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Saturday, December 01, 2007

Another Fire Fighter Makes Another Threat

"Your taking risks by posting this shit when someone could come hunt down your ass :)"

GET IN LINE, IDIOT! Oh, by the way, a real man would use his name. This is only part of what he said from the Pocomoke Parade Post.


Anonymous said...


The trooper is available for bodyguard/bouncer detail if needed. Works cheap. Sometimes just for food!

Chimera said...

I finally figured out why the grammer is so bad in these threatening comments-they only have one free hand!
BTW Sooper-you dont chug syrup do you?LOL

Anonymous said...

I guess being childish enough to post threats on the internet they must not understand how little "anonymous" means. If anything ever happened, you and sitemeter have records that lead to everyones front doors. It's funny watching idiots trash talk and threaten you on this site. I guess they have to find some way to make up for the inadequacies in their lives.


BossHogg said...


Was he talking to you or to me?

I take pride in standing behind my statements and putting my name to them.

WWW.POCOMOKETATTLER.COM was registered when I published, distributed & mailed the original in 2005 and had grown organically.

What do you call asshole posters like that guy without stopping to his level?

Why doesn't he publish a link to all the nasty things you have said about firemen?

Maybe because your comments and mine are not negative about the Fire Departments in general...

Stevie Wonder can tell at a glance that the new $1,500 per square foot building is on a Boss Hogg budget...

Donald Trump can build high roller suites for less than the City of Salisbury is building its new Fire Station for....

As to your commentary about the parade after being a guest in my home.... Both Stephanie & I laughed our asses off it was funny, pointed and very true...

Boss Hogg used to have the fire companies walk the parade but they were drinking the stipend BEFORE the parade and in some years many could not make the entire route... they were too drunk to walk...

Do you think the poster is a firefighter or just an asshole who is too much of a pussy to come out in public?

Anonymous said...

i really wouldnt consider that statement a threat afterall if you were to know that person`s name and try to get a peace order against them that wouldnt be enough to get it