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Sunday, November 25, 2007

2007 Winter Wonderland Of Lights

Although the crowd this year wasn't 1/4 of what it was last year, many came out to enjoy the festivities. Enjoy the photos.


Anonymous said...


Why anyone would want to see that display a second or third time is beyond me. Almost as boring as the lights on the rooflines downtown.

joe albero said...

Hey, come on now! I thought that last photo with the fountain going and a display of the Maryland Flag in the background was pretty cool?

What's sad about a comment like you've just made is that you have conveniently forgotten that the CHILDREN visiting have a short memory and or they are seeing it for the very first time.

People/Adults today are so selfish, everything must be about them and not who it is intended for, the children.

IF you had been there you would have see all the happy little faces all excited and in awe and who can blame them?

Merry Christmas Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

So true, Joe.

What people forget about events like this is, children see things with fresh eyes of wonder, even if they have seen something many times before. They appreciate the "specialness" of what we, tainted by age, now fail to appreciate. (Sad when you think we JUST celebrated Thanksgiving!)

When you go to one of these things with a child, you experience that wonder again for yourself. So, anonymous, next time, take a kid with you!

There is also the other activities, and the thrill the kids have performing onstage as they did in their dance troupes last night.

If you want to see something different, make a donation to the lights to create a new display. These "same old things" are expensive.

To flip Shanie Shields' "if you want a sleepy little town, move":

If you want an exciting, expensive big city show every year, move...or at least travel.

Edge said...

Mr. Albero good pictures. Good coverage. A big pat on the back to those who organized this event. We enjoyed it! (and didn't have any kids with us!)

Bunker Britches said...

People (I for one) enjoy the sights of the Christmas Holidays and the traditions that are less commercial. The lights in City Park are a tradition that almost disappeared a couple of years ago and the public brought them back. Christmas is not the same without them. The only thing that makes them more beautiful is a light dusting of snow on the ground. Joe, thank you for the lovely pictures with the reflections on the water and the fountain with the Maryland Flag in the Background.

Anonymous said...

i thought that the lights ceromonie this year wasnt as good as last son got a lil pissy just sitting there but when they flipped the switch for the lights it was worth the 2 hour wait for the lights...his little face lite up and it made me feel so proud. Great job on the lights this year (to the plp that did them) and great pics joe

Anonymous said...

A lot of lights, or little lights, lets just be happy we have lights at all. Happy Holidays. Really wanted to attend, however, work had other plans.

Z. Keenan

Anonymous said...

attendance was down due to the "boat show"

joe albero said...

No. The lighting ceremony was at 6:00 PM and the Boat Parade was at 8:00 PM. There was absolutely no conflict between the two.