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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Flanked by Black Trump Supporters and Ex-Cons, Self-Described “Trumpocrat” Rod Blagojevich Says it is Trump Who is Fixing “Broken and Racist” Criminal Justice System

Democrats and Never-Trumpers are shaking with rage as Trump’s move to commute Governor Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence was met with jubilation from Chicago’s black community.

The former governor, who held a press conference Wednesday morning, unleashed a torrent of gratitude to the president—and truth-bombs aimed at the Democrats’ failure to address an issue of key concern to the black community: criminal justice reform.

“No one has done more to fix this broken and racist criminal justice system than President Trump and Jared Kushner,” said Blagojevich as the crowd shouted support for both President Trump and the former governor, now calling himself a Trumpocrat:
Everyday people who find themselves caught up in this system…recognize the futility in fighting for their rights, they just give in, and under duress…unfair and cruel over-sentencing is the rule. It is a broken criminal justice system and it has been for a long time.

And it’s a racist criminal justice system. No one is doing more to fix this broken criminal justice system than president trump and Jared Kushner.

1 comment:

Retired Lieutenant Corrections said...

He has some valid points
I saw a lot of sentencing disparities while I served as a correction officer and later in the Administration.
As a supervisor, I reviewed inmate base files and scratched my head when reading PSI reports . ( they give background, charging documents of the inmate).
I'm a hardcore conservative and believe in Justice, but Lordy I saw some dumb chit sentencing when interviewing and reviewing inmate base files.