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Saturday, December 01, 2007

Granddad Spreads The Love Referencing Pennsylvania Ave.

Burglars burglarize - Vandals vandalize. Sometimes vandals burglarize but only if the opportunity presents itself. Burglars only damage property as necessary to facilitate entry. This is not the work of professional burglars. This is the work of kids, likely college students who had been drinking. They walk the streets at night coming from parties and do stupid sh*t.

Bike patrol manning a COPP substation would do wonders to catch people who carry out these types of acts as well as deter others from doing it as well.

One evening many years ago another deputy and I, while assigned to bike patrol in the Booth St. area, loaded up our bikes and took them to the Pine Bluff area. We rode for about a half hour and decided to slip back off of the road into the shadows to listen for the sounds of any parties going on. Within 5 minute 4 college students came walking by smoking marijuana. Guess what? 10-95....4 times....cds. Locked 'em all up. That's what I've been saying all along. COPP + substations + quality of life issues + zero tolerance = safer longs as it's done BEFORE the area turns into a ghetto. Better make a stand now, citizens, before it's too late. The clock is ticking.


Anonymous said...

Granddad, I cannot help but notice that you specifically reference college students as the likely perpetrators of these senseless crimes. Your making the argument of taking care of criminals, whom ever they may be, into an argument which is specifically targeting college students.

Is it not possible for other delinquents, high school students, middle school students, or other general Salisbury criminals and hoodlums?? "Likely college students" come on, quit taking a free shot at college should not matter who is doing these crimes. A criminal is a criminal no matter what background, ethnicity, or AFFILIATION he/she may belong to.

I agree, patrols in the neighborhoods with the specific mission of catching these vandals/theives is a priority. I myself have been a victim of vandalism/home theft. But lets put our manpower there to catch these criminals and then lets see who they really are. But it doesn't matter though because the law is going to get them off the streets, hopefully, and make the community safer and better quality of life.

Granddad I emplore you to please just generalize the perpetrators as delinquents who ought not to perform such acts and refrain from taking shots at college students. Please keep on target! I know you have the best in mind for our community!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Grandad, now is the time to make a stand against this type of childish activity. Weekends are the worst time for the student parties, so I would think SPD could have patrols in this area on a nightly, Friday and Saturday, basis. What about that Chief Webster and Mayor Barrie?

A. Goetz

Chimera said...

10-95?I thought that was a 420?LOL
Seriously ANY kind of police presence in the city would prevent this vandalism.Better than vigilantes,because they are gonna slash someones tires on night and turn around to see the very angry car owner standing over them with a bat.

Tim Chaney said...

Good advice PoP PoP

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think it's local thugs, high school or not. College students getting rowdy tend to throw things or knock things over. They typically do not carry items or weapons that cut or slash. I can recall a bunch of instances where they damaged things on the property (pillars, ornaments, etc.), but I can't recall them damaging the house proper. I could be wrong, but this doesn't fit the M.O. of the student incidents I recall.