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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Could The Mayor Own That "We Pay Cash For Homes" Company?

I see these signs everywhere and one has to wonder just who has their hands in this company? I'll bet if these signs said SBYNEWS.COM on them I'd not only be fined, they'd be instantly pulled. This photo was taken last night at Main Street & Rt. 13.


Anonymous said...

Joe, These types of signs pop up on Fridays and stay until the first of each week. Most of them are in the city limits.

joe albero said...

Thank You Mayor. LOL

Anonymous said...

Isn't that location on city property, too? FOB's strike again?

And what about the rental apartments signage at the shopping center on Route 13, just before Benedicts -- is that still there?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, we pay cash for homes is a total and complete scam, and anyone in trouble with their lender; just pick up the phone and work it out.

This company will actually get you to sign over your home to them when they tell you they are working with your lender on your behalf when in fact they have had you sign the home over to them in the mountains of paperwork they have you sign, and then rent it back to you. But they don't tell you that you are renting, and if you do have a cash influx and want to get even on everything this is when you find out they have taken your home and in the meantime they have churned so many fees that it will often cost more to redeem it than it is worth.

Be very very careful of such scams.
If you can't afford your payments anymore, call your lender. The mortgage meltdown has begun and your lender doesn't want your house back.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the city council will decide to set controls on these popup signs. They should not be allowed on proprety that has not given permission to post. Looks like now sll you have to do is go out and pop in a sign anywhere. How about some comtrols Council?

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

These bandit signs are out of control and an eyesore all over out beautiful county. Something needs to be done. Listen up city and county council members and do something about them. The fines that could be attributed to the signs alone would most likely put another job on the county payroll.