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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Governor Hogan Statement on COVID-19 Priorities for Nation’s Governors

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan, chair of the National Governors Association, issued the following statement today:

“At this critical juncture in our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are five urgent priorities the nation’s governors need the Trump Administration to address:

“First, we continue to call on the administration to extend the public health emergency, which is set to expire this Saturday, July 25.

“Second, more than half of governors have already requested an extension of Title 32 authorization past the current expiration date of August 21. The National Guard remains a critical part of our public health response.

“Third, we are pressing for a 30-day delay of any changes to new hospital reporting requirements, which impose an undue burden on hospitals and state health departments. To demand these changes be made in a matter of 48 hours is unreasonable, and threatening to jeopardize life-saving supplies of remdesivir for not complying is unconscionable.

“Fourth, the nation’s governors and education leaders have appealed to Congress for education funding that prioritizes both learning and safety. We are specifically calling on Congress to prohibit any conditions being placed on relief funding that would mandate specific models of K-12 or higher education reopenings.

“Lastly, and most importantly, we continue to stress the need for Congress to pass a coronavirus relief package that provides the funding desperately needed by state and local governments. Millions of state and local government jobs depend on this aid.

“The president, vice president, and Secretary Mnuchin have all previously committed to support this funding, but there are growing indications that it is no longer a priority. It is crunch time now, and we are ready to work with leaders in both parties to get this done.”


Anonymous said...

In other words send us money to keep useless government employees paid and continue this crisis as long as possible. Also this way the rhino and dem governors don't have to make any tough decisions and can sit back collect $ and blame the President. Any previous generation before 1960 would have ignored this and left it up to the individual to decide!

Anonymous said...

Stop testing end the emergency. Do what Obama did.

Anonymous said...

Yeah without those useless employees the mundane everyday tasks of sewer trash other necessities wouldn’t be carried out get a job loser

Anonymous said...

Keep us under the thumb hogan, you FAT ASS RINO POS

Anonymous said...

This coming from Hogan who has allowed more than $500 million in fraudulent unemployment payments and spent $5 million on COVID tests that can’t be accounted for. Hogan epitomizes what is wrong with our country. That the Governors group would elect him as their representative speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

He has attacked President Trump on every issue. Don't send your kids back to school - finance Government operated K-12 instead.

Hogan wants all reporting requirements by hospitals stopped for next 30 days.
- President Trump just basically fired CDC and hired a company based in Pittsburgh to maintain correct data reporting by hospitals. Congress goes on recess for the month of August (30 days). Could reflect badly on them.

Who is he to say Trump and his Administration are not taking funding relief seriously. Hogan complaining about relief when he wouldn't let Marylanders go back to work.
Hogan does mean Democrat Governors have requested extension of Title 32.

Sounds like Hogan has let this position of assumed power go to his head. He needs to recommend not demand. I really dislike this idiot - right up there with AOC. Stupid people with too much imagined power.

Anonymous said...

Just go away lockdown larry

Anonymous said...

Mr.Gov: Congress wont do what you want because your buddies the lazy, one-minded Democraps have only done one thing in 3 1/2 years and thats lie about the president.

Anonymous said...

No new funding from the feds. Let the locals raise taxes if more money is needed. Cut down on the government bureaucracies at all levels. Keep the cash in peoples’ pockets! STB

Anonymous said...

Adolph Hogan is saying that the Federal Government should just give States all the money they request with NO ACCOUNTABILITY.

Adolph Hogan is saying there should be added $600 benefit handed out by the Federal Government for people to just sit home and do nothing. That is $600 bi-weekly which equals $31,000 a year to sit on you a$$ and do nothing to earn it.

As a Senior the States and Federal Government is breaking Social Security and we only get maybe 418,000 high end. This is the States giving away SSI in the form of Supplemental Security to welfare bums. That is taken out of SSI for Seniors.

Anonymous said...

I have not heard any body talk about making schools have a negative airflow in their ventilation, Heating / A/C units. That process was and is used in the areas with TB patients to clear the virus from the air. This method exchanges outside air for the inside air. The filters haft to be changed very frequently.

Bet the Democrats and Teachers UNIONS will refuse that process until after the election.

Anonymous said...

Yumi Hogan used to work in a South Korean Brothel!

Anonymous said...

Why is he still talking?!!!! Somebody close to him please tell him to just shut up already!

Anonymous said...

Haha, not working 556