Just a couple of weeks ago we had shown everyone wide open doors to the Old Mall where anyone could access it. We were assured by the Mall Owners that they would in fact secure the property once again and they did in fact go in there and secure it. However, people are obviously desperate to get in and have pretty decent tools to pry open bars that were securing the property. Wait till Linda Kent sees this one!
The windows are also busted out of two doors on the back side of the old Sears building. While I was photographing the building yesterday I noticed traffic in the parking lot has increased, too. And I don't mean Mom and Pop out for their Sunday drive, either.
I agree with you, there are more and more vehicles driving in circles around that parking lot. My son and I reported it to two Police Officers. Guess what happened????? Nothing at all. Mexicans in a van with Missouri tags on it. Go figure?
Theoretically, you could run an entire drug cartel in that parking lot and not have to worry about the cops sitting 100 feet away. Not to say that the police in Salisbury (or Wicomico County) aren't capable, they just don't seem to care. I don't know enough about local politics to attribute this to anything.
I believe I also saw that van, and a car with 3 hsipanic males circled the building at least 5 times. Perhaps they were waiting for the stores to open......
This is getting VERY interesting! Was the other car a small car, lt. blue or silver in color?
There's something going on over there and obviously the Police are ignoring it.
No, KBA,
I think they should get a new Boss and Mayor.
Yeah, I would say it was a Mercury or Ford, very plain with out of state tags. the tag was white with red and blue lettering, I believe. I wish I had paid more attention.
They circled a number of times and this was fairly early ... probably around 9am. And believe me, I am there every Saturday morning at that time and the most I've seen before this past weekend was a walker or two making laps for exercise.
Perhaps I should be more careful. I've never encountered anyone doing anything wrong, though clearly shit is going on there.
I will be honest, though, as secure as Natelson likes to think that building is, slapping up plywood and putting a padlock on a door is like pretty futile.
And whomever quoted my words and insinuated I believe so-and-so needs a raise, I assure you, I do not live anywhere near this town/county. I am just here doing a little job.
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