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Monday, January 07, 2008

Monday's Forum With Congressional Candidate Andy Harris


While in Salisbury on Saturday, I received once again a very warm reception I have grown to enjoy every time I come down to the Lower Shore.

While there, I was able to see two of my Senate colleagues who have endorsed my candidacy. I am humbled by the support I have received from elected officials throughout the district and especially on the Shore.

When talking to the press on the Shore, I routinely get asked "How can voters know you will represent the values of the Shore?" It is a legitimate question so I wanted to take time to answer it today.

I believe the endorsement of my candidacy by Senators Rich Colburn and Lowell Stotzfus shows that I will be the best representative of shore values.

Senator Stotzfus has lived on the Shore and farmed for decades and is currently the 5th most tenured member of the Maryland State Senate. We served in the Senate Leadership together and he knows my work, which is why he has endorsed me.

Senator Colburn is the only State Senator who was born and raised on the Shore. He knows the Shore better than any other elected official, and he believes I will be the best representative of those values.

Most of the major issues to people on the Shore are the same as the issues important to people throughout the district. People care about Winning the War on Terror, Ending Illegal Immigration, and Bringing Fiscal Responsibility to Washington. I will do all of those things which is why so many people have endorsed my candidacy.

I hope you will give me the opportunity to represent you in the same way Senators Stotzfus and Colburn have done for years.

God Bless,



Anonymous said...

Andy has my vote!

Anonymous said...

Just the type of leader we need in Congress!!! Someone who will listen to his constituents and do what they's about time we got a man like that!!!