DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Fernando Guerrero's Family Attacked By Employee Of Ollies, Cops Take 20 Minutes To Arrive
Ladies & Gentlemen, Fernando just called me to fill me in on what just happened today. Fortunately Shay was there to capture video of this racist scumbag while the manager of the store did everyone he could to help the employee who screamed out racist remarks and ultimately pulled out a knife. Watch these videos and see what they all experienced. THIS is RACISM people.
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If she thinks 20 minutes is a long time to wait for the police, wait until they get defunded.
What? I guess I missed something. I would 100 percent resign from le. It’s futile at this point.
I too would have done what the manager did. That is common sense. When someone is out of control an intelligent person attempts to diffuse them. Diffusing shouldn't be twisted to fit the agenda. That is dishonest.
Not sure who Fernando Guerrero is as I have never heard of him. This is a typical day in Salisbury anymore and look forward to the day I can move from here...and Maryland!
Lol I can't wait tick tock.. and then they will be ALL Crying.
Love it, 7:01. Very true....
I hope that the guy is nabbed soon and gets his due. A good chaw of Ivory Soap might be a start.
I hate to say it but black people may have to expect some of this for awhile. Back in the 90's we had a beloved elderly relative murdered in her own home in Baltimore City by a black man. It was I guess the word is infamous made national news and even an episode of Homicide. I was young and for many years very afraid of all blacks and so were many of my relatives mostly the children but some adults. It affected many of us to the point we had to see a psychiatrist who diagnosed some form of what the solders who go to war get. post traumatic stress. While I am over for many years now a fear of blacks I can't watch riots like the ones from Baltimore years ago. It caused a relap and I literally saw flashbacks of our murder and everyone crying and all the police around flashing lights and bringing her body out.
I have waited way longer for the citypcity then 20 mins and I am white. One instance was a man trying to break down the door of a place I was cleaning and we called the cops several times. The waiting thing isn't racist. I have also had cops not really care about the issue at hand. Which can you blame them? Arrest someone and they are back on the street the next day. The issues with cops isn't always racist. They are decensitized.
Many good points made by the young lady.
Nobody cares Alan.. lmao
A lawfully armed citizen would've handled your situation in less than 5 seconds. Keep voting for Democrats that support gun legislation and you'll keep waiting for police to solve all your problems.
When the "defunding" happens and budgets are cut there will be less police officers. Which will mean even longer wait times. What did the woman do? Why did the man pull a knife? Did he feel threatened? Were they in there raging at him like this woman? I think there is a whole lot more to this story than is being "reported."
You’re a racist. Just admit it. You stereotype a whole race of people because of what 1 person did. That’s like saying all whites people are whites supremacists because of this 1 perpetrator at Ollies. Gtfoh
I never implied the wait time was the cops being "racist". I said it was pathetic that it took that long after receiving several calls about the "EMPLOYEE" pulling a knife on a customer. The employee's derogatory comments were disgrading and down right disrespectful. However, I am NOT from Salisbury and if it takes law enforcement to respond to ANY emergency call, it's time for officials to revise their process because that is RIDICULOUS.
That’s what I’m trying to figure ou too.
It sounds like a white male Ollies employee finally snapped as a black female abused him, and he pulled out a knife.
Diffusing is one thing but he made threats and pulled a knife on a customer. To welcome him back in the store and let him sit just until the police pulls up is another story. Why not, let him stay 5 mins longer to face the officers with "his truth" but as soon as the police arrives it was "he had to leave the premises". No one can assume what his position was but clearly there was NO comfort given to the victim in this whole situation.
Long story short, employee snaps at a customer in a very disrespectful way, threatens to kill her, pulls a knife out on her, walks back into the store continuing to escalate. Cursing at her, other customers (of all race) goes off because of how the employee cursed and spoke to the customer. Employee goes to the back office, is allowed to stay there until 2 mins prior to the police pulling up. Employee walks out still cursing the customers, speed walks to his car and sped off the parking lot as you can see in the video. Police arrives approximately 20 mins later and doesn't handle the customer like a victim but has her to reenact what happened to her like 8 times (ridiculous).
It's not the response time of the police that should upset her. It's not that the store didn't lock the man inside that should upset her. She should also not be upset about the reaction of Caucasian customers who walked out without buying👍. She SHOULD be mad at Jake Day and I'll tell you why.
How many kids in Liz Day's school are growing up with a parent in prison because of a drug crime? How many children have a parent who can't get a good job or an apartment because of a drug conviction? These same children have to be subjected to their teacher, the wife of the mayor, pressuring them to buy their prescription meds. Not just pressuring them into a crime under fear they will be targeted or that their grades will suffer but also depriving them of THEIR medication prescribed by a doctor. While some of these children are suffering from their parents bad decisions Liz Day's bad decisions are just swept under the rug. It's clearly stating, "I write the rules but they don't apply to me". If it was ANYONE else they would have to put their house up to make bail. If they couldn't they would be held until they lost their job, their house, their car and then forced to go before the jury in an orange jumpsuit and shackles. Jake's kids won't have to grow up without mommy, but if the tables were turned yours would.
Barbara was out there to. Barbara who could almost run a full time bus from Salisbury mall to the police station for all the petty shoplifting arrests while her own force has been stealing from the evidence room for 20 YEARS! Again swept under the rug. The rules don't apply to us.
You wanted Jake Day and his left wing lunacy, DEAL WITH IT!!
I've had 2 experiences where I called the popo in Salisbury. Both times the dispatcher kept asking me whether it was in the city or the county. She had the address how the heck did I know where the line was, that's their job.
It's a straight shot down Rt. 50 from Salisbury Police Dept to Ollie's. It should never have taken 20 minutes to get there. Even if they were coming from somewhere else (patrolling or riding around), they could send the closest one. I think some cops just take their time and hope by the time they arrive, the emergency (any danger) is over and they just have to take statements and deal with the aftermath of the situation.
Bingo 7:05am
Or maybe they were dealing with calls of a higher priority.
Abolish the Police
Ollie's was right on this one. They should never try detain anyone who some say had a weapon. That would anyone around the store in danger. Plus what is the big deal? Ollies has the man's info and gave it to the police. It's not like it was some random person who actually 'escaped.' But again the anger is misdirected. Ollies did exactly what any prudent person would expect.
I wonder what the customer was saying that made this guy loose his self.
I am not condoning what he did, but ALL people of every race, job title and so on are only going so take so much crap from other people.
We reap what we show.
And people, please stop assuming someone is rascist because they get in an argument or fight with someone of a difference color. That is complete bull.and lies. It's just one color trying to silence another.
So remember next time you get cussed out by someone of another gender or race, it's not because of what color or gender you are, it's because your acting liking a moron and pissing people off and they are just letting you know.
Defund the police. Haha. This is just the beginning.
Nah 742 - not in the 21st Century.
Nice try though.
Crazy part is I personally know that family if they wanted to defend themselves with either one of the Guerrero brothers it would have been bad for the employee... but with their background self discipline is huge I think the family should have been taken care of alot better then they were and the employee fired on the spot and arrested for aggravated assault...
Post your address to be taken off the response list HYPOCRITE.
Why is it racism if a white person says, or assaults a black person. But when a black persons says or assaults a white person it’s not racism and it’s okay ? Can’t people just be people ? I am so tired of this crap. If a white man shows white pride it’s not acceptable, it’s the klan. But if a black man showed black pride that’s okay. This double standard I’d getting old and thin. If ya can’t get along, agree to disagree and separate. It’s a complete lack of respect on both sides.
And have no protection and drop to a mob rule ? Third world BS move
He told her to go back to her country...you're saying that wasn't racist?!
I do believe in having a police force, they can not protect you period, but in maryland they refuse to stand up to politicians who want to take your weapons or refuse to allow citizens to carry and for that reason I don't have the respect for them I should maybe. The above comments do not apply to sheriffs departments but to city pics and state police
Those chumps are like anyone else....they’ve been beat! One thing about it everyone bleeds red, so people who make stupid statements like their family could handle it....idiots it never happened!! Only trying to stir up racism, and look at your comments it did just that with only one person yapping!! Get a life!
FREE Speech don't like it move to CHINA.
She should protest in front of the mayor's. Home for the long delay. GET USE TO IT.
No one can come to any conclusion until we hear the other side. Intelligent people that is. There are always without fail 3 sides to every story. The old saying goes "his side her side and the true side" and this is what I chose to live my life on because no one fools me. And before anyone can say it's racist to think this way about this I will slap that now right here and now. I have a family member going through a divorce and I've said this saying over and over to other family members for months now and they are all white.
Was the relative murdered in front of you your whole family? I would hope so for it to be so traumatic that your whole receive treatment for,PTSD..
Why no video of the incident???
"Blogger TruthBTold said...
Was the relative murdered in front of you your whole family? I would hope so for it to be so traumatic that your whole receive treatment for,PTSD..
June 8, 2020 at 2:52 PM"
You don't know the first things about ptsd so stay in your place As soon as you go to medical school get your MD with a specialty in psychiatry they I will talk to you. Until then I won't lower myself to your level-ya got it You peons are and will always be beneath me and don't you forget it.
No, telling someone to go back to their country isn't racist. It's ignorant yes. Countries are not races. They are places. The lady could have simply stated the same thing to him since he's obviously not a native american. Like I said, sometimes people are just ignorant, not racist. To think telling someone to go somewhere is racist is racist in itself. To assume the other person. Is racially motivated to be a jerk, it racist. So look in the mirror sweetie.
Your talking crap about some boxer doing something to someone and think assault chargwsshould be filed cuZ the employee yelled and cussed. I feel your very confused with how things work. Equal means equal for all. Plain and simple, equal is equal.
Yeah lol. I would love to live the life that a little confrontation completely destroys. What a princess. Lol
How do you know what this person know? Your so cute responding to them that you won't respond to them. Your grammar shows you didn't go to med school either
Right, she was so innocent. Meanwhile haitians around town are using the 1804 call for revolution. 1776. GTFO.
Ditto..... very well stated
A lot being said about boxing, defending, etc. Has nothing to do with the article. We sure don’t know what happen because no others do either. Nor do they know about the response time. What I do know is I’ve been a student and studied self defense for years and don’t boost about it. Only bring it up now is because my friends always said you can’t stop bullet. True indeed lol
I wish I had said that. My feelings exactly
Where's the video?
@701 This isn't the native americans country any more. They lost the war. Next time when you sell someone land and then decide to Indian-give it back and kill them you might want to consider whether the ones you were killing were the best on planet earth in regards to war. Our fore fathers conquered the country, therefore it is ours and any that wish to contest it are more than welcome to try. In the meantime keep crying the blues, I assure you we don't care one bit.
Wow, but it is so easy to overlook and show no empathy for the trauma blacks endured 400 years to now from lynching and death by cop to racism and inequality and say we are overeating or pulling the race card. Nahh thats the remnants of what we 've watched our loved ones endure generation after generation. I must be undiagnosed cause my anxiety for my kids and family stay in overdrive.
since when did it become acceptable for a man to pull a knife on a woman and you should be more concerned that as an employee he did this. and endangered other customers. Now the better question is was he charged
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