I will admit, Jim Rapp was coached by a good team to bring back all the charges that the State had dropped in the past, because they could do so for one year after they were dropped.
Not wanting to take the risk of a Judge having a bad day, I wasn't going to allow "any" criminal charges against me. The States Attorneys Office had in fact seen the video tape, they did firmly explain to Paul Wilber what they had seen and because the States Attorneys Office felt there was no case against me, they were pressured to move the case to Somerset County where a deal could be struck.
The Mayor obviously threw a fit when The State's Attorney's Office said they had nothing on me and she wanted me buried.
You see Folks, they cannot come back at me with "any" criminal charges ever again. That being said, since that is all in the past now I am allowed to move forward with a Civil Case against them. If I had done so any earlier things might have turned out differently today.
So they had "nothing" secure enough to come after me today, so they agreed to strike a deal. However, that doesn't relieve Jim Rapp from perjuring himself to the Commissioners by claiming I said, "Get the bleep out of my face." I have a complete video tape proving that is in fact a flat out lie. I "never" once cursed in the Zoo and in fact I have it on tape where Jim Rapp was the one cursing. These are facts Folks.
So let's see how Jimbo handles himself from here on out. How did they better the Salisbury Zoo today? All that has been done is the fact that Joe Albero cannot go in there and take pictures of dead animals. That doesn't mean anyone else can't. Also, what great strides will the Zoo take now that I'm no longer to blame for them not being able to better the Zoo. After all, that's been the excuse for the past 3 years or so. Will they lose their accreditation soon and be able to blame it on me? From now on the Zoo has no one else to blame for their ineptness but themselves.
In closing, who won? Really, neither side has won anything, yet. The MDE did close pipes and the Zoo was forced to spend many thousands of dollars replacing illegal pipes discharging chemicals and raw sewage into the River. The AZA did in fact leave a "laundry list" of demands for the Zoo to repair and build, including a $2,000,000.00 building the City/Zoo is scrambling to get started, in which they do not have the funds to do so. A brand new Blog Site called Salisbury News was started to better inform the citizens what was really goin on in their community, hence the exposure of the WWTP, Gangs, Graffiti, Pollution and so many other things other news sources have been afraid to report on.
In essence, most local politicians have been exposed for what they truly are. Thieves, criminals and con men/women.
Perhaps with new political winds of change the Zoo inhabitants will have a brighter future.
Read about it here in The Daily Times.
Your charges are on the Stet docket, Mr. Albero. If you violate the terms of your plea bargin, you can and will be brought up on those same chaerges. By the way, YOU didn't get to offer any deals, the zoo decided to allow you to cop a plea, and stay out of jail, which was exceedingly generous. You looked like a defeated little man when you left the court room this morning, Mr. Albero, so its too late to try to talk big now.
Remember what I said about who was there in the Court Room and who wasn't? Meet Zookeeper #1, slayer21804.
The name is very fitting, by the way.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Albero. I was there this morning, but I'm not affiliated with the zoo. I'm simply a faithful supporter. If you had taken the time to look around, you would have noticed that I was not the only one.
sam chase,
If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. You will not post a comment on this Blog Site, period. You can go away forever because "anything" you say, good or bad will be pulled immediately.
dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn....yawn...good night fellas.
Congrats Joe, looks to me like the city HAD to cut a deal or they would look like the a$$holes they are. For all their accusations and charges they sure did settle fast LOL and all this WITHOUT a lawyer!! Seems to me you saved yourself a few thousand dollars by taking matters into your own hands.
It's a shame so many people are pressured to pay these lawyers when you can cut the deal yourself. If you're innocent, you're innocent!
Think about it like this Folks. Imagine just how pissed off the Mayor is at me personally. Think about just how desperate she is to throw me in jail and throw away the key! She lost so big today it isn't funny!
If the States Attorneys Office was not as honorable as they truly are, I could have been charge and nailed on some 30+ charges and thrown in Jail.
Because this Mayor is so crooked, it took two States Attorney's Offices to drop everything and work out an honorable deal, to which I was happy to agree. I knew what pressure these people were under and I respected just that.
The show Charles Jannace put on as if I were going to be sent down the river without any paddles and how he was the only man to save me was a crock!
He tried to make me fail by removing himself at the very end over personal issues between the two of us and even the first Judge, (the Judge that was actually trying the case) said NO WAY! He was forcing Charles to represent me so Charles did the next dishonorable thing and went over his head and put it in the hands of yet another Judge, who tried reading me the riot act.
Nevertheless, it's a shame there are people out there like Jim Rapp and Barrie Tilghman. Once again they have tried to go after me and shut me down and they have failed! It's NOT because of my money, like some have suggested. Think about it, I didn't have a lawyer!
So ernest t., I'm sorry you were put through that. My very strong suggestion to you would be, stay away from Charles Jannace as he has proven to everyone to be an extremely unstable attorney who doesn't know how to separate personal from business.
The only "chicken" out there is the kba fool who's afraid to use his real name.
Face it, Mr. Albero; you lost today. You are banned from the zoo for two years. You have the specter of the same charges over your head if do not comply - not the mayor, not Mr. Rapp - you.
I know it hurts.
I know its humiliating.
Puff yourself up as much as you want, you cannot change the truth.
You lost - again.
Gee, Mr. A., if'n it wouldn't mess up yer civil case, maybe ya could put yer video up on yer blog.
Congrats on your grandson Joe. I wish you and Jennifer the best of luck raising him.
Let me assure you, the "only" way it can be brought back up is if I enter the Salisbury Zoo over the next two years. I can confront Rapp or any of the other employees at the Zoo, (not that I want to) but there's "NO" restraining order, NOTHING! They have nothing, they had nothing and they'll remain with only keeping me away from the Zoo, which I couldn't care less anyway at this point.
You're completely wrong about the speeding ticket thing.
As for the civil case, if you don't know the details by now you're on another planet. Read the post again, perhaps that will help you some.
I don't know if there is any other person on Delmarva that has brought more attention to the animals of the Salisbury zoo. For that matter he has done the same with the WWTP, city blight and pollution, Graffiti, and numerous other important issues. Id say getting so many people discussing the issues and possible solutions has been one of his greatest accomplishments.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know,
Can someone else go into the Zoo, take pictures and you post them on this site. Dee Dee Dee.
Thank You! Thank You for continuously showing me all the reasons why your ex-wife left and divorced you. Folks, if you only knew what I know about this guy!
I didn't deserve that. Both my comments on this blog are very polite.
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