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Friday, July 27, 2018

Mulvaney: Past Administration ‘Used Taxpayer Dollars’ to ‘Discourage Christian Values’

Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney accused previous White House administrations of withholding foreign aid from countries in sub-Saharan Africa to secure compliance with left-wing policy initiatives on “abortion [and] gay marriage.”

He offered his remarks on Tuesday at the State Department’s Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, DC.

Mulvaney noted that American taxpayers’ dollars were offered and denied depending on whether the countries in question rejected what he referred to as “Christian values” but specified as opposition to abortion and gay marriage.

Mulvaney stated:

"Our U.S. taxpayer dollars are used to discourage Christian values in other democratic countries. It was stunning to me that my government under a previous administration would go to folks in sub-Saharan Africa and say, “We know that you have a law against abortion, but if you enforce that law, you’re not going to get any of our money. We know you have a law against gay marriage, but if you enforce that law, we’re not going to give you any money.”

"That’s a different type of religious persecution. … That is a different type of religious persecution that I never expected to see. I never expected to see that as an American Christian."



Anonymous said...

A Muslim president.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that the sodom and gomorrah lifestyles and behavior is welcome here in this country and force by our government towards other nations. Unfortunately it was Obama intention to persecute Christianity Ideology and enforce the behaviors of the LBGTQ's and beliefs.

Anonymous said...

So wait, ya'll have a persecution complex SO big...

that when states enact laws that are CLEAR violations of federal law and are discriminatory against a protected class or people, or inhibits what is patently LEGAL....

and the Federal Government says no, you can't do that, and if you do you don't get any funding...

YOU call it persecution, and blame the people who want to up hold the law as "discouraging Christian values".

You know how I see it? As a tyrannical religious majority trying to oppress and discriminate minorities, and prohibit women bodily autonomy.

How about this? If you don't want to have an abortion... don't get one..

If your holy book says gays are yucky, then don't get gay married...

Just STOP IT all ready with trying to force feed the rest of us your particular brand of crazy. This isn't about you being persecuted, it's about you over stepping your bounds and infringing on others.

Anonymous said...

Jews are very deceptive.
They make you think they are the Left hand, when they are actually the Right hand.
UP is DOWN, War is Peace, Black is better than White, so on.

As above, so Below.

To Be 1 Ask 1

Anonymous said...

True Christians don't over step their bounds and infringe on others. I just understand and believe in my faith. The Bible doesn't so gay is yucky. It say that homosexuality is blasphemous.
What I dislike is that the civil right act was used as a piggyback tool to allow activists sodom and gormorrah behaviors and beliefs to be rammed down peoples throat. I don't believe in the behavior or practice.
Furthermore, I believe life is precious. Women do have the right to choose. I do not believe in abortion. However, the history and reason behind abortion in this country is horrific and all about greed. Finally, I don't have a persecution complex. What I do know as a black female, a hard worker and a veteran, Obama polices did not help me nor my families, friends, co workers, veterans, disabled, elders, poor and minorities. If anything, it made our condition in life worst. But, his polices did help the LGBTQ's, illegal immigrants in this country. And, becoming the first black elected president of the united states means nothing to me.

Anonymous said...

To pick just one thread from your tapestry of crazy, does a "woman's bodily autonomy" allow the destruction of another human being?

Anonymous said...

Here. Here.