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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Mayor & Council Are The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Salisbury News

Barrie Tilghman sure is getting a lot of attention these day and guess what, MOST of it is from right here on this Blog! Yesterday marked yet ANOTHER Record Day on Salisbury News as people logged onto this Site like never before!

It just seems to keep backfiring on the Mayor and we just get more popular by the day. So thanks Barrie, you're our Marketing Queen and we don't even have to pay a dime for your services.

Let's see now, the Mayor would now like to believe The Daily Times is ganging up on her, WBOC, WMDT and let's not forget the Blogs. The DT, WBOC & WMDT are FINALLY realizing that NEWS SELLS! The more they expose it, the more people will go to listen or read and that sells papers and advertising! GO FIGURE!

Settling in and cruising along simply because you're the only sources in Town doesn't cut it any more. The Blogs have created so much attention that things are actually starting to get exciting here on the Eastern Shore and with any luck the viewers and readers will start to get more fair and balanced news about what's really going on in Salisbury.

I'd say the War was fought and the Battle is now won. Hail to the Blogs as we welcome the rest of the News Media on board.

If I only had a dollar a month from every viewer, O M G! Better watch out Daily Times!


Anonymous said...

I watched the video on WBOC and it was a laugh to say the least. She acts like a little brat who can't get her way. No wonder they can't find $10.2 million of lost money. Real leaders don't act like that.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Salisbury when Dal Truitt was Mayor, Col. Leydeker was the city exec and with the likes of City Engineer Pete Cooper, Police Chief Les Payne and Fire Chief Bill Taylor, the city grew and prospered. Most importantly, the town government was respected by its citizens. It may have been a good ole boy network, but it sure beat the total ineptitude of the city government we have today,