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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dee, Dee, Deeee!


duvafiles said...

Although you will be hard pressed to find any reference to it in the MSM, word is that Mr. Rangel is a 1st generation "high yellar" straight out of Accomac County.

Historical Wit said...

ernest- you're offended that the myth of white supremacy is shattered?

Historical Wit said...

Think this is bad you should have seen the look on Cheneys face when Rangle evicted him from the office space he occupied in the Capitol building. Now that was the look of shattering the myth of white supremacy!

Historical Wit said...

I dont think so. Your talk about the president like he is a king, he is the excutive officer in the federal government. Thats it. nothing more or less. And while he may be the most powerful person in the free world, he doesn't get a free pass. I never heard the president apalogize to merkle for the backrub incident. and considering the history between rangle and the white house, this is nothing more than a ongoing jib jab. Hes no king. he puts his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us.

If this defernce is given to the office of the presidnet, did you extend the same courtesy to clinton? yeah didn't think so.