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Wednesday, March 12, 2008



The Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company (OCVFC) has presented the Mayor and
City Council with a plan that it believes resolves all the issues in the
continuing discussion of how to best manage fire and rescue services.
After examining all proposals made during this year-long process, and
consulting with some of the top experts in the field, OCVFC has proposed a
simple division of responsibilities that would save taxpayers revenues,
and avoid possible conflicts between volunteer and current career

Under the plan, the OCVFC would assume all responsibility for firefighting
in the City, while the paid EMS division would provide emergency medical
services. As always, the fire company would remain answerable to the town
government on budgetary matters, and would add sufficient staffing to
maintain round-the-clock firefighting coverage for the City.

This plan would also allow the City’s paid EMS Division to save money by
focusing on the delivery of emergency medical services. In addition, by
giving all firefighting responsibility to the volunteer organization, the
potential arises to save the taxpayers greatly in the years ahead.
The OCVFC acknowledges the plan put forth by the City Council two weeks
ago to name Fire Chief Chris Larmore as interim chief of a joint program
combining the volunteers and the paid EMS division. However, after
careful review, this plan has several troubling aspects, the least of
these is the requirement that he be required to resign as Chief of the
OCVFC in order to assume the post. Instead, the OCVFC proposes that money
budgeted for a paid fire chief be used to enhance the firefighting
capabilities of the volunteer company. This would be a more efficient use
of taxpayer funds at a time when government is struggling to make ends
meet in a troubled economic climate.

The OCVFC senses discomfort on all sides with the proposed hybrid
operation, especially with the Council only voting 4-3 in favor.
Simultaneously, the paid EMS Division union members have made it clear
they would be uncomfortable answering to a volunteer fire chief, even in
the interim. The volunteers are also leery of becoming involved in a
situation containing so many variables that organizational success is

The OCVFC delivered its plan to the Mayor and City Council in midweek, and
has asked to meet at their regularly scheduled March 17 meeting.

Remember, you got it here FIRST!


Anonymous said...

Why is the OCVFC proposing to hire firemen? Considering fire is less than 25% of their run total, it doesn't make economical sense.

It makes far more sense to supplement the career staffing in Ocean City. They'd be able to run both fire and EMS calls. Furthermore, they are a town-department, with complete oversight by the town. With the present system, the council and city manager have practically no oversight on how things are conducted.

This is evident in the nomination process to become a volunteer chief. There are no requirements, besides being a member. No officer requirements. Take a few classes, be a chief. This is also evident in the apparatus the OCVFC buys. Take a tour of the firehouses, their engines alone have enough added options it'd blow the story on Salisbury's ladder out of the water.

It's somewhat strange that the FIRE chief is receiving FIRE Officer I classes from the division he wishes to make EMS only. It's probably more odd, that in a department that at times protects half a million people, there aren't position qualifications set in the first place.

It's also strange, that the OCVFC can go from declaring they are leaving the resort because their under-qualified chief wasn't appointed to oversee career employees, to offering to come back and hire firemen to supplement their lackluster staffing.

The whole situation screams POWER PLAY. Where was the problem in forming a combination department? Why can't the volunteers operate under a qualified paid fire chief, one that has actually overseen paid employees before. One that was appointed to his position based on merit, not popularity.

Anonymous said...

Four words (Fair Labor Standards Act)Ask the fire company how much they just cost the city with there proposal.

Anonymous said...

Or how much they just saved the city

Anonymous said...

"Or how much they just saved the city"

How are they going to save the city money? They are taking employees performing two roles, and telling them to do only one. Next, they're hiring new people (how else are they going to increase staffing?) and appointing them to do the job they just told the paid employees not to do.


Maybe the chief's and president should give up their stipends and vehicles. I wonder how much those cost the citizens each year?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint but it was in my hands @11:00 am, and common knowledge to the lower 3 counties by noon

Anonymous said...

Nice comment, but I need to correct one thing for you. chief Larmore(and I use that title loosely because the only chiefs hat he should wear is the one they give to school kids on prevention day) had to drop out of the FOI class because he was too busy playng pretend chief. Wake up and smell the bullsh*t, you are threatening the public's safety as well as hard working professional's jobs with your idiotic plan(or lack there of) Anyone that voted for this so called plan is a true disgrace to the fire service. To those of you who can't even strap on an air pack and go to battle, and this is 90% of you, go join a social club where you can't toy with peoples lives like a board game!!! As for the "103 years", it is amazing how Jester and Larmore have managed to take something that hardworking RESPECTABLE men took 103 years to build and screwed it up in just 6 months!!! You are just terrorists in turnout gear with your own agenda and power hungry attitude and total disregard for the people you have been sworn to protect. just take your toys and go screw up WOC. I am sure that the respectable vol fire co's in Wor. co. will welcome you with open arms(not!!!).

Anonymous said...

Internation Association of Fire Chiefs Officer Development Handbook.

Probably a good place to start when appointing/hiring a chief, wouldn't you think?

Anonymous said...

I vacation in OC every year in July. Last summer, there was a fire alarm in our hotel. Being a volunteer fireman in NJ, I asked one of the firemen why they didn't bring a truck (ladder truck, for those who aren't familiar with the terms).

I was told the Chief forced the career staff not to bring a ladder truck to fire calls. No ladder truck, to a high rise? What a joke. No wonder he doesn't have FO1, he'd never pass.

I hope someone in Ocean City talks some sense into volunteer firemen there.

Anonymous said...

first of all i cant recall a time that we didnt have a ladder at or enroute to high rise. secondly i would like to see proof in writing as to the chief saying a ladder can't be brought to a high rise.

Anonymous said...

"first of all i cant recall a time that we didnt have a ladder at or enroute to high rise. secondly i would like to see proof in writing as to the chief saying a ladder can't be brought to a high rise."

Probably all of the numerous times the volunteers have never responded to calls. Or, wait, are you telling me there is a volunteer presence at every call?

I have a ruler if you'd like to measure your nose.

It was said the career staff can't take then truck. As in, when it's not in their box area. Hell I'm from Berlin and I know that's correct information.

Anonymous said...

Wow. And I thought Ocean City was beyond the Fire Company being a social club. Guess Not. The hell with the good of the citizens. The country club wants it all. Good Luck down there.

Anonymous said...

When does it stop first we need a chief oh no we dont want that now. Now we want to hire staff and do a job that is allready being done by a department within the city.

Wow i went to disney world last year and went to fantasy land i should have saved my money and just gone to a ocvfc meeting its odvious thats were they live.

My question to any ocvfc member is can you tell me whats so wrong with the service that is being and has been given by the fire ems division.Other then we want to be in control of everything.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 7:33 the union and poor management of paid officers. The fire company tried to work with them, they want the free labor GONE. The chief "without the classes" was working with them, one day they will be sorry when he is replaced, then they may have to "work." and not sleep. Ask about the "classes" thier current "paid chief" theobald has. See if you get an answer, wonder if he meets thier standards.

Anonymous said...

10:49 your right chief steger was working with them and i do believe things were going well for both then no problems like there is today.

The union just said that they felt that in the future it would be better to work for a career chief as did the vollies until the other day.

I understand it that director theobald stood up at one of your meetings and said that his department is there to handle the bullshit calls and he wanted as many vollies he could get when the whistle blew. I also heard that your chief said something simular to that as well by saying we can not be doing duty crews year around burning out the members.

It seems to me that maybe you better pay more attention at your meetings. I would say this ask the director what his training is if there is any questions you seem to know all the answers.

Anonymous said...

10:49 asked and answered big zero of the fire officer classes you promote as god. chief steger, now thats a good one, let the union side with him, the downfall started with him. today, theobald and he are together, two of the same looking out for themselves.

Anonymous said...

at least the current chief tells the truth, and will stand up, did or will the others?

Anonymous said...

Ask the union, the council president, Dennis Dare or Theobald what they think about the current chiefs ability and honesty. They may not agree with him, but they have had every oportunity to bash him and haven't. The last council meeting proved that. It's only the worst of the paid force that didn't get thier way fast enough. Timmy it's great you signed, I may lose my $ and can't, what's your thoughts on the chief?

Anonymous said...

"Answer to 7:33 the union and poor management of paid officers. The fire company tried to work with them, they want the free labor GONE. The chief "without the classes" was working with them, one day they will be sorry when he is replaced, then they may have to "work." and not sleep. Ask about the "classes" thier current "paid chief" theobald has. See if you get an answer, wonder if he meets thier standards."

The career union has never stated they want the volunteers gone. They want a combination fire department.

Anonymous said...

5:05 They won't say it in public, thier actions speak a thousand words. Look at thier charter. How does it view IAFF members supporting a vol. company. This is a sad day, so many so called friends have been lost, and so many men have forgotten why they ever got into the fire service to begin with.

Anonymous said...

"5:05 They won't say it in public, thier actions speak a thousand words. Look at thier charter. How does it view IAFF members supporting a vol. company. This is a sad day, so many so called friends have been lost, and so many men have forgotten why they ever got into the fire service to begin with."

You cannot read minds. Their charter states they cannot serve under a volunteer chief. Besides, the IAFC's mandates the requirements a chief should meet. Larmore doesn't come close.

He surely wouldn't be an officer in their organization. Why would be oversee them?

Anonymous said...

Ok lets see, Larimore does not have advanced training, but no-one can say he doesn't have leadership, and experience (7-8 years as chief) He has been in command of many fires and seriosu calls. He was requiring his officers and himself to raise the standard that has only been in affect the last 4-5 years. The paid officers train on paid time, got certified by their own paid department, and can't even lead their own platoons. Something is wrong with your facts, everyone in the state knows that. Oh, and the charter does not say that, it says the entire department. I can post a copy, but heck you guys haven't told the truth yet. You guys bring such disgrace to the fire service.

Anonymous said...

"Ok lets see, Larimore does not have advanced training, but no-one can say he doesn't have leadership, and experience (7-8 years as chief) He has been in command of many fires and seriosu calls. He was requiring his officers and himself to raise the standard that has only been in affect the last 4-5 years. The paid officers train on paid time, got certified by their own paid department, and can't even lead their own platoons. Something is wrong with your facts, everyone in the state knows that. Oh, and the charter does not say that, it says the entire department. I can post a copy, but heck you guys haven't told the truth yet. You guys bring such disgrace to the fire service."

Requiring himself and the other officers to raise the standard? TO WHAT? Fire Officer Nothing?

I'm not a member of either department, but I recommend you observe the training many of the paid officers have received. They've all gone through MFRI, taken numerous classes, and many of the career employees teach there. And the quip about not being able to lead their own, where is the evidence in that?

And don't even start calling ANYONE a disgrace. This, coming from a member of the volunteer department LEAVING the town they serve. This coming from the volunteer department that doesn't even have enough SCBA certified members to fight a high-rise fire that their district is covered with. This, coming from a volunteer department SO far behind national standards that it's amazing they're still around. This, coming from a member of the department that consistently doesn't go on their own fire calls. This, coming from a volunteer department that can't follow their own running card. It's time idiots like you left the fire service.

The facts have clearly been stated. Either:

A) You're too stupid to interpret them.

B) You honestly believe the bull you're saying. Refer to condition A.

The issue isn't as much as Larmore's operational capability, though that can also be called into question. The issue is administrative authority. No training requirements. No officer requirements. And he wants to be in charge of a paid division? He wants to hire firemen? One hell of an example he's set. If he spent half as much time fixing the problems the OCVFC has as he does trying to usurp power, you guys might not still resemble a fire department in the 1970's. What the hell has Larmore done on the administrative side that makes him such a great, administrative chief?

Anonymous said...

So now the OCVFC wants to hire firefighter/EMTs. Who is going to pay the saleries, pension, insurance? Will this now fall onto the taxpayers or is the OCVFC proposing to pay for these firefighters out of thier own budget? Who is going to manage this new division? Is it the volunteer chief or will he be the first paid chief of this new divison? Will there be Captains and Lieutenants? Where are these people going to come from and what will thier pay scales be? Sounds like Mr. Jester cant get a promotion in his own career department so why not try to start his own and name himself a line officer with a paycheck closer to home.
There are alot of questions and one of the main ones are why have two separate departments in the same town doing the same job?

Anonymous said...

There sure are a lot of unanswered questions! As far as who is going to pay for these new firefighter positions.....where do you think their budget comes from??? Of course it ends up coming from the tax payers. You don't see OCVFC having fundraisers like the other area volunteers. It's because they don't have to. They get tons of money from the city and county. Don't be fooled by them saying this solution will save tax payers money and that the paid chief's salary can be put to better use. That's a bunch of bull. A paid fire chief is definitely needed now more than ever!! He needs to come in here and straighten out this mess that you have created.

EMS is already doing the job...are you going to take away part of their salary along with thier responsiblities. Of course not! This proposal is horrible. What happened to the idea of a paid chief to oversee everything. A few weeks ago that was so extrememly important that we needed to have it immediately filled with an interm chief. Now it's not needed at all??!! Make up your freakin mind. Sounds like your just grasping for ideas to be in complete control. Grow's a bitch. Your starting to embarass the dedicated members the OCVFC by acting like spoiled rotten brats that can't figure what they really want other than control.