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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Salary Comment Worth Mentioning Ref. WCDC

"$28,000 a year...Now ask yourself can YOU raise a family and keep a roof over their head at $28,000 a year. I don't think so, of course you knew the pay when you applied for the job. could this be the reason that the quality of employee is so steller? WSO has their hands full, Mike is not god and cannot solve all of our problems with his force, he has his job to do also. But $28,000 a year, is a insult to any person working and trying to raise a family, correctly.

OK Fly Boy, let me educate YOU a little bit here.

My Wife worked at the Salisbury Zoo for 18 years. AFTER 18 years on the job, working in the cold of winter OUTDOORS and the heat of Summer, OUTDOORS, AFTER 18 YEARS she was making a cool $29,000.00 a year!

So take you petty crybaby BS and cry somewhere else. YOU PEOPLE are out of control any more and like I said, you don't like it, go to work somewhere else. This bellyaching BS has got to end! My Wife at the time was also single and raising three Boys.

Perhaps you haven't seen the salaries the City offers and the conditions in which you're subjected to? Search some cells and make that place safer and leave the Taxpayers of Wicomico County alone. You're like someone trying to take a property worth $250,000.00 and sell it for $750,000.00. Too Late Dude! No ones buying it any more.

Let's also remember there are usually TWO incomes per household. So your theory of only $28,000.00 a year and survival is once again, BS! If you took the job at $28k and you are single, you knew what you were getting into then, so stop the crying now. You guys know me, I tell it like it is.


Anonymous said...

28000.00 a year is a lot of money .....there are 3 diffrent guys that work at the same co i work for that make 9.50 an hour thats 19760.00 a year if they work every day.they both have kids and yes a wife that makes less than they do. so always remember there is always someone out there that has it worse.

Anonymous said...

Joe: after all that time your wife, single now not two household incomes, made $29,000 a year. That is a travisty and a scam. Do you think your wife was worth more? Of course because you know that she could not raise her kids and put clothes on their back for that salery. So why are you busting my balls here, you who have everything so you say, are pissed off your wife made so little yet you want to keep other saleries down, and the same hardship your wife had before she met you. did she know the salery when she took the job? Maybe hoping that the pay would improve, and she could provide better for her kids. it is apparent she is smart, and well liked, educated, so why did she make so little? I am not the bad guy here Joe, I think that employees at the zoo, who work as hard as you say your wife did, are getting screwed and insulted by a wage like that, no matter where you work. Mike finally got the sheriff dept. a living wage, the CC screwed the tax payers and the sheriff, rick Pollitt was a man and vetoed it. Okay Joe not everyone deserves $28,000 a year, but if you are an adult with an adult job you should be paid adult wages...ask your wife. So before you decide to be rude to me think about people working their ass off for $24,000 a year, who are educated, well liked and do a really good job, then look at who wants to work for $28,000 a year. Well the quality of the employee is generally inline with the salery, you should know you were a business man. I respect you and your opnion just speak to me the way I would speak to you.

Anonymous said...

It is not our fault you chose the job you did. You took the pay like everyone else did, now get your 3% a year cost of living increase and deal with it. Don't like your pay---go back to school or change jobs!

Anonymous said...

$28K a year is crap. ESPECIALLY when you are married and have kids.

Anonymous said...

How can you compare working at a zoo scooping poop and feeding animals to babysitting a bunch of criminals? Apples and Oranges.

Anonymous said...

I am going back to school to change jobs. Easier said than done with a family. That salary is low, let's face it. Especially in this rough economy. I support Flyboy.

Anonymous said...

How in the world can you compair the zoo to a jail. Wprking with animals in nothing like those dirtbags. You have lost your mind.

Anonymous said...

Its easy for people to say go back to school and get a degree and change jobs. Yes it might be easy for a single person with no family. But 28,000 a yr is not much money when you have a family. On top of that when you cant afford day care to put your children in for your spouse to work. So with one income coming in the household its not much money. And those people struggle. Im sure there are many people out there that live check by check. But yet do the very best they can for there family. I am one of those people. And unfort. i dont have the income to go to college and get a degree to change my job right now. People out there can shit on me and everyone else out there that are in the same situation. For the income that i make i sure do the best that i can do with the income that i bring in.

joe albero said...

Oh quit your bellyaching!

And Robinson, AKA Lucky Duck, I'll NOT publish ANY of your comments.

I never graduated High School and made millions. As for my Wife, she, nor I, even complained about the $29k she was making after 18 years, just that she was only making that much.

Jennifer did what she did for the love of the animals. ANYONE working there certainly isn't doing so for the money.

I'll close with, some ARE working there because they can't find a job anywhere else but that is a very select few.

If YOU don't like the WCDC job, leave! As a matter of fact, if you don't like your pay ANYWHERE your working, LEAVE!

That being said, my guess is NONE of you will walk off the job anyway.

Anonymous said...

"i dont have the income to go to college and get a degree to change my job right now."

Takes more than money; being a dumb ass won't help youlykxu

Anonymous said...

I could understand the raise IF they actually did their jobs. That place is in shambles and it is UNSAFE to work there. first, get rid of devyns and get someone in there that will hold these criminals by the scruff of their necks. If they act up in there, beat their asses. Some of the C/O's are great guys, but some of them are criminals themselves and need to go. The place is out of control.

Anonymous said...

I would be careful Joe, everything you have has been given to you by God, and he can take it away. It all belongs to the kingdom of heaven anyway. God might want to see how you use your money and treat people.

Average Girl, you need to get a clue, the Eastern SHore USE to be cheaper to live in, now it is like Baltimore and salaries are not the same. Salary for a average FF here is 28-30 year, in Montgomery County it is 60 year.

You lose a lot of people because of it.

Anonymous said...

first i would like to say that wcdc is asking for nothing more than a competitive salary with the rest of the detention centers on the eastern shore. it is one of the biggest detention centers on the eastern shore and is the most underpaid. Also no disrespect but how can you compare working at a zoo with cute little animals to working in a jail? Are you kidding me? Have you ever worked in a jail before? if you don't like whats going on with all this...why don't you run for mayor or county council? until then shut you trap and deal with it. you would be pissed if you were only getting paid like 2 dollars an hour so just stop your bitching!

Anonymous said...

Where does the money paid by the FEDS go? Be like Joe Abbott, apply for a job with the US Marshalls office and make a boatload of money. Fly around the world transporting criminals at the taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

$29k is alot of money, I live off of less than $12k a year, and am quite happy. (I have my own company, all my profits reinvested)

Anonymous said...

first of all abbott doesnt work for the us marshals....he works for ins. secondly the money from the feds im not sure where it goes but it doesnt go to the officers that work at wcdc. and as far as im concerned this raise is much needed. just because we aren't out on the street arresting these people doesnt mean that we have less risks to deal with. police have lots of tools at thier disposal to use during thier job. we only have our hands. there have been many police officers say that they would not do our job for any amount of pay.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't do your job for any amount of pay and I'm not a police officer. That being said, I think I'd be looking into where that federal money is going. The CO's of WCDC are doing the job of federal correctional officers and should be paid their same rate of pay. I know the INS and other federal prisoners housed there get better treatment than the county prisoners because the federal prison regs mandate such treatment. So, if the COs are going to be doing the job of the feds they should be paid at the same level as the feds. Otherwise, let the feds provide their own security for these pampered criminals.

Dude, I am all for your pay raises and any other personal protections the COs need to survive your shift in the hell known as WCDC.

Anonymous said...

well thank you that certainly is a sign of support for us. it would be nice to some some more supporters at county council meetings when these requests are made. not that there isnt any but more could always help. I agree one hundered percent with you on the whole rate of pay thing. And once again thank you.

Anonymous said...

Its ignorant ass people like you that don't understand our job as correction officer's that makes it hard for us. I commend Sgt. Dickerson for what he is doing for the detention center and the officer's working there(present and future). We are the largest correction facility on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, we housed over 600 inmates. Not only locals but also federal and INS inmates. YES Worcester County makes 10,000 dollars more than what Wicomico makes. We put our lives on the line every single day we walk thru those doors, anything could happen within seconds. You say that we don't need a raise, that we're crying well I say step into our shoes just for 1 day or even a week and I guarentee that you wouldn't even come back the next day. What makes a correction officer's job less important? When Mike Lewis became the Head of the Sheriff Department I didn't hear anyone BITCHING AND COMPLAINING about what the County gave them. When they received rows of cars and a bus. Yes maybe the county do need to get rid of Director Devenyns, Duputy Director Roberts, Major Moore and Captain Foreman. You can't run a jail from sitting behind a desk all day. WHY SHOULDN'T WE RECIEVE A DECENT RAISE IS IT BECAUSE MOST OF THE OFFICER'S WORKING THERE ARE BLACK?!!! All that we are asking for is what is right for us. How DARE A Man try and compare his wife working at a zoo to working in a jail, trust me there is NO comparison. I say to the many officer's and to Sgt.Dickerson JOB WELL DONE AND KEEP UP THE EXCELLANT WORK!!!! TO people like you LEARN OUR JOB, DO OUR JOB BEFORE YOU JUDGE OUR JOB AND TRY TO TELL US WHAT WE DO OR DON'T NEED!!!

Anonymous said...

Man some of you are sad.! Seriously, I believe that the officers need the raise because I've worked there but, the bull shit about the comment " is it because most of the officers are black?" Now you know that's B.S!!! Really, they need to get rid of ALOT of people in there who "THINK" they know how to RUN a jail! The county needs to get rid of Devenyns, and Roberts. LOL....How are you going to TRY and run a jail and you've NEVER really work as a CORRECTIONAL OFFICER!!!!! If they get rid of the trash that does work there, instead of hiring damn criminals that are just gonna help the inmates already locked up then they'll be able to sort through and look at the budget and the CO's can get a raise! But damn the inmates have more in W.C.D.C then they do on the streets sometimes! Hell the warden isn't worth a damn and neither are MOST of the CO's!

Anonymous said...

first of all race should have nothing to do with this at all and as a person who is a co i think that whoever pulled that card is an idiot. its a person like you that pulls cards like that that divides us all. secondly as far as the problems in wcdc if everyone would stick toghether and be consistent then things might work a whole hell of alot better. this crap of certain people issuing disiplinary action on inmates that break the rules and then having some other officer just say hey that doesnt matter you can do what you want is crap. everyone needs to stick toghether. not to mention its an attitude like you have that looks bad on us in the image of the public. you should be ashamed of yourself to have pulled the race card. Its bad enough that when the press does hear about the department of corrections anywhere in this country it is usually how we messed up. but now we have you pulling this card. once again it is bad pr. no matter what you say or do in or outside of the jail has an effect on the image of you and the officers you work with. yes we do deserve the raise because it should be competive with everyone else. so once again that race card is crap.