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Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Scalise: Pelosi ‘Has To Remove’ Omar From Foreign Affairs Committee

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise said Tuesday that Speaker Nancy Pelosi should strip Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar of her seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, in an interview with Fox News. Omar has been accused recently of pushing anti-Semitic tropes.

House Democratic leaders plan on bringing a resolution condemning anti-Semitism to the floor Wednesday presumably because of the backlash Omar has faced. The text of the resolution reportedly does not mention her by name.

Omar has received backlash for several comments related to Israel. She recently shared her sentiments regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict and the “dual loyalty” she feels like members of Congress have to Israel over the weekend. Many of her colleagues, including some on the Foreign Affairs Committee with her, have condemned her statements.



Anonymous said...

Omar should be stripped off the committee she cannot bring her personal view points, or her agenda into it it's a committee and I would think the majority either rules or a regulation is put in place.

Concerned Retiree said...

As long as Omar is on Foreign Affairs Committee she receives top secret info and she then gives it to ISIS and other radical Islam individuals. That is treason. With her background how did she get the clearance to receive this info?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

AND from Congress /Govt / America toooo !!!!

Anonymous said...

Whatcha smoking there 10:49

Anonymous said...

She gotta go from that committee. The suggestion she could be privy to Intelligence is doubly worrisome, in addition to her bigoted views.