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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Louise, Louise ueber Alles ...

That was the anthem that played this evening in the Salisbury City Council chambers as Councilwoman Louise Smith asserted herself as der Fuhrer of the Salisbury Council. Finally shouted down by a justifiably hostile public, Smith illegally adjourned Monday's council work session rather than simply follow the recently adopted council rules which provide her with near absolute power. I believe that her problem is that her power is not absolute.

The meeting started in the city's packed conference room. As Smith scanned the assembled crowd and saw only two friendly faces, Smith soldiers Eleanor Mulligan and Kay Beck, she was quite hesitant to move the proceedings to the Council chambers in order to allow the public to view the proceedings. Unfortunately, there was no plausible reason not to move the meeting and she had to do so.

Once the assembled citizens moved to the Council chambers, Smith proceeded to deliver a speech meant to chastise Councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. In a speech that violated her own rules, Smith asserted that she was "disappointed with certain council members monopolizing the council's time with their questions and political grandstanding". Smith was planning on doing some "grandstanding" of her own.

Smith then handed the floor over to her lord and master, Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman. Tilghman then proceeded to read a letter where she states that the concerns raised by the auditor's management letter "are serious and are being addressed immediately". Of course we need to remember that many of the concerns raised in this year's management letter were cited in last year's audit and the Mayor's solution was exactly the same as this year's - claim responsibility and state that the concerns "are serious and are being addressed immediately". Fully expect to hear the same thing next year, but perhaps with slightly different language.

Smith then handed the floor over to Herb Geary, the city's auditor. Geary's presentation sounded great, if you had not read the auditor's management letter. In all honesty you would have thought that you had read an audit of Salisbury but had been magically transported to a meeting of the Easton town council. Geary lauded the Mayor, City Administrator John Pick, city finance chief Pam Oland and all of the city's financial staff. It was particularly interesting that Geary spent a fair amount of time on the one positive comment in his management letter - the Finance Department's accounting for fixed assets. Of course you would hope that there had been improvement given that this had been the single greatest deficiency since Geary's firm had taken over the city's audit contract.

While citing myriad material deficiencies in his written report, Geary claimed that "results are very positive". I honestly thought that I had been teleported to Mars. Geary also applauded the city's ability to generate a multi-million dollar surplus during FY 2007. I applaud them as well, but wonder why Tilghman, Smith, Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields then felt it was necessary to saddle the city's taxpayers with a double-digit tax increase.

It was now time for Smith to grab her moment of glory. Smith began her little moment by reading a prepared speech that, among other things, claimed that she was an auditor. Remember back to her campaign for council and the retired teacher claimed that she had experience with audits and in compliance. NOW, in ten short months Smith has obtained an accounting degree (perhaps from one of the internet diploma mills) and proclaimed herself an auditor. Perhaps if she finds herself a little short on cash, Geary's firm will hire her to audit some of their higher profile clients. I'm quite sure that they will be suitably impressed with her expertise.

At this point Smith rose from her seat and sauntered over to an easel with tables, graphs, etc. Remember, at the beginning of the meeting she read a speech stating that she would not permit any political grandstanding or allow any council member to speak for more than five minutes. Smith had already used her five minutes, but hey, she's Louise. She's special. She gets to do whatever she want. Rules... rules only apply to others.

While Smith was attempting to enjoy her C-SPAN moment, Councilwoman Cohen attempted to remind Smith that, according to her (Smith), this work session was ONLY for council members to ask questions (not make presentations). Smith would have none of that.

At this moment, I will admit that I was bad. I let out a few catcalls and when Smith reasserted her right to do whatever she wished I started to laugh. Then, several other members of the audience began to laugh. Well, we all learned something. Louise does not handle being laughed at very well.

Smith stated that she would recess the meeting. If you have been reading my posts for any length of time you know that I have a hang up about the rules. I'll play any game in town, just tell me the rules in advance and abide by them. The rules of the council are pretty clear. Anything not covered by state law, the city charter or the council's standing orders are governed by Robert's Rules of Order. There is nothing in state law, the city charter or the council's standing orders which govern either the recess or adjournment of a meeting. It's pretty simple. Robert's Rules of Order govern these relatively mundane (outside of Barrieland) tasks.

No. Louise will have none of that. She simply recessed the meeting arbitrarily. When several in the audience, including me, raised a stink she ordered City Clerk Brenda Colegrove to go get the rules. After searching through the rules they appear to have come up with the following:
Section 6, C:
The Council President shall control discussion of the Council on each agenda item to assure full participation in accordance with the Rules of Order.
Der Louise claims that this rule allows her to do anything she wants. First of all, that argument is ridiculous on its face. If her claim were true, there wouldn't many other rules because everything would be at the arbitrary discretion of Smith.

However, even if this were true there's a little problem. Section 6 of the rules covers regular (or legislative) meetings. This meeting was a work session, which is governed under Section 9 of the council's standing orders. There is NOTHING in Section 9 that even remotely addresses this issue.

Oddly enough, the only thing that Smith had to do in order to act properly was to ask either Gary Comegys or Shanie Shields to make a motion to recess the meeting. The motion would have carried and that would have been all over. Unfortunately for the taxpayers who came to hear about the audit, Smith is far too arrogant to act properly.

After Smith's rump recess the meeting resumed and Smith started to drone on. For some reason, I honestly can't remember why, Councilwoman Debbie Campbell raised a point of order. Smith went apoplectic. She began arguing with Campbell, telling her not to interrupt! Again, I have a hang up about following the rules. A point of order is (what's called) an incidental motion. It is in order when another person has the floor and it is the Chair's duty to recognize a point of order and allow the individual making the point of order to state their point.

Again, rules mean nothing to Louise Smith! Since Campbell refused to back down (rightly so), Smith adjourned the meeting. Smith merely needed to recognize Campbell, let her state her point, rule on it and then go about her business. Der Louise is just not going to be bothered by little things like the rule of law. Remember, she presides in the banana republic of Barrieland.

To get a true flavor of this fiasco, you need to put a few things into context. Barrie Tilghman, hardly a non-controversial individual and certainly not a popular figure amongst Monday's audience was listened to quietly and respectfully by all present. The auditors made their presentation without a peep from the peanut gallery. Councilman Comegys, Campbell, and (I believe) Cohen asked a couple of questions about particular comments made by the auditors. No one flipped out when Smith went off on her little lecture about being Queen of the World and how she wouldn't tolerate any disobedience on the part of us (the great unwashed). ONLY when Smith refused to discuss an obvious fib that she was telling the audience and a couple of us started laughing did all hell break loose.

We also need to remember that this is the second meeting in a row where Smith has threatened to remove a member of the public. While I was never a fan of Mike Dunn's tenure in the center chair he NEVER acted like this; even on the few occasions when be basically had a breakdown during a meeting. I've witnessed Comegys chair one or two meetings and he performed fairly and discharged his duties adequately.

If the primary difference between a fairly smooth running council and the current version (which more closely resembles the Taiwanese parliament) is Louise Smith, what is the logical inference? For the sake of the city's government and reputation it is time for the other members of council to temporarily put aside their differences and put another individual in the center chair.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...

That is the whole point with Louise. She doesn't even try to hide the fact that as long as she is "the chair" 2 council persons will always be out of order or over their time limits. That is why the audience started laughing when she had one of her tirades last night. The irony, the arrogance, the comedic and the tragic all coming together on a collision course, when she abused her own authority by an attempt at grandstanding, and then chiding another council member "Oh that's ok, you'll get your time" when everyone present know that is never the case. Then she proceeds to single one member of the public to give a public flogging (when several people in the audience had been laughing at the total hypocrasy on display) and that person decided to reply to Mrs. Smith in a like manner--venting a frustration and anger that has building for months over the sad state of affairs of our city government, and the futile attempts of 2 council persons to give the citizens of Salisbury something that shouldn't have to be fought for---Answers to appropriate questions about the taxpayors money, dignity, truth in government. Mrs. Smith should remember--respect is not blindly given, it is earned.

Mrs. Campbell and Cohen, I hope you can stay on until the next election. Perhaps we can find some people who take the business of the city and subsequent financial responsibility seriously.

As for Mr. Comegys and Ms. Shields-why did you hightail out of the meeting so quickly, leaving your collegues to sort things without you?

Mayor, your excuses and corrections do not explain to my satisfaction how all this money disappears and shows up under scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

Louise Smith should move to Sheba if she wants to be the queen.

Anonymous said...


More cogent comments like your one above, please. Don't be bashful -- you're the best!

Anonymous said...

To the two ladies in the audience last night who stood up to LouWeasle, thank you. Don't know who you are, but please attend the next meeting so we can thank you personally.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Geary could sacrifice his self-respect long enough to praise Salisbury's financial department, he does need to be reported. What is praiseworthy about this debacle? My thinking that an auditor has to be objective is clearly in error. He must have a personal agenda that supports the current administration. That causes me to wonder how accurate the Geary audit is. If his figures are not exactly "complete," how would we know?

Tim Chaney said...

As usual a great piece of writing Cato.

Anonymous said...

I agree 8:01, Considering how cozy Geary seems to be with Louise and Barrie it would seem logical that their report could be inaccurate and biased. There need to be an independent external audit from the state level.