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Monday, July 06, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Prediction


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well thank the lord and sing his praise!

Anonymous said...

SUCK ON THAT LIBTARDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

SURE hope he is right!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyway in their right mind knows only to vote for President Trump. Seems like the people that are supporting
crazy/sleepy Joe are somehow on a different planet and are totally warped! Our country will be so much better off if we have another four years of our great President! Trump 2020!!

Anonymous said...

Every trailer park in America can’t be wrong!

High Desert Dawg said...

I PRAY every morning & evening for this result, and believe we can win, but the time is NOW for ALL of us to STOP being the "Silent majority"! If we continue to be silent, I promise you, The right to remain SILENT is the only right we will have! "IF" we lose this election it WILL be due to OUR SILENCE! I guarantee it. The left, even as deranged ad they have become, are VERY focused, very well financed, and VERY PREPARED to do WHATEVER it takes to win in November! They have the EARS and power of 90% of the democrat politicians, as well as 95% of ALL media supporting them, and the ONLY way we can be heard is to BE INVOLVED! NOTHING is more important at this time....not our vacations, fear of being reprimanded at work for our beliefs, fear of your neighbors not liking your flags, or Trump signs, or fear of social media push back....The republican swamp runs DEEP, and many of them still vote for bills WE don't support, and they know it, and they'll continue to do it, and continue to push NOT support our president, UNTIL they realize WE'RE watwatching them, and that we'll primary them out, until they STAND behind they voter base! The ONLY language they speak is "election" and we beef to let them know. We slso MUST let the media kno . We MUST call them out EVERYTIME they speak false narratives! They're no different than politicians....they'll keep lying to us ad long as WE allow it. We can't just talk civil war, or violence (that may happen, but should be avoided at all cost) so I URGE all of us (myself includec) to raise our flags, put up our signs, go to our local conservative outlets and volunteer to do fliers, knock on doors, do voter registration etc...THE TIME IS NOW! We only have just under 4 months to quit talking about it amongst "ourselves" and put some real skin in the game! "God will guide us, if we're righteous in our deeds, and mission" GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

Nobody is going to put GROPING JOE in office. Just like in 2016. TRUMP supporters don't say a word. UNTIL ELECTION DAY.

Anonymous said...

The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Anonymous said...

Lol, luckily you Trumpers are easily convinced by memes and lack any reading comprehension.

Re-read your stupid meme, "his polls correctly picked 24 out of the last 26 presidential elections!"

So according to this, Helmut Norpoth (age 77) has been polling since the election of Rutherford Hayes in 1876...impressive.

Anonymous said...

Just make sure that you vote no matter what.

Don't take anything for granted especially knowing the Rats are going to cheat and commit fraud as much as possible. Vote!!

anonymous said...

This brings a smile to my soul😊

Anonymous said...

Its not about "Groping Joe"...Its about the House, and the know, the House we LOST because we all "assumed" Trump was gonna dave the world by himself!...yeah. that House. The Senate, that we may lose in the future. Just like Virginia LOST EVERY conservative seat last year, because of the MILLIONS of voters that voted for Trump in VA, only 8.6% of them VOTED in their LOCAL primaries!!!! I"m not arguing, i'm just TRYING to remind every conservative that WE lost the house and Virginia lost everything due to VOTER COMPLACENCY!

Anonymous said...

Right on! This cats not lying. Fight fire with fire. I'm an independent Trump voter, but I know lots of Trump voters that that are conservatives but they never rock the boat. They talk smack, but act like their scared of pissing people off by disagreeing in public. That's probably why the democrats walk all over them

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Every trailer park in America can’t be wrong!

July 6, 2020 at 12:05 PM"

You are not cute. Trailers are all some can afford and for you to make fun of them shows what trash you are. And for the record I support the President as I sit in my over 6000 sq ft home on 400 acres worth 6 mil. My everyday car is a Bentley. Your peon self will not ever sit in a Bentley much less own one. i have more cash laying around then your whole net worth. Oh and I owe a cent to no one. As for you you will not ever achieve what I have. You will always be a peon just like what spawned you is.

Anonymous said...

How many Rinos resigned last minute from office just to screw Trump?? They weren't lost. They were given to the DEMOCRATS from the deep STATE. Get your facts straight. Instead of writing a long winded factless comment.

Anonymous said...

I know people in Virginia who voted Democrat just to get rid of the do nothing republican. That needs to happen with Graham, McCarthy, McConnell, Kinzinger, Grassley, get rid of them ALL. They aren't doing anything for President Trump anyway.

Anonymous said...

STFU ... How did Hillary's polls go ?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know. I had trouble reading your dribble. You had to go back as far as 1876 to make a factless point?? Poor bastard. Lol

Anonymous said...

Neither can commie socialist basement birches.

Anonymous said...

I pray that he is right!🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍

Gerald said...

We can only pray this comes to pass. Trump 2020

Everyone needs to vote !!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Relax. Your trailer park is safe.

Anonymous said...

Trump and his family have brought dignity back to the Whitehouse. All the beautiful blond hair women that serve in his various appointments are a bonus too. I hope he continues to be our President. 1600 has never looked more American!

Anonymous said...

12:05 I know it’s hard but try to find another comment other than the “trailer park” comment. You see it only makes you sound uneducated and whiny. 🤷‍♀️

Anonymous said...

12:24 I bet you were one of those believing all the models in 2016 that said Hillary would win by a landslide😂 Bless your heart. Still mad bro?

Anonymous said...

1:53 Don’t waste your time with people like 12:05. You can’t have a conversation with extremely uneducated immature people. They’re not worth your time.

Anonymous said...

Voters are just in "lye & wait status " Trump WIN in a Landslide 2020 !!!

Polls mean "NOTHING" just like in 2016 !!! FACT