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Monday, October 30, 2006

Enough Of Joel Todd's Bullshit!

Being a former resident and taxpayer of Ocean City and Worcester County, Joel Todd has his head up his butt!

Granted, Wicomico County has a very bad track record. However, Worcester County covers things up like there's no tomorrow! You didn't read about this in the Daily Slime. A few years ago on Memorial Day Weekend, one of the MAJOR Banks on West Ocean City was robbed. Not your typical robbery though. This robbery consisted of waiting till Sunday Night after all the Outlet Mall money had been deposited and a van pulled up to the Bank and put up a black canvas room/tarp butted against the deposit box and the robbers simply used a welding torch and cut the entire deposit box out of the wall and took off with millions of dollars.

Now why didn't anyone read about this in the Daily Slime? Because Worcester County is the Master at keeping crime away from the Press because they're a "Family Resort."

Between Jennifer and I we have 5 boys. One of hers and one of mine are the same age and were living with us at our home in Ocean City. They were 16 years old at the time and they could get their hands on all the pot they could ever dream of in Ocean City! At 17 years old they worked in Ocean City and if you worked at Phillips you could cash your paychecks at the liquor store next door and even run a tab for liquor. That's right, you heard me, you could run a tab for liquor at 16 years old at the liquor store next door.

The authorities had been warned about such a thing and guess what, NOTHING happened about it. Unless one of them were willing to go in there in a sting operation, Ocean City wasn't going to touch it. We had children getting their hands on illegal drugs and alcohol at any given moment and becoming addicted to such bad habits and NOTHING at all was done about it! This went on fron 16 to now 21 years old.

The stories my Boys could tell all of you about Ocean City would simply blow you away but if you could fantasize about the wildest things happening under the sun out there, it's happening!

Joel Todd can play the game of it's happening everywhere else but not here is full of crap, period! When's the last time you read about a couple being killed, cut up into a million pieces and then dumped in trash cans throughout the City? Not in Wicomico County but it sure has happened in Worcester. There's LOTS of crime that happens there you NEVER hear or read about.

I'm not at all trying to say one County is better than the other. However, I will say FROM EXPERIENCE, Worcester County is very corrupt when it comes to the exposure of criminal activity and it's no wonder Chief Webster has learned to not report things and keep his Staff away from places like the Old Mall where their stats could go up even higher if he arrested more people there.

No, Joel, Worcester County has simply mastered the game on what to say and what not to say. As transient as that County is, you're full of crap!


Unknown said...

Did you mention the now retired spin miester himself Jay Hancock? Having worked in the PD in OC I can't tell you how many public safety/news worthy crimes never make it to the public. The scariest thing I encountered was the never releasing any reports regarding the high number of sex crimes against young women in OC. And the politics involved in cases that never make it to court and remember don't even ask WHY? Need to know basis and the folks on the street don't need to know. Drugs oh my don't even get me started!

joe albero said...

You're a lawyer, look it up.

joe albero said...

Someone needs to open a Blog in Ocean City. Talk about a TON of news worthy information coming out of that area/county!

joe albero said...


You're calling me a liar and I don't appreciate that. Our experience with Ocean City is real and unless you have children who have experienced the same, SHUT UP!

Respectfully, if you did not experience what we experienced while having children of the same age, you did a better job at raising them than we did, if you didn't have the same problems.

Nevertheless, this was very common and you're trying to pamper the Ocean City Image.

What I'm saying about Joel Todd is, quit lying to everyone and trying to make everything seem so nice in Worcester County. Most cases never make it to the Court Room because he's under the pressure to keep the image of Ocean City clean.

So I say, Joel Todd is full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Look kids will be kids. All of us who were raised on the shore know the deal about the oc. You want to party, get a room south of 28th street. Why you guys are so enraged about it make no sense. IF you raised your kids to be repsonsible, even though they were around questionable situations, they will still make the correct choices. If your kids don't make the right choices, that comes from a weak mind that is not informed. The boardwalk is what it is. During the day, parents rule, at night its the hotspot for the kids.

Joel Todd may be full of shit, but to say all the crap that doesn't get reported out of OC is his fault is shit. Its a collective effort. The whole resort wants to keep its image squeaky clean. Stuff does get in the press though, check out MD Coast Dispatch for some decent reporting.

joe albero said...

the mad dad,

You're right in a sense but I wasn't blaming it all on Joel Todd. However, for Todd to ACT like Worcester County isn't anywhere near the problem Wicomico County is, well, be brought this on himself!

Joel Todd needs to be a bit more careful about what he says and the direction of his messages.

I'll allow the FREE plug and link for the Maryland Coastal Dispatch because I happen to like that Paper and I agree, it's probably the most honest paper in Worcester County. Keep up the good work there Gang.

Anonymous said...

No argument there about todd, he opened that gaping hole called his mouth and everyone inserted foot!

joe albero said...


Sounds like you've done a fantastic job raising your children there as well as your 15 year old.

OC is a challenge and I can seriously assure you that I did in fact go to the authorities and they truly ignored our plea for help.

Granted, it is up to the parents to raise their children but the Police are paid by us to help protect "all" the interests in our lives. They fail regularly in Ocean City, especially in the summer rent a cop months.

As for Joel, I agree, stupid mistake. I know Joel personally and I like the man. I just refuse to allow "anyone" to pull the covers over our heads, period.

Good luck to you.