By Thornton Crowe
1942 is a pivotal year in our Constitution's history... as it was the year when the Supreme Court of the United States overstepped the Constitution to begin the dismantling our individual rights and Federalize Americans' lives!
The case was Wickard v. Filburn. Not many people hear too much about it as it lacks the sensationalism as Roe v. Wade or Brown v. the Board of Education. However, it's impact on our country and us is too staggering to ignore.
As explained in Mark Levin's, Liberty & Tyranny, the basic premise in this case was the SCOTUS ruled that a farmer growing wheat on his own land and for his own use was still subject to federal production limits, even though none of his wheat was sold to any other people or crossed state lines.
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1942 Supreme Court of the United States |
With this decision, "Wickard sweep away 150 years of constitutional jurisprudence, decentralized government authority and private property rights protection."
What does this mean for you and me some 74 years later?
The answer is: A lot!
The answer is: A lot!
It really originated when the Seventeenth Amendment was added to the Constitution (1913), where by the states gave up their right to have the Senate chosen by state legislators and turned it into an elected position. Hence, it promoted the states to become a fourth branch of the Federal government rather than maintaining autonomy. Basically, it dialed back our country's original intention where the states were united but remained separated from any oversight from a large dictatorial power.
As we all know, the Federal government has made it a long-standing policy to abuse its power of the purse by blackmailing states (and citizens) into compliance. Example: Transgender bathrooms or no federal education money. This insured a state's complicity to the overreach of the government on the people. The regulatory mayhem began and later exploited by FDR's New Deal legislation, which prolonged the Great Depression an additional decade.
Why is this election so important?
What does it mean now? Well, it's simple.
With legislature like Obamacare, the Wickard ruling open the doors to federal legislators to invade and eradicate your personal choice. One of the reasons is because by doing a federal law like healthcare prevents states from legislating on local levels. Meaning: If you don't like Obamacare, you need to find another country to live in rather than merely relocating to another state, which is much easier.
On a local level, as we saw with the Banner situation in Ocean City last week, when we allow our First Amendment right to be infringed like Bob Bunting's advertisers, this only opens the door for bigger problems. To allow these small infractions to continue only erodes our Constitution and chips away our freedoms. So while people may believe it's only about banners, it goes much deeper and sets a very dangerous precedent, which only leads the way to further exploitation.

The Choice is really up to you! But, either way, the entitlement milieu is not sustainable. Therefore, all those collecting doles from government assistance will cease to have these payments sooner than later. This negligence and governmental reliance is likened to a house of cards about to collapse. While the choice to go the harder road may be tough but on the other side, the restoration of states' rights is a much better proposition in the end.
After all, that's the way this country was designed to operate as per the Founding Fathers who had a pretty good idea of what they were doing -- even if they are just a group of old, dead white guys.
*** denotes direct passages from Mark R. Levin's book, Liberty & Tyranny (Threshold Editions, NY).
Whites of yesterday said they werent alive and never owned no slaves so Blacks shouldnt be mad at them.
Whites of today say they werent alive when they was hanging blacks so Blacks shouldnt be mad at them.
Whites of tomorrow are gonna say they werent alive when cops were killing blacks, the introduction of crack into the ghettos, and the racially biased jailing of non-violent crimes, So Blacks shoulnt be mad at them. Meanwhile they're ignoring the racial issues their kids will have to deal with
So when are we supposed to get mad? This all caused by the whites of those times turning a blind eye to the shit going around them. Sometimes standing around and letting something immoral happen is more guilty than you partaking in it.
Don't live in the past move forward. Quit living in hate and learn to love one another. Black and whites of today did not live in that era and should want to move forward vs living in the past things will not get better with that way of thinking. They only thing we owe each other is respect and that should be earned. This was not all caused by whites as blacks sold their own people. Stop blaming strife for your actions of today.
When is the black community ever going to be satisfied is more the question. The fact is people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have found its profitable for them to traffic unrest. So when is enough, Enough?
The fact is through Affirmatice Action, Black America has been given opportunities at the expense of other enthnicities -not just white but also Asians and Hispanics. College enrollment still small because the Black culture for the most part doesn't instill the principles towards academic excellence and the importance of study. It's a proven fact that while many more academics are open to Black America now than ever before, it's a set up for failure because, once in an academic arena, they don't perform on the whole because they're put in a place where they ill equipped to handle. Not based on their abilities but on their lack of training and priority setting.
Progressive racism has worked on this premise for years that if you give the Black community everything with lower standard to make up for some infringement done over a century ago, it will square the deal and level some illusionary playing field. This lowering criteria for the Black community only sets up for failure not success because at the end of the day, academic habits and goal setting skills start at home.
With all the historic placating done by White Americans ever going to be enough? It seems that no matter what Whites do, come Black people will always walk around with a chip on their shoulders regardless. It's gotten to the point where people just can't please so why bother. Seriously.
When will the fringes of Black America realize success comes down to personal responsibility for one's lot in life not government. Government only mucks it up and makes it much harder to success. Once the Black community embraces that, will they see their collective fortune change. The only blind eye is the one held by those who feel the world owes them something for nothing.
Maybe you should look to the countries that still practice slavery to find your sense of justice that here the only slave owners are liberals who use money to enslave the poor. It's no longer a hand up, it's a handout. That's the fact only because of the receiver not the giver.
1037 is it fair that Democrats have slanted the playing field against Beenie Sanders and favored a white woman during their primary? Do you think he's sitting around complaining that life owes him a nomination? He was cheated! His own party conspired against him and his voters! It was overt. Planned. Do you think he's going to teach all Jewish people to carry around resentment? No. Everyone experiences discrimination for one reason or another in their lives. We call that LIFE! We deal with it in many ways but it seems black people choose to make it some lifelong mission rather than trying to stake their claims in different ways. If you put the time you use thinking about the past you weren't even involved in into a constructive goal towards enriching your future, you'd find the world is your oyster.
Ya gotta wonder if it had never made it to the history books about a few slaves in distant lands....just what excuse would they have today. Figures one would overlook the important history lesson here today so they could make some racial excuse/rant.
Very good post , I do have some very quick solutions to some very bad problems .
My son says keep asking questions until you find the problem . Having said that , Al Sharpton and some of the others , Jessie , obama ,Muslims and many others are the problem , we have identified that this is a major problem.
So what do we do (another problem) to eliminate or get rid of these problems?
Mmmm , I just wonder.
1136 problem with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton is they really don't want Civil Rights to be achieved in the minds of black people because then there's nothing for them to do to make their money. Both have been become exceedingly rich off the perceived racial divides in this country. You don't hear them clamoring about black on black crime or black on white crime. If they truly wanted peace, these would rank in their priorities as well. I'm glad someone took up the cause to sue them once and for all for their race baiting. It may make a difference in future if not an immediate impact.
the supreme court just moves society in the direction the elites want. nothing but a bunch of aholes who think they are smarter then us. Would love to be there when they meet their maker!
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton is they really don't want Civil Rights to be achieved in the minds of black people because then there's nothing for them to do to make their money. 11:58
I will be glad when those two are dead. If I am still alive I want to see who you all will complain about then.
Most of what is said here about this just shows how little all of you know about what you are commenting on.
7:54PM I'm sorry if the truth offends you but I'm not here to win friends, I am here, God willing, to enlighten you on issues and history. Your affinity for Sharpton and Jackson is highly misplaced. I won't apologize for that either. They wouldn't be sued for race baiting if it wasn't warranted!
Why don't you tell the Jews to forget the holocaust. Black people who be fools to forget History , because if they do it is bound to repeat. You people hate to face the fact that you are RACIST . look at the things you write on this board undercover, however the majority of white people are RACIST and they know they are privilege because pf it. You are a race of DEVILS and the sooner you are exposed we can have a better world. Truth is not hate.
10:20AM, Thanks for your comment. And you are absolutely correct. I am in the process of reading Progressive Racism by David Horowitz (fantastic book) and plan to discuss the book very soon! He points out this monologue pertaining to only black racism in America. Please keep checking back for this article. Working on wikileaks but will try to get something about the book within next couple weeks! Would love to hear back from you when I post it to get your input.
Thanks again for pointing that out. Much appreciated! Have a great week!
If the news media universe is an ocean of propaganda, Thornton Crowe is an island of truth.
Thank you for the compliment 4:27PM. Much appreciated!
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