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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Major American Magazine Goes to War Against Gun Rights

In the wake of a terrorist attack by a radical Islamist, liberals have decided that law abiding, Christian Republican gun owners are to blame. Leading the charge to completely ignore the whole radical Islam thing and go about stripping your right to bear arms? People Magazine. Yes, really.

The typically apolitical, mainstream, light fare celebrity gossip rag known for its annual "Sexiest Man Alive" competition is putting all its intellectual heft behind getting people who think Jenny McCarthy is an authority on the medical causes of autism to call Congress and take away your rights. Because the best way to affect rational, common sense change in America is by marshalling a bunch of people who think due process is a three step Kardashian endorsed skin care regimen.

Their nonsense list is here. Use it. Call every member you can, and tell them that the proper response to an Islamic terror attack on American soil is NOT to render law abiding Americans defenseless. Demand they stand up for your right to defend yourself, your friends, and your family(we've attached a petition to do the same, if a phone call is too time consuming).

If you're not inclined to support their opportunistic, gun grabbing political stunt, here's another option: contact People Magazine. Follow that link to a list of top media contacts at People. Tell them to stick to shallow celebrity gossip, and leave your rights alone.

Source: AAN

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