Every week it seems, we are forced to deal with some nonsense or another... this week is no exception!
In yesterday's article, Mayor Details Marathon and Folk Festival Events, we all learned Salisbury Mayor Jake Day went before the Wicomico County Council and asked for help with these two events. Interestingly enough, he does this after basically slamming County Executive Bob Culver for the better part of two years.
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Are we keeping you up, Jack? |
For the last couple years, Day has carried on like a petulant child when it came to Culver and the county's affairs. He has thrown temper tantrum after temper tantrum in the local media outlets, verbal diarrhea and all, to besmirch the County Executive. The Fire Department fiasco is not one any of us will surely forget any time soon, along with a plethora of other such nonsense Day has unpinned on Culver.
If big daddy says no, ask soft-sell mommy...
Why now is he seeking the Council - a group that has no administrative hand in the workings of county government but only provides legislation - when Culver is the person he needs to ingratiate himself to? The answer is simple: he has a little buddy on the council, i.e. John Cannon. It's no secret Cannon and Culver are at odds and his unholy allegiance to Day is legendary. (i.e. fire department once again!) However, even Cannon won't be able to provide the resources Day requests without the stamp of approval from Culver.
Many comments came forth from the article, which has spurred a firestorm of debate. In reality, the County never opted for either this Marathon or Folk Festival. Additional reality, the State has already told Day they won't close State Highways for his marathon; therefore, should Culver abstain, he is far from being alone.
Remember: Nobody from the community weighed in on these events except for a minority of 'movers & shakers'...
After speaking with many in the community, I found that most - including those who habitually go to festivals throughout the year - are not in favor of this Folk Festival because Salisbury simply cannot handle the burden of producing such an event.
One local business owner states, "...I'd usually go to this kind of thing, but in Salisbury? No!" She continued, "I'm planning to be out of town for that weekend; you can bet on it."
This situation is as such that even if partnered with Wicomico, the area is not equipped for such a production; the same can be said for this Marathon business. Yet, the Mayor continues to push the envelope in spite of the obvious shortcomings and miscalculations. Now, he expect Wicomico to go down in flames with him!
Like one commenter on the other article stated, it's safe to assume this is a make or break moment for Bob Culver - to test his medal as to whether he will continue to capitulate to the Day-Cannon alliance or stand the ground Wicomico citizens have voiced.
Here's a couple big hints: A) This is all to public shame Bob Culver into yielding, once again, to Day's childish whims! It is a way to vilify when the County Executive does what his people are saying -- and they're saying "No!" And B) should Wicomico participate or not, Day will no doubt blame everyone else involved either way!
It's time to open your eyes. You are being hoodwinked by an immature, wannabe despot, who believes temporary part-time, fleeting employment replaces full-time career jobs with benefits.
How many languages do I have to say this to you, before you actually do it?
Réveillez-vous! (If you don't speak french, highlight, right click and google it!)
Jake Day must go.
WTF, I thought the city DIVORCED the county! Is Day seeking a reconciliation? LOL. Cut Day off the county tit. It's time he went out on his own. Sink or swim, baby. Sink or swim!
Everyday with Day is like an SNL skit. Badly acted, seldom funny and always partisan.
When is Culver evicting Day from the GOB? Been asking for this for over 9 months now.
TC, at least, Day keeps you in fresh images of himself. Still the same dumbass smile though.
What Day and Cannon are attempting to do to Executive Culver has become the norm for the Deomcrat party. I think there are more then enough smart people on the Shore who realize this event is poorly planned out at the last second and far too large for Salisbury. It will ultimately fail and let's not forget that Day has signed on for 3 years.
Day is a figure head, a part time Mayor who simply represents the City. Kissing babies, ribbon cutting, that's about it. He/She is NOT a legislator, yet he is getting rid of the very people on his staff who were hired to work with the Council in such matters. Day enjoys a rubber stamp Council who are absolutely clueless and do not understand how government is designed to work. So get rid of all the yes men who work for the City and replace them with clueless and recent graduates who will do whatever this Mayor wants and all of a sudden Day becomes the legislative body, influenced by special interests. What a gig!
Residents need to completely clean house. Citizens need to rise up and do their civic duty to bring back Salisbury, (if at all possible any more).
As for Culver, interesting how ALL of this is coming forward when there's an upcoming election. IF it is between Culver and Heath in my opinion it will be between those who want a Festival and those who don't. Clearly by reading comments Culver will win hands down.
This proves the theory, if you want a stray cat to go away, don't feed it.
Jack Heath looks like he's the kind of county executive Day wants. One who sleeps through the whole thing. LOL!
In the second photo, anyone who was watching this meeting clearly saw that Heath was almost falling asleep while everyone else was sitting straight up, paying attention and excited to be there. Isn't Heath in his late 70's? Could explain a LOT.
Day says 100-200K attendees? Pretty big differential there, Jake. You don't have any stats from previous festivals? Sounds like you haven't got a clue about what you're doing there, bud.
Joe, looks like Heath is a low-energy candidate. Can't even stay awake for a 20-45 minute meeting? This is the guy Day champions! Hooray! Culver gets my vote hands down.
How about how excited John Cannon got in that meeting, OH LOOK, JACK HEATH IS HERE, COME SIT HERE WITH US JACK. Unbelievable!!!
as a county resident, taxpayer and voter I urge the county executive and council to refrain from joining this absurd endeavor of this idiotic event
One thing you all have to understand is Democrats, historically, are not job creators since the days of FDR and Johnson. Even with both, the jobs were relatively temporary. Day is much like our local version of FDR because the job creation he proposes is not long standing much like the WPA. The only difference between Day and FDR is, at least, the WPA built things that still stand to this day. Example, the bandstand in the Park. Even with their permanence, the WPA was a temporary job creator and was done away with once the Second World War began.
Once again, if you all knew the real US History instead of the happy scrappy history taught in Common Core, you would understand and draw parallels very quickly between historic figures and contemporaries. Perhaps a good suggestion is for you to studied up on history from a variety of sources instead of depending on the lamestream media drive-bys. It might help you see the dynamics of what's going on not only on a local level but also the national level as well.
Yes, Crowe, Day is a lot like FDR minus the personal charisma. He seeks to restructure government, take money from the area and funnel it into projects he personally deems worthy at the expense of communal harmony.
Thornton, I have to wonder, is it too late to get these millennials to understand and appreciate out past history? Republicans understand, we learn from our past mistakes. Liberals do not, seriously. They just don't care.
How can you run a marathon on all city streets and not touch state roads? It's impossible. 13 & 50 are both State highways, Snow Hill Road and Mount Herman are also State. Is Jake planning to defy the State government? Not too smart. Hope the State sues his happy ass.
Joe, the problem is Republicans don't learn from their mistakes any more than Democrats in reality. Look at what's happening on the Hill right now for a grand indication of how they refuse to see the writing on the proverbial wall. Locally, the politicians here are no different. They have in-fighting even amongst the Republicans.
Example is Anderton and Cannon's attempts to overthrow Culver through bully tactics and leaking internal information to people who don't hold the education level of a 4th grader in the hopes it will shake his resolve to do right by the people. Not saying Culver hasn't had his snafus or rather lack of communication with the people, but the party in-fighting has been particularly fierce. They're trying to play DC politics when in fact, it looks like kindergarten tantrums and machinations!
10:38, Well, how can I argue that. I wish I knew of a way to bring back true conservative republicans, especially on a local level. Not that federal isn't just as important.
Bob just say NO. No county money, no county road closures and no county cops available. Let Day get money from the businesses he claims will benefit from it.
Joe, it's up to the people to put their foot down and demand from politicians what they demand from their own kids. (That is, if they still teach things like honesty and integrity in the home.) The people also have to instill in their leaders, if they don't protect the community's best interests, they're out-out-out! If you're making your people's lives better, chances are, you don't have to worry about campaigning or re-election. (If you make sure the elections are run clean!)
History Lesson from Wikipedia because it's the most condensed version of what the WPA was:
"The Works Progress Administration (WPA; renamed in 1939 as the Work Projects Administration) was the largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions of people (mostly unskilled men) to carry out public works projects,[1] including the construction of public buildings and roads. In a much smaller project, Federal Project Number One, the WPA employed musicians, artists, writers, actors and directors in large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects.[1]
Almost every community in the United States had a new park, bridge or school constructed by the agency. The WPA's initial appropriation in 1935 was for $4.9 billion (about 6.7 percent of the 1935 GDP).[2]
Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA provided jobs and income to the unemployed during the Great Depression in the United States. At its peak in 1938, it provided paid jobs for three million unemployed men and women, as well as youth in a separate division, the National Youth Administration. Between 1935 and 1943, when the agency was disbanded, the WPA employed 8.5 million people.[3] Most people who needed a job were eligible for employment in some capacity.[4] Hourly wages were typically set to the prevailing wages in each area. Full employment, which was reached in 1942 and emerged as a long-term national goal around 1944, was not the goal of the WPA; rather, it tried to provide one paid job for all families in which the breadwinner suffered long-term unemployment.[6]:64, 184
"The stated goal of public building programs was to end the depression or, at least, alleviate its worst effects," sociologist Robert D. Leighninger asserted. "Millions of people needed subsistence incomes. Work relief was preferred over public assistance (the dole) because it maintained self-respect, reinforced the work ethic, and kept skills sharp."
The WPA was a national program that operated its own projects in cooperation with state and local governments, which provided 10–30% of the costs. Usually the local sponsor provided land and often trucks and supplies, with the WPA responsible for wages (and for the salaries of supervisors, who were not on relief). WPA sometimes took over state and local relief programs that had originated in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) or Federal Emergency Relief Administration programs.
It was liquidated on June 30, 1943, as a result of low unemployment due to the worker shortage of World War II. The WPA had provided millions of Americans with jobs for eight years."
Thank you for taking time to learn from this history blip!
The New Deal was a f-ing disaster. It prolonged the Depression an additional 10 years than if government had just kept their noses out of the economy.
8 years is a lot better than 3 days, isn't it?
More and more it looks as though Administrator government should be the way Salisbury should go. Ireton, Barrie and Jake have been awful mayors. Why do we even need a mayor anymore? They've corroded the office and made Salisbury the laughing stock of the Shore.
When Day did his little speech at the 150th anniversary for Wicomico, he played George Washington. He admitted he didn't know that much about GW. His admission tells you about how much he doesn't know about government and why he shouldn't be mayor. You can't do anything right if you don't know what's done in the past at all. See what I mean?
Heath is no good. Do not trust him for a second. The way he is trying to weasel in the county executive position says it all. He is a person of no integrity, no decency and a complete lack of character and principles. Do not be fooled. His tactics speak for themselves.
11:03, OK, here's the deal. Unfortunately, (here on the shore) a great majority of elected officials collude with one and other, all within the best interest of Eastern Shore special interests.
God Forbid a Joe Albero get elected and cut them off at the knees. Therefore they'll do anything and everything to make sure that cannot happen. So be it but at least my platform brought forth the RIGHT way to do things.
As for this particular topic, I too agree that Culver needs to stand his ground but certainly not out of spite.
The City has refused to pay their share of the rent and expenses for almost 20 years at the GOB. Bob brought this up almost 2 years ago and Day has refused to address this concern. Instead, Day came back demanding the County pay the City for the fire service. This is a smack in the county taxpayers face.
Now Day wants to host two events the City is clearly not prepared to do. They are using the court of public opinion to shame Culver, which is complete BS! The festival will fail and Day will come back and say it failed because the County refused to participate with them.
Culver did exactly what the City originally asked. The County not only funded the grant from the Governor for the event, (Hogan turned down the City for that grant) and that was all Culver was asked to do. No, (all of a sudden) once Day realized the event will in fact fail, he wants the county to partner with the event and that's BS too.
History from our articles and comments right here on SBYNews proves the citizens stand with Bob Culver and do not wish to financially support the event/dream that Day and his young and inexperienced staff want.
Take the pacifier away from this group of babies Bob, ITS TIME!
Funded the grant? You cannot be serious! I'm pissed Culver funded the grant because that was NOT his money it's the taxpayers of Wicomico's money. Why did he do this? Man, this just does bode well for Culver.
It was actually the Council that chose to do it.
Looks like Heath had a Larry Dodd moment there on camera. LOL.
Oh so you mean JOHN CANNON did it. What an idiot.
Being an election year, Culver didn't veto the decision. I can't say as I blame him but let's NOT FORGET that this was the scope of the counties involvement.
Thornton: "Example is Anderton and Cannon's attempts to overthrow Culver through bully tactics and leaking internal information to people who don't hold the education level of a 4th grader in the hopes it will shake his resolve to do right by the people."
Are you sure it wasn't misinformation?
Every council member for the county voting for that grant should be voted out. Wicomico people want nothing to do with Jakester's disaster! He can suck on it.
1034 It would be impossible to do a marathon while avoiding state highways and roads. Day is an idiot.
Those who are uninitiated to the workings of local government need to know that Day is supported by the PAC (Political Action Committee) that is comprised of landlords, local real estate "luminaries" and the "Star Chamber" that is the Greater Salisbury Committee (administrated by none other than Mike Dunn, the most corrupt council president ever, the one who made millions by manipulating the council to his own greedy ends.) The money comes from them, as does the majority of votes, because votes follow the cash. Count Jack Heath among the recipients of their political aspiration's largess.
Be wary of the contributions to upcoming county executive campaigns. They tell the story.
Its not up to Culver or county council to entertain Jake days pipe dreams. He should have given everyone the opportunity to decide for themselves if they wanted to support this. He literally once again tried to sneak this by everyone through side door. Nr. Day you seriously have some mental health issues that need to be addressed. Who has the calls to screw the county over for two years then beg and grobble for a so called united front? You are a manipulative child playing grown up and need to be put in check. People this is only the beginning with these guys. Wicomico county you're about to get sucked into a lot more of the Jake day fantasy factory social circus. They meet twice a month for a so called "thrive" support and worship group that literally bouncing these idiotic ideas off one another. When did city/county government and church become means of financial support for people? These guys are snakes and plan on sceewing you over and praising god in the same breath
This isn't the first article done about Day's dishonesty and back dealing corruption. If you all don't know by now he's a snake, you'll never learn and get what you deserve. As for Culver, it would be wise not to follow Day down the rabbit hole but if he chooses to do it, then it's his election. The responses on the other post are pretty clear it would be political suicide.
Jake Day F *** you and your request for the counties assistance in your marathon and festival. F""" cannon too if he thinks he's going to let this one slide by. He must be working out a self serving deal with day to exempt Cannon's slum housing inc. From the April deadline for the co2 monitors required in all units. What a corrupt bunch of little minions you have leading Salisbury. Where's Holloway and Davis? Surely an ex state trooper has the balls to stand up to cannon and day. What's wrong with you men you let these clowns do whatever they want
Its been such an awful time in Salisbury! Adult change is truly needed!
The only way this will happen is more people ignore 4th grader politics and start manning up to run for office. Ignore the political grumbling and attempts to smear your character and integrity, just run for office! If people like your message the naysayers and malcontents will eventually be drowned out by voting machines clicking your name for a big win!
Wishful thinking and pithy comments will get you nowhere. Your dreams of Heath are misguided and misinformed! Heath has shown his true swamp colors and will not be CE ever. Should he cheat, it will be challenged.
You can take that one to the bank.
From what I've seen, Culver will end up giving Day anything he wants. Culver seems to lack the backbone and confidence which means he lets people push him around because he's afraid of 'looking bad' to the people. Sometimes being in positions of authority means making tough choices that aren't always understood or liked. Being the bad cop comes with a price especially when you have a local media who cows down to morons instead of reporting the truth in situations that are bad for residents. Culver doesn't have it in him to weather the heat and do the right thing. Sorry but it's completely true. I've witnessed it personally. He folds like a cheap suit whenever someone writes something unfavorable about him.
Tend to agree with you. And he refuses to put people around him that can.
Wasted opportunity, time and circumstance for we, the voters and taxpayers.
Expected and hoped for more.
Agree with 617. He hasn't been overly successful in the least and he's failed time and again to get any kind of messages out there if he has achieved anything. He isn't a good manager.
The only time Culver came out with a strong message 641 was when he fired back on the forensic business over the summer, then he went limp biscuit again. Whoever was helping them, he should keep listening to them. They knew what they were doing. Guess he didn't like their in-your-face tact but its his loss. He's not going to win if he continues to be a wuss.
Agree with you, too. Wicomico needs an ass kicked not a whimp. If he can’t stand up to Day, he’s incapable of standing up for us!
Even then he wasn’t all that forceful. I saw the press conference and he seemed reticent like he was afraid he was going to hurt someone’s feelings. He needs a spine big time. 🧐🧐🧐🧐
How many times will Culver have to be told this, Joe, before he gets it? He keeps think he’s going to make good with the farmers but he always comes off weak and unsure of himself. Why is that?
Know people who have leaked fake info to the EBT blogger and he rolls with it every time. Hes such a sucker. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It appears that Culver's struggle with confidence has led him into the untenable position of retaining poor advice and folks with limited experience in necessary skill sets for such maneuvering. The CE's office is being out flanked by a juvenile mayor and his band of idealistic whiney neophytes.
This was about as sneaky and self fulfilling a move a person could make. Day realizes he's in over his head now he's putting the pressure on the county and Culver. Sorry day it won't work. We all see you for what you really are. Great representative of a Christian man, and your self righteous self absorbed church home. And relay this to pastor Bill the buzz cut and hair dye aren't working anymore. You're almost 60 years old let it go stop acting and encouraging clowns like Jake day to make ridiculous decisions that are costing ALK wicomico county taxpayers now
For me its all about creating jobs and cleaning up crime. If you put all these resources into bike lanes, festivals and marathons you are not helping the people.
I think if Bob Culver expects to be reelected he has to say no to Day and his antics. It was all him let him deal with it.
We are County residents and can't even enjoy Salisbury anymore due to the crime. So don't spend our tax dollars on Days or the Cities behalf.
If you don't live in Salisbury, boycott it. If you do live in Salisbury? I'm sorry!!! Ray!!!
It's interesting that many who voted for these buffoons are now suffering from buyer's remorse but they don't offer their own services to serve as mayor. Why is this? Shouldn't it be considered a civic duty to make sure Jake Day doesn't run unopposed or are you just going to keep complaining for another five years?
Sent Culver and every county council member an email about this nonsense and yet to get a response, go figure!! Still waiting for storm drainage ditch to be filled back in from all flooding, counties fix is to put two orange markers by side of road. All the dirt and gravel has washed out from under roadway and nothing done yet these clowns want to fund Jake day's daycare circus. He must be holding the "daddy perdue CEO" trump card over their head. F**" you Day and your goofy asz father. Its not all about you and your ridiculous agenda. What are you trying to copy the seagull century with a runners version now? What ever happened to putting citizens first and their concerns? Nothing that the majority is bitching and complaining about is being addressed
Collusion !!!
Petulant child is a more than accurate description of little man Jake Day. As for John Cannon, pompous ass may be the most fitting description for this slum lord.
Anonymous said...
Heath is no good. Do not trust him for a second. The way he is trying to weasel in the county executive position says it all. He is a person of no integrity, no decency and a complete lack of character and principles. Do not be fooled. His tactics speak for themselves.
November 26, 2017 at 11:25 AM
You are correct that Heath is no good and I don't want that man running Wicomico County. He is not a Republican or a Democrat. Who knows WTF he is? All I know he is a deceitful f'n liar. This man lied to constituents when he was running for city council about being a fire fighter. He is no firefighter and never has been a firefighter. Not only that he lead us to believe he was a Salisbury firefighter. WTF!! He didn't tell anyone he was a farmin in Fruitland. How can you live in the City of Salisbury and play farmin in Fruitland instead of the city you live in? Why wasn't he a member of the Salisbury Fire Department? Don't tell me it was because Fruitland was closer. No, it is because you knew Fruitland would let you get away with playing corporate president instead of putting on fire gear with SCBA and fighting real fires. NO, he is scared of fire so he stayed away from the real fires and just showed up for their Monday meetings like a COWARD. He is a liar and a coward and he doesn't deserve to be my County Executive.
Jake Day wants Jack Heath as the Wicomico County Executive so that Day can pull Heath's puppet strings and make Wicomico County the County of Salisbury. Jack Heath will turn everything over to the City of Salisbury and make it the County of Salisbury with forced annexations all over the rural areas which were once the rural areas of Wicomico. That means if you live in rural Wicomico you will be forced to be annexed into the City of Salisbury and you will be paying both County and City taxes whether you like it or not. This is a fact so stand by.
Nutters Crossing will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Heather Glenn will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Parsonsburg will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Bivalve will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. The rural areas of Mardela, Hebron, Sharptown, Delmar, Fruitland, Pittsville, and Willards will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Westside, Allan, Powellville you all will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury and you will be forced to pay City and County taxes. You will be forced to be paying water and sewer to help Jake Day pay for that $150 million dollar FAILED sewer plant. Even if you have a well and your own septic system they can force you to pay for their failed sewer plant whether you like it or not.
If you vote for Jack Heath you will be voting to pay double taxes and paying for city water and sewer.
I know for a fact that Muir Boda is the cause of Jack Heath running for County Executive. I know for a fact that Muir Boda is the one that built Jack Heath's web page and continues to work on it.
That is right, Muir Boda is supposed to be a Republican and he convinced a non-Republican to run for County Executive to beat a Republican.
What did you Republicans do supporting and voting for a fake Republican Muir Boda. That's right Muir is a Libertarian so the local Republican Party is the blame for being DUPED by this clown. Our local Republican Central Committee is the blame for accepting this fake Republican and even giving him money to pay for his campaign.
Anonymous said...
Day says 100-200K attendees? Pretty big differential there, Jake. You don't have any stats from previous festivals? Sounds like you haven't got a clue about what you're doing there, bud.
November 26, 2017 at 9:50 AM
Jake Day better have a clue. He just paid for 2 dozen employees to go on vacation to The National Folk Festival in Greensboro, NC for 2 weeks on our dime.
That picture of Jake Day is nauseating and that is the first thing I saw when reading this article? UGH! What an ugly moron! Look at those jacked up teeth on Jake Day!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jake Day wants Jack Heath as the Wicomico County Executive so that Day can pull Heath's puppet strings and make Wicomico County the County of Salisbury. Jack Heath will turn everything over to the City of Salisbury and make it the County of Salisbury with forced annexations all over the rural areas which were once the rural areas of Wicomico. That means if you live in rural Wicomico you will be forced to be annexed into the City of Salisbury and you will be paying both County and City taxes whether you like it or not. This is a fact so stand by.
Nutters Crossing will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Heather Glenn will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Parsonsburg will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Bivalve will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. The rural areas of Mardela, Hebron, Sharptown, Delmar, Fruitland, Pittsville, and Willards will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury. Westside, Allan, Powellville you all will now be annexed into the city of Salisbury and you will be forced to pay City and County taxes. You will be forced to be paying water and sewer to help Jake Day pay for that $150 million dollar FAILED sewer plant. Even if you have a well and your own septic system they can force you to pay for their failed sewer plant whether you like it or not.
If you vote for Jack Heath you will be voting to pay double taxes and paying for city water and sewer.
December 4, 2017 at 1:10 AM
I agree with this comment and it scares me.
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