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Monday, February 11, 2008

Congressional Candidate Andy Harris

Dear Friends,

I have enjoyed meeting so many of you during the last nine months of the campaign. Now this Primary campaign is coming to a close tomorrow, February 12, 2008. I hope each of you will go to the polls tomorrow and cast your ballots for me.

As I have traveled throughout the district, I have learned that the Republican voters in the first district want conservative leadership. They are tired of Washington politicians who spend their frivilously spend their money and raise their taxes. They are tired of politicians who are not committed to sealing our borders and ending illegal immigration. They are tired of politicians who are not committed to winning the Global War on Terror.

This election, I am giving voters an alternative. I will vote against every tax increase. I will oppose all wasteful government spending. I will vote to secure our borders and end illegal immigration. I will fight to win the Global War on Terror.

Voters have a choice between Wayne Gilchrest, a liberal politician who has become part of Washington; or me Andy Harris, a consistent conservative who will take principled stances to return our party to its Reagan roots. I believe the choice is clear and I am confident we will be victorious on Election Day.

Nine months ago I began my campaign saying we sent Wayne to change Washington, but sadly Washington changed Wayne. Tomorrow we can change congressman.

Don't forget to take your friends and family with you when you go to vote.

God Bless,



Anonymous said...

Andy, who have my entire family's vote. We would vote no other way!

God Bless Andy and your Family!

Anonymous said...

This may be the most important election ever. I have listened to all candidates and Andy represents the values of my family.

Andy has my family's vote also.

Anonymous said...

We need to elect someone who will end No Child Left Behind. The goal of having 100% of students proficient in reading and math sounds good until one realizes that not all children are of at at least average ability. The Daily Times had a good article on special education in Wicomico County and showed a paraprofessional who works with 18 children. There was no mention of the 33 paraprofessionals who work with ONLY ONE CHILD EACH at a cost of about a million dollars. Yes, fewer children are in facilities outside the county, because they are in public classrooms with an incredibly expensive amount of assistance. The cost is not just in dollars. The amount of time and attention required by these students, as well as the frequent interruptions they cause, are costing the other kids their education. Because of federal legislation, special education students have all of the rights when it comes to classroom placement. It is of no importance if they hinder the progress of the others or if programs for other students are cut or reduced so even more millions can be spend for special education.

Anonymous said...

Andy, you def. have my vote..keep up the good work on making it a hard time for illegal you can def. count on vote tomorrow!!!