In a telephone conversation this evening, Mr. Harris explained how he wanted to make a difference for so many voices within the City he feels are simply not being heard.
I will give a more detailed interview with Mr. Harris after he makes it official but as of this evening he's ready to make the jump and run for Council.
I'd like to add a personal note to this Post. Mr. Harris was wined and dined, (so to speak) by Mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman to make the donation for the Otters and in return Mr. Harris asked to be appointed to the Zoo Commission. The donation was made in good faith by Mr. Harris and when he sent toe formal letter to ask to be on the Zoo Commission, Barrie Tilghman to this date has NEVER replied!
Even though one of the Zoo Commission Members died several months ago she has never shown the respect Mr. Harris deserved by at least letting him know she's gone another route.
It's going to get quite interesting out there Folks but you know, it's only my own personal opinion. More to come.........
Now see, call me a skeptical ole dog, but when I read this report, a bell goes off in my ole dog brain.
It sounds like he was tryin' t'buy a position on Zoo Commission. Ain't that just more o' the same stuff we're tryin' t'get rid of?
When I first heard 'bout Mr. Harris donatin' fer the otters, I thought, "What a good guy."
But now I ain't so sure.
Plus, I recollect him callin' Mrs. Kent a NIMBY and insultin' the maulers and the elderly after one of them mall meetin's.
All I know of this feller is what I been readin' on the blogs. I'll try t'keep an open mind, but he's off to a rough start in my book.
Gonna keep my nose t'the air.
Let's NOT forget that Mr. Harris is doing MORE than you Duvadale by throwing his hat into the ring against hundreds of critics like you and you should respect that as a fact.
Quit picking on these people so early and hear what they have to say. Sometimes folks even regret some of their earlier positions.
Give them room to promote what they're all about, what they wish to offer and let's move on from there. I'm sure Mr. Harris will offer a platform in which he'll be running on and let's also remember that the Blogs have a lot of shall we say, influence today, so let's be respectful, fair and honest. If you're, (meaning everyone) simply out to blast someone with unsubstantiated information I will pull it from this Blog, so be careful in what you say people.
Let's be fair and let these people run honorable races. Is that fair enough to everyone else?
I wasn't tryin' t'start nothin'. But this here is a place to swap ideas and information, so I tossed my own bone in.
I disagree with ya, Mr. Harris, that these folks stood up and complained with no power t'change things. By appealin' the mall zonin', the Maulers did make a change and woke up a lot o' citizens t'what's goin' on in our gov'mint. I watched 'em on PAC14 and what they had t'say was important t'me.
As fer the citizens who ain't in the neighborhood, well, more credit to 'em fer carin' 'bout somethin' outside o' their own haunts. Seems a body can't win -- if'n ya live in the area, ya get called a NIMBY, and if'n ya live outside it, yer efforts shouldn't count?
I git yer point 'bout younger people turnin' out fer the mall meetin's, but ya did insult the elderly. Folks of advancin' years have paid their dues and this stuff affects them fer some years t'come. Their needs deserve t'be respected. Just speakin' as an ole dog and all.
I'll get off my soap box now. I ain't sayin' I won't give a listen, but I am tryin' to figger what ya said before with what yer sayin' now.
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