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Monday, February 11, 2008

Michelle Obama At UMES At 11:30 AM Today

Sadly, I cannot be here at this event today, nor can I make the two events in College Park and Baltimore where Obama will be present.

I wish I had more time this morning to express my feelings towards Obama but I am restricted in time this morning and I'll have to do so later this evening. Try to make this event today Folks. It could be a once in a lifetime thing?


Anonymous said...

Who would vote for an idiot with a muslim name to be our President of the United States? ONLY AN IDIOT!! There are some sick individuals out there that are totally clueless about our countries security. I bet our forefathers are turning over in their graves right now!!!

Anonymous said...

Who on earth wants to vote for a Muslim to our president? He won't even Pledge his allegence to the flag. Is this the man we want running our country, nothing against all muslims but the primary religion of terrorists that attacked our country was muslim. I know not all muslims are alike but I don't see a group of American Muslims pleading with the terrorists to leave the U.S. alone and see if we can work through things without violence. I will take Hillary over Obama any day, though I don't think either is any good.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you all, but it seems like an overwhelming number of people in this country are supporting this domestic terrorist.

Anonymous said...

Look at what the world is coming to...individuals really need to look at the issues. Of course...did I forget we are talking about Salisbury, Marylard. IDIOTS!!

Anonymous said...

How the hell can we elect a President of the U.S.A. by the name of "Obama" who has muslim ties. I really don't think "Obama" fits in with the founders of our country, G. Washington, A. Lincoln, J. Adams, and those who followed, J.F.Kennedy, Reagan, just to name a few. Bleeding heart liberals have made this country what it is,which is a disgrace and laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

The muslims know they can't defeat our military and it's their goal to destroy us from the inside out. The liberals in this country will stop at nothing. they march all the time in our nations capital and protest everything. maybe it's time that we do the same thing before it's to late.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that based on the comments posted here, Salisbury is full of racists. Wow, these posts are just anti-american.