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Friday, December 15, 2006

There's More To The MDE & WWTP Than Meets The Eye

First of all, let me assure you that this Sludge Pit is about the size of a true football field. These photos that I have provided do not offer the true scope of just how large this thing actually is.

Secondly, the human feces that is in this massive Pit is now solid as a rock, (so to speak). It must be comepletely wet down in order to turn it back into sludge and then pumped out. Not an easy thing to do in the winter months they're expected to get started on this project.

What I find even more important is what's going to happen once they get to the bottom and the MDE will then have free reigns to go in there and inspect the soil below and get something they have been waiting FOREVER to get to the bottom of. Has this Sludge Pit been leaching into the ground and ultimately into the River?

You see Folks, this is the BIG issue at hand. I spoke directly with Dave Pushkar months ago when I said, what ever happened to the test wells you were trying to put in there? He replied, the City has refused to respond to us referencing that matter. When I asked why he thought they were not responding he replied, that's pretty obvious, don't you think?

What was obvious was the fact that John Jacobs, Dave Winslow and Barrie Tilghman know for a fact that a liner that was guaranteed for only 30 days couldn't have held up for 20 years and there's a damn good chance once this material is eliminated the MDE is going to find that it did in fact leak, the soil is contaminated and the fines will be in the millions!

Barrie has been a master at cover ups till the Blogs came along and now the corruption is finally being exposed to a point these illegal activities could bankrupt the City of Salisbury. The values of the properties surrounding the Sludge Pit could plummet and IMO these people would also have the right to sue the City for illegal activity and no permits!

This story is going to get bigger and bigger and as they say, it's going to get worse before it ever gets any better. I smell a Press Conference coming on, possibly even today!!!!! I'm reaching out to my friends in the so called MSM to please give me the heads up if this does in fact come about?

1 comment:

joe albero said...


There is plenty of proof that E. Coli is in fact in that area of the River. That has been proven in the past.

As for the stink, are you kidding me? The neighbors living nearby have expressed numerous times their telephone conversations with Dave Winslow, especially in summer months, their concern over the unbelievable stench. They would ask, what the hell are you people doing over there?

Winslow was regularly a jackass to each and every one who had called and basically told them, tough shit, deal with it.

Don't you worry. The MDE will get in there, test the soil and ram the City good and hard over this one, you can believe that!

The Mayor, (Barrie Tilghman) tried using everyone she could in the attempt to steamroll anyone and everyone involved and she not only lost, she pissed a lot of people off along the way!

I have the 12 page document from the MDE and I can assure you, they have demanded everything be corrected that the Mayor tried getting away with.

Finally, if you think the Sludge Pit is the only problem they have to deal with down there you're completely wrong. There is Solid Waste, (concrete, blacktop & other items) that have been illegally dumped back there as well and the MDE is going to force them to remove that material as well.

It's nowhere near over.