, it is what it is YOUR COMMUNITY. Wish I was part of your community; I sure wouldn’t be scared to call or take the first step. Take back control.

joe albero said...


Don't listen to that pansie above! This comes from a pussy who calls you out by name but comments under anonymous. Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Don't Worry Anon 3:23,
All authorities have been notified.
And by the way when something needs doing, don't think for a minute I won't do it.
I have run for office, and I get petitions signed and work to get referendums passed. And whether you believe it or not the powers that be read this blog too!


Anonymous said...

and just maybe the drug problem here would somewhat dimish! 9:01am

LMAO, your kidding right? If your not kidding then your Honis Cane himself. Your just manure on the crime and coruption itself if you think ts just gunna go away on its own.
