DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, April 13, 2020
A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-13-20
I just called into the county COVID conference call in Wicomico County today from a fire department to listen to the comments and Julia Glanz was the first person jumping in on the questions and is demanding a racial breakdown of those infected from the county health officer. WTF!! Who cares, We are all red blooded Americans! Why the Hell do Democrats always drop the race card? I never care what race they are when I drive the ambulance. Then when Mr. Shipley is closing the meeting Julie Glanz started interrupting him and asking how many tested positive at the county detention center and the county juvenile services. I'm trying to remember what part that Julia Glanz or the City of Salisbury plays in those county agencies other than their thugs becoming inmates. Is it just me or is she always this annoying? No wonder our county fire departments hate her and Jake Day.
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The city of Salisbury City government just regurgitates whatever Hogan has already done. They have nothing positive or original to contribute. Plus they have to accommodate their mentor, the original Eastern shore racist Hall down at umes
hmmm, and how does that make the gays feel that they are again left out? how come it is always about the blacks?
tell her to put in a fioa like everyone else has to.
She is one of those special peoples that deserves special treatment because she is a carpet muncher.
Is Julia the man or woman?
Well, what do you expect? She had the entire downtown plaza closed to her for her gay wedding.
Not so fast.If this is a designer virus as I personally think it is,it is indeed a highly racial issue.The lopsided ratio of racial disparity is highly suspect,but not because of anyone in the US.This was created in an area that is untouchable by our courts.We have no jurisdiction over Asia,other than through the UN.
JG... lowest of the low. I thought she might have potential when she was much younger. Money and a sense of power corrupted her mightily.
It's a question mandated by the state. The numbers are high all over the state and they want to know why, so data is important. Saying the numbers out loud might reach some at risk people or those who can put them at risk.
Why was she demanding a racial breakdown? Is she insinuating that the virus is... racist? That’s just bizarre. If she is trying to bring to light that certain communities are lacking in the consideration to wash hands, wear masks, and stay home... then... go ahead.
i guess continually flouting the rules and not adhering to sound advice pretty much accounts for the numbers? it's cultural not racial.
Absolutely. It's all about the truth and facts. But hell if you didn't play the race card you wouldn't be who you are.
8:08 So true
Julie is an ex Union hack that was friends with Jim and Jake. Now a virus is racist imagine that. Perhaps Jake & Julia will erect a monument to black Covid patients and reveal during the pride parade.
I can understand asking for a racial break down overall but not from the detention center only. I would however asked for a break down economically, homeless numbers, gender and age. It makes a difference for the COVID RESPONSE Efforts and Grant allocation. So please unless you know why the question is asked don't be a d***. Right now all the funds are being poured across the bridge just give the shore their due to combat the crisis. Once we find out the population being hit the hardest and fastest the next question is why so it can be addressed.
I don't know this person but she had enough clout to get the chowhound to paint the crosswalks in designer colors she likes. Etc, etc.
These questions are legitimate. Don’t understand why anyone would have a problem with them.
9:25 Exactly why are you trying to bring unions into this. Your hate for unions is interfering with your thinking process. Just relax and be happy your a scab.
Once we find out the population being hit the hardest and fastest the next question is why so it can be addressed.
April 13, 2020 at 11:06 PM
It's funny that you really believe this.
There is NOTHING you can do, since the virus doesn't discriminate and no one can cure diabetes, heart disease or damage done by smoking..which is also non discriminatory. Those on medical assistance get good healthcare, also non discriminatory.
Maybe some people are not taking it seriously.
Or maybe they are in essential jobs, more than others - how are you going to fix that?
Your comment wreaks of guberment shill, just sayin.
Maybe Jake should get off social media and do his job procuring guberment funds since Hogan stated that MOST of the money is in DC and Baltimore.
I got a feeling that someone has been reading your blog... Wink! Wink!
Anonymous said...
These questions are legitimate. Don’t understand why anyone would have a problem with them.
April 13, 2020 at 11:22 PM
Thanks Julia. You are the same one that said you "don't understand why anyone would have a problem" with Jake Day and some City Clowns parading around Ghetto'Bury on Easter Sunday on the Hollie vs. Jake Day FB post. We know who you are!
Anonymous said...
These questions are legitimate. Don’t understand why anyone would have a problem with them.
April 13, 2020 at 11:22 PM
The question is legitimate? Please explain how it is legitimate and what authority does Ms. Community Organizer have to ask the question??
Anonymous said...
Julie is an ex Union hack that was friends with Jim and Jake. Now a virus is racist imagine that. Perhaps Jake & Julia will erect a monument to black Covid patients and reveal during the pride parade.
April 13, 2020 at 9:25 PM
Don't forget that P.O.S. Chuck Cook.
Anonymous said...
Once we find out the population being hit the hardest and fastest the next question is why so it can be addressed.
April 13, 2020 at 11:06 PM
It's funny that you really believe this.
There is NOTHING you can do, since the virus doesn't discriminate and no one can cure diabetes, heart disease or damage done by smoking..which is also non discriminatory. Those on medical assistance get good healthcare, also non discriminatory.
Maybe some people are not taking it seriously.
Or maybe they are in essential jobs, more than others - how are you going to fix that?
Your comment wreaks of guberment shill, just sayin.
Maybe Jake should get off social media and do his job procuring guberment funds since Hogan stated that MOST of the money is in DC and Baltimore.
April 14, 2020 at 2:02 PM
Who is this question directed at?
The Governor has his daily "Look At Me" video session on the Covid-19 updates which is exactly what the President has been doing every day.
Since the Governor and President have their daily press conferences and the County has their daily conference calls for everyone can someone please tell us why Jake Day has to have his own separate "I Love Me" video conferencing. Can someone please tell the public what is the purpose of Jake Day duplicating information that the County already has. The Governor has already appointed Lori Brewster and David Shipley as the Authority Having Jurisdiction in Wicomico County when it comes to this Coronavirus Pandemic, NOT Jake Day!!
Because we are being told color and race doesn't matter. A virus doesn't see color. What's it matter what color someone's skin is. The proper question would be what kind of pre existing conditions affect it. Etc. This virus isn't about color. It is about under lying conditions, people with immune issues and yes people who don't clean properly. To break it down by race goes against everything you are marching against. That's why I have a problem with it
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