The next time the people in BOLD (above) run for office, be sure to vote for whomever is running against them.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 26, 2016
The vote was 4 to 2, Matt Holloway, John Hall, Erine Davis and John Cannon voted yes in favor of it and Marc Kilmer and Joe Holloway voted no. Larry Dodd is on vacation. Joe Holloway desperately attempted to put the vote on hold until the full Council could vote on it, being it will become a multi million dollar yearly expense on taxpayers. Like every other free giveaway it starts out much smaller and then the cost starts to rise every year after.
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Cannon will be raising his slum welfare homes rent to pay for this.
All i want to say is Thank you for my free college tuition so now i can go to wor wic and i don't have to pay for it like i did for all my kids HUMMMM what courses can i take at age 65 to better myself i know ill grow POT
whats the matter, scared of an even playing its the end of the as you know it
Knew Cannon was a RINO - didn't expect that from Matt Holloway though...isn't he getting ready to start a plant-growing operation out here?! Maybe that's what happened!
I wonder if I should expose certain people trying to comment under anonymous that I know who they are? Some people on the 3rd floor better be careful.
Council member vacations should be kept on a schedule and no legislation voted on until all can be at the table for the vote. Representatives are supposed to represent, not represent at their leisure. And if you're whining "we don't get paid enough", then you're getting paid too much and need to embrace a little more self-sacrifice.
John john john
Rino rino rino
When will this fool be stopped.
The only people that should get free tuition are Honorably discharged Veterans,Active Duty Service men and women, retired or currently active Law Enforcement officers.
12:35 what even playing field why do we have to give everyone Free food free phones free housing free collage. you can go to work and earn money then pay for your own collage i don't see even playing field when i had to pay for mine and now people don't i am getting tired of GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME i don't have the same opportunity as you do. YOU HAVE THE SAME AS ANYONE ELSE THAT HAS PUT THERE MIND TO IT just don't be lazy and want it give to you next time you will want them to give you a degree without going to school for it
This cost has to be paid for by someone, guess what the tax payers
of Wicomico and Worcester will. Very very sad day, time to move.
Do I get my college loans refunded?
I am angry more tax money wasted.
Thank you Joe Holloway and Marc Kilmer for your no vote, the rest of the council showed their true selves on this one.
So this is the economic plan? Educate the workforce for WHAT JOBS????? Manufacturing jobs do not require college. We also have all the Labinal employees with "skills" who need work. Culver is a failure as far as economic development goes. This is just a smoke screen, feel good for some, desperation move to get re-elected. Dream on!
Joe, your comment about the 3rd floor is dead on. They are so full of themselves, they think the rest of us just don't get it. Some of them are in the most high paying jobs they've ever had and will say or do anything to keep them.
The sad thing is Culver thinks he is some kind of hero for getting this done.
So much for being a conservative Republican, let alone a business man. Hilarious!
Actually senior citizens get free tuition and only had to pay fees to attend md community colleges.
John cannon your a disgrace and a phoney republican you are DONE come next election.
OK - I cleaned it up a bit in order to make it a bit more readable by the audience.
*****ORIGINAL POST BY 1247*************
Anonymous said...
12:35 what even playing field why do we have to give everyone Free food free phones free housing free collage. you can go to work and earn money then pay for your own collage i don't see even playing field when i had to pay for mine and now people don't i am getting tired of GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME i don't have the same opportunity as you do. YOU HAVE THE SAME AS ANYONE ELSE THAT HAS PUT THERE MIND TO IT just don't be lazy and want it give to you next time you will want them to give you a degree without going to school for it
*****WHAT I THINK THAT 1247 (The Collage Educated individual was trying to say*************
June 21, 2016 at 12:47 PM
12:35, what even playing field? Why do we have to give everyone Free food, free phones, free housing, free college? You can go to work and earn money and then pay for your own college. I don't see an even playing field when I had to pay for mine and now people don't. I am getting tired of GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME. I don't have the same opportunity as you do. YOU HAVE THE SAME AS ANYONE ELSE THAT HAS PUT THERE MIND TO IT, just don't be lazy and want it given to you. Next time you will want them to give you a degree without going to school for it.
****END PERCEIVED MEANING of 1247**********
You see, the use of capitalization and punctuation actually means something to the reader. Instead of a bunch of run-on sentences you need to make the reader pause so that that the meaning of the sentence can sink in. Capitalized letters at the beginning of the sentence also signals to the reader that this is a new statement which contains an additional thought regarding the topic at hand.
With that being said I have to agree with 1247 in its intent. When something is given to you, it has diminishing value and thus becomes taken for granted. Eventually, the degree will mean nothing whatsoever, especially if the grading standards continue to degrade.
Just my two cents.
Even playing field? No, now the people who work and pay taxes will be paying even more for the free loaders! The scales are unbalanced...people who paid for their education and work hard to pay bills and student loans are getting screwed while people who spit out babies and don't work continue to get more free! Even playing field my ass!
Maybe some of those on the 3rd floor need to take advantage of free college and learn about business management and economics. If they think running their failed businesses qualifies them to run the county, they are mistaken.
Any of you ever think there would be less angry idiots running a muck if they were given half a chance to better their education???
Some day it might be your grand child that needs free tuition. I know Larry Dodd he is a loving father I'm sure he would of voted in favor also. So you haters add him to your list.
Whose idea is it that businesses won't locate here because of our uneducated workforce? We have far greater problems than that and now, we are one the top three counties for child abuse. Get a grip people. Free college is not the answer.
How come no one is criticizing Culver? Wasn't he also fighting for free tuition? Bob maybe you should continue NOT having County Property Tax Sales (for taxes owed). That way you can continue NOT paying your property taxes and no one will be the wiser. Continue to give away Wicomico tax payers money, and if Wicomico County continues not to collect back taxes, there will be no money and we can all live free while going to Wor-Wic free
Based on the poor grammar in some of these comments, if there is extra money it should go to the elementary schools. It doesn't appear that you get a quality education in Wicomico County so what good will an AA degree do?
Get ready for a piggy back tax increase.
You can depend on Mr. Joe Holloway to watch after the taxpayer.
Thank you sir!!
Why Cannon? Culver is the one pushing this.
The beatings will continue until EVERYONE cooperates under this regime!
Nothing is free without sacrifice!
LOL What a bunch of losers they are. Like giving someone free tuition is going to help the county. These clueless inbreds that you knuckleheads have been electing for generations now have done nothing but turned the lower shore into an out house. You have to stop electing these shorebillie inbreds and start electing intelligent people. There is no excuse other than electing the stupid inbreds for this area's deterioration. Being so close to the ocean and Wicomico county streets should be paved with gold. But no you "from heres" know it all and the "come heres" are to keep quiet when the reality is you all needed the "come heres" to tell you how to do it! Now you are stuck. Stuck with properties you can't sell. Stuck with no good jobs. Stuck with land that the stench is so bad a maggot wouldn't take up residence on it. High crime rates. And mark my words-IT'S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. You all grew it now you have no other choice but to chew on it. You don't listen to good sense and this is what happens. Yep this is what happens.
Wouldn't have mattered if Dodd was on vacation or not. He did the same thing when he was on BOE when a tough decision was on the table. He would be absent so as not to look like the bad guy. That is why Dr Freddy was able to stay as long as he did. When came time to vote No Dodd.
"Anonymous said...
whats the matter, scared of an even playing its the end of the as you know it
June 21, 2016 at 12:35 PM"
Don't been so foolish. No one is "scared of an even playing field" you moron. What people are tired of is paying for useless eaters like yourself. People like yourself whose parents were/are the trashy useless dregs of society who were so low that they taught you to go around with your hand out. Disgusting your parents were to raise you looking for a handout. They nor you aren't worthy to breath the same air as decent productive self sufficient people and dont' you dare ever forget it-do you understand. You better understand you POS!
" Culver is a failure as far as economic development goes."
Little Bobby Culver's a failure on everything. Immediately following the puppy mill incident he should have given Fitzgerald his walking papers but he hasn't. Little Bobby better check those trousers of his to see if he has any You Know Whats in them.
Then if it were me and if she wanted the position and to hell with what the media and the public had to say about it, I would have appointed Jennifer Albero to head the county animal control division and there is no doubt (in my extremely intelligent mind) she would have done an excellent job.
I agree with a previous comment. Who came up with the idea that our economic development problem is the uneducated workforce? Why would any business want to locate here? Crime, drug problems, failing infrastructure, high piggy back tax, no return on housing investment, poor discipline in schools - the list goes on. Rather than spend money on this "feel good" project, what not focus on the really tough stuff? Culver doesn't have what it takes. No one is his office does.
"Anonymous said...
Any of you ever think there would be less angry idiots running a muck if they were given half a chance to better their education???"
You are living in a dream world 1:53. I just can't believe us intelligent people are surrounded by so many clueless people like 1:53.
Now let me educate you 1:53. These so called "angry idiots running a muck" dropped out of high school so what makes you think for one second you moron that they have any interest in going to college-Einstein! You people are just so incredibly stupid that it's funny. It's no wonder you all are stuck living in the cess pool called Wicomico Co with no hope or chance to get out and better yourselves.
And who is going to pay for this??? As a senior, who is on very limited income and no raises in the past 3 years (and they were pitiful), I can't believe the council voted for this. NO EXCUSE.
Yep that's the problem. We are going on several generations now, of people who were taught to not be productive members of society, but to be sponges. Shame shame on your parents 12:35 for raising a leech. You are to be pitied for having the misfortune of being born to the worst kind of people society has to offer.
Mr. Culver what has happened to your thinking here. We CAN'T afford this. My husband and I are so disappointed in you regarding this issue. Cannon and his cohorts (RINO's) need to be retired asap. Thank you to my councilman, Joe Holloway for watching out for us once again.
If your a small business in Wicomico Co. get ready to bend over because a nice fat juicy tax is coming your way!
"Whose idea is it that businesses won't locate here because of our uneducated workforce?"
Businesses won't locate here because the area is disgusting. If you can get past the crime, the blight, the factory farms then you have the manure stench to put up with and the polluted water. No company that pays well is going to subject any of their employees to the mess this area has become. They just had that guy on TV criticizing the Hyatt in Cambridge. He said the crabs tasted like pollution. I've been saying this for years. They literally taste like chicken manure smells and I can taste it in the fish and soft crabs and other shell fish caught around here too. It used to be the crabs caught near Balto city tasted like tar, but that's even gotten better. You go up near the Conowingo Dam and the seafood is outstanding in taste because the Dam traps the sediment and pollution coming from upstream.
Culver is trying to walk a fine line so he gets reelected. Being County Executive is the most pay he has ever made. He doesn't have the spine to do anything bold. He is hoping that free education will get him all the liberal votes.
How come no one has made a big deal over Culver wasting taxpayer dollars renting space for economic development that was never used? Why kind of business mind rents space without an employee to fill it? No wonder all of his businesses failed. He has just brushed it off like it was nothing.
@2:14 You are spot on! This is a city filled with cliques, it's like high school all over again. All people want to do is complain and not do anything about it. Why would anyone who visits here want to settle here permanently?
I think the citizens should vote on this, not the morons !
2:30, Jennifer is her own person. Since when does the county have an animal control anyway? There's the Humane Society but that is not controlled by the county and as far as I can tell they are in very good hands with the new Director.
I agree it is the "been heres" who have ruined their own county. Lack of experience, sophistication, worldliness - whatever you want to call it. They continue to think they know best, so don't listen to "outsiders". How has that worked out for you? Are you loving the drugs, crime and blight?
3:12 they are afraid of the "come heres". Any bold ideas or out of the box thinking scares them. If it isn't lining the pockets of the government elite or protecting their ability to abuse the system, they want NOTHING to do with any new idea.
OMG the nerve of our "representatives". I am putting my house up for sale and moving out of this state and county. I am so fed up with this bunch of morons. Hogan is even causing problems by not supporting Trump. There is no "free ride" just us workers paying for the non workers, over and over and over and over. I am so tired.
The county has always had an animal control division or at least they did at the time of the Eden puppy mill raid. David Fitzgerald was made the head after he left the HS. They were the agency along with the Sheriff's dept who raided the Eden property. The county has a contract (or did) to only use the HS facility. The HS has no investigatory powers but AC does.
The employees may not realize it,but this might really slow down raises in pay.I don't say that to be malicious,but this type of funding adjustment typically shifts the money away from salaries.That causes the loss of really good teachers to surrounding school systems.
Many many people are successful and have no degrees. You idiots think a piece of paper is going to save you? Now you get to join the I have a piece of paper club so I am better than you?
What a bunch of losers.
Your ignorant way of thinking has put this community in poverty.
Did any of those idiot councilmen do any research on this? Wages, income, taxes, usefulness, or did they just drink the koolaid Hoy was serving?
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
Simon Cowell
Walt Disney
Tom Anderson
Rush Limbaugh
Wolfgang Puck
Frank Lloyd Wright
Mark Zuckerberg
Tom Hanks
Harrison Ford
Tiger Woods
What a bunch of morons, these over privileged born with a silver spoon in the mouth idiots just sold you out - Matt Holloway, John Hall, Erine Davis and John Cannon, what did you get in return for your vote? I am sure your "relatives" will get something in return, like all the other "special treatment" and money that seems to come their way.
I can't wait to see who is overseeing the program. This is going to be a disaster from the the get-go.
I'm amazed at the level of ignorance and sense of entitlement that spreads like a cancer through this country. Where do you people actually think the money comes from?? This county and city have been at the brink like so many others nationwide but we still think that the good old dollar just grows on a tree outback. The sad thing is the ones that support it and are happy for its implementation don't own any kind of property to pay county tax on. And the whole weed curriculum is a real slap in the face. The whole city county infrastructure is crumbling beneath you but we need a bunch of dope smoking millenniums to get a free education on proper harvesting of the chronic. CULVER DAY and the rest of you so called leaders need to be run out of town.
Nothing is free!!
They said, "Californy is the place we want to be",
So they loaded up the budget
And they gave it all for free.
Ya'll come back now!
3:38 STHU, really, I am so tired of your worn out excuses and quit trying to hijack the thread. YOU - THE HS KNEW ABOUT IT AND DID NOTHING. I don't give a rats azz who has what power. Your mission statement is to care for animals and you failed. If you knew about it, and you did, it was your job and responsibility to notify the proper channels and you didn't. Quit making excuses for your failure.
Well.....I know this won't sit well with the majority of your people who post comments, but....I miss Rick!! Complain about him all you want but there aint nobody more deceptive than Bob!
3:38 - Mr. Fitzgerald is the County's Risk Manager, not head of "County Animal Control" which doesn't exist. Please get your facts right.
I am going to suck every penny out of it that I can get, graduate with my degree and move the heck out of here and get a good paying job with benefits somewhere else.
Degree or no degree you will never be anything but impoverished if you stay here. Because that is the mentality of the employers here in the bury.
Greed is not an attractive trait, and that my friends is the real reason this community will never prosper.
Actually, the great majority of welfare dollars go to the wealthy. The poultry companies receive billions of dollars a year in indirect welfare.
Yep, I voted for Culver but regret it now. The transparency is very important.
This is truly a sad day where an already "entitled" youth will get free college at Wor Wic (Associates Degree). What happens then, in two years is Wicomico County going to be a cornucopia of employment to immediately support these students?
I hope that there is a binding non compete that in order to receive the free tuition, one must stay in Wicomico, Worcester or Somerset for some amount of time. Unfortunately, and if not, these students will get educated for free (knock out the electives) then transfer to a university and only have to pay for the other 2 or 3 years. Then they will move and take higher paying jobs in safer, cleaner and better communities. Seems to me like this is destined to backfire.
Absolutely! 100% Agree. No freakin handouts....that's for the Western shore.
For you arguing about "free stuff", wake up and look around you. Stop being duped. These politicians, after having their palms greased by corporations, manufactured an economy where companies can profit by paying you the bare minimum. They created an economy where college became a necessity just to compete at times for the most minial job. You didn't do this; in fact you had little say. So if the powers that be are going to make it so that avg. Joe needs a college degree just to get by, then they should also pay a huge portion of the monetary cost. Students are more than willing to put in the work. but the costs become near insurmountable.
So we have lost all these manufacturing businesses because of taxes and their plan is to tax more. Businesses are not leaving here because of an uneducated work force they are leaving here because of the cost of doing business in this city, in this state and in this country.
This is just another theft from the tax-payer orchestrated by the elite who are creating the next bubble which is "higher education."
They took nearly every dime we had when they orchestrated the housing bubble, now they are finishing us off by preying on our hopes of a better future.
I had the grades and S.A.T scores to name my school but I chose not to go to college and learned so much more in the real world while classmates of mine wasted 4 years and their parents life savings. Look at how many college grads are delivering pizzas these days. College is not the answer.
Glad Mr Albero gives up the facts first and lets us decide.
Please Bob Culver and members of the council who voted yes on this.
Send some of your department heads and asst department heads to WOR-Wic so they can learn to make some decisions on there own to justify the 50k plus salaries they are earning and grow a set and put the bad apples out the door.
I too voted and supported Mr.Culver, but am disappointed on many issues.
culver and those rinos will not get any votes out of this family!
Wicomico has an animal control. Just look in their budget. They allocate to animal control and also to the animal shelter.
Kinda reminds me of Hillary and Bill and all there special interest groups.I think there is something behind the scenes driving this agenda.
So glad I'm getting the hell out of this state. The government here is so corrupt it makes the Mafia look like honorable and respectable businessmen. Cannon you should be a shamed of yourself.
Who did Dodd run against?
"Anonymous said...
3:38 STHU, really, I am so tired of your worn out excuses and quit trying to hijack the thread. YOU - THE HS KNEW ABOUT IT AND DID NOTHING. I don't give a rats azz who has what power. Your mission statement is to care for animals and you failed. If you knew about it, and you did, it was your job and responsibility to notify the proper channels and you didn't. Quit making excuses for your failure.
June 21, 2016 at 3:56 PM"
Dummy! I'm sick of you low IQ imbeciles. Let me tell you something. First off I don't live in Wicomico county nor do I have any ties to that country whatsoever.
Secondly Einstein, this post wasn't about the HS. This was about the county and the lack of inactions about things that matter and actions on useless nonsense. FYI When there were posts up about the HS I was very very vocal about their responsibility too for the puppy mill's existence. And you better believe if I had known about it, I would have reported it and immediate action would have been taken. Just for the record I donate probably 10x's more than you make a year to a globally recognized animal rights organization so when I speak they jump, they jump high and they keep on jumping until I am satisfied.
Uh Federal always trumps state laws. Being that marijuana is still illegal on the Fed level then I guess Culver and his merry men are prepared to post bail for all the soon to be federal inmates. Right? This is in the budget. In fact, as funders of this experiment they may be criminally liable or considered accessories for distribution. Being that this stupid little insane town has more lawyers than needed, I'm sure one of them can weigh in on this.
Anonymous said...
Knew Cannon was a RINO - didn't expect that from Matt Holloway though...isn't he getting ready to start a plant-growing operation out here?! Maybe that's what happened!
June 21, 2016 at 12:39 PM
You didn't expect that from Matt Holloway? You don't remember pictures posted on this blog about Matt Holloway attending the big fundraiser for ousted County Executive Rick Pollit??
And yes he is dying to get the approval to raise pot in this county.
JoeAlbero said...
I wonder if I should expose certain people trying to comment under anonymous that I know who they are? Some people on the 3rd floor better be careful.
June 21, 2016 at 12:42 PM
Yes please do Joe. Would that be Mr. Strausburg or Ms. Kenney?
Wow, this will be at the top of the list Sunday for sure.
Bob Culver has turned out to be a very big RINO. We already knew Matt Holloway, John Cannon and John Hall were RINO's.
Wic has an animal control. Look it up on MD judiciary. Lots of entries listed for Wicomico Co Animal Control. They are who deal with unlicensed dogs, dogs running lose in the county and citizen complaints.
College not collage
Yes Wicomico County has an animal control division. They just approved for them a new vehicle in this years budget to replace their 11 year old one.
Instead of books is Worwic supply Kush seeds and portable grow lights?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Actually, the great majority of welfare dollars go to the wealthy. The poultry companies receive billions of dollars a year in indirect welfare.
June 21, 2016 at 4:49 PM
OH LORD!! Here are those stupid idiot CAFO haters trying to hijack this thread and put down the Poultry Industry.
Here is a list of the RACIST people from the Concerned Citizens Against CAFOs who are on this thread trying to push their agenda to put the poultry industry out of business.
These racist people are the real TERRORIST in Wicomico County:
Kathy Phillips(Assateague Coastkeeper)
Maria Payan
Lisa Inzerillo
JC Craig Watts
Gabby Cammarata
Ernie Bond
Rick Green(Fake Preacher)
Sharon Carson
Marghi Barnes(Margaret)
Carole Morison
Anonymous said...
Who did Dodd run against?
June 21, 2016 at 6:22 PM
Who cares!
Anonymous said...
Why Cannon? Culver is the one pushing this.
June 21, 2016 at 2:09 PM
Because he is a RINO. He likes to spend other peoples money.
Anonymous said...
Do I get my college loans refunded?
June 21, 2016 at 1:08 PM
That's a good question. Why would we the tax payers want to pay someone else tuition when we had to pay for our own degrees. BTW I wanted to go to college, I didn't need to go to college and I still pay taxes.
Absolutely!! This no free hand outs. That gives people the idea that the don't have to work for things.
I only ask if we can get free beer too. Why not?
This "economic impact scholarship" is going to be a failure. Where does Bob Culver and Dr. Hoy have proof that it will bring educated tax payers to Wicomico County. Do you realize this is going to cost nearly a million dollars a year and the tax payers will be committed to this forever? This will be Bob Culver's proverbial nail in his coffin.
Do you know that Wicomico County is paying for Wor Wic Community College to now compete with Salisbury University? Salisbury University actually brings more money to Wicomico County than Wor Wic ever will.
Culver hired Fitzgerald as Emergency Services stop and think about that.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
whats the matter, scared of an even playing its the end of the as you know it
June 21, 2016 at 12:35 PM
What are you talking about?
Anonymous said...
This cost has to be paid for by someone, guess what the tax payers
of Wicomico and Worcester will. Very very sad day, time to move.
June 21, 2016 at 1:05 PM
Worcester County will not pay a nickel for this. This is the Bob Culver Memorial Free Money Scholarship Program.
In memory of Bob's one and only term as County Executive.
Hey Kilmer thanks for limiting the free Wor Wic to those under 70 K. You know because at a combined income of 80k we a living the high life. We pay taxes too.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So this is the economic plan? Educate the workforce for WHAT JOBS????? Manufacturing jobs do not require college. We also have all the Labinal employees with "skills" who need work. Culver is a failure as far as economic development goes. This is just a smoke screen, feel good for some, desperation move to get re-elected. Dream on!
June 21, 2016 at 1:13 PM
If you have been paying attention Mr. Culver said he talked to Harris Teeter and they refused to come to Wicomico County because Wicomico had an uneducated workforce and Mr. Culver said "HE wasn't going to be embarrassed again."
So with that comment it was all about Bob Culver and Bob Culver alone.
Maybe Bob can get his sheepskin now and hang it on the rented economic development office wall along with a copy of the rent lease the county taxpayers are paying for it.
Anonymous said...
The sad thing is Culver thinks he is some kind of hero for getting this done.
So much for being a conservative Republican, let alone a business man. Hilarious!
June 21, 2016 at 1:23 PM
That is what I was thinking.
Every time one of our council reps miss an important vote, it's a vote against them at election time. Have the cojones to attend and defend a position, or admit that you don't have confidence in a proposal. Taking a powder during a vote is inexcusable. And if you later have any comment whatever, especially if it's in opposition to a proposal, keep them to yourself, because we don't want to hear it from a chronic absentee.
4:54 PM Good luck collecting on that. If I moved out of state after graduating I would not bother answering your mail/collection notice. And no court is going to uphold the fact that I can only get a minimum wage job here and a 50K job elsewhere.
It is like those non-enforceable non-compete agreements. No employer can force you not to make a living in your profession.
You can educate the snot out our local population, but if it doesn't have an appreciation of more than fried food and boobs, and doesn't know a t-bone from a Porterhouse, Harris-Teeter and Whole Foods and their like won't becoming here.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Whose idea is it that businesses won't locate here because of our uneducated workforce? We have far greater problems than that and now, we are one the top three counties for child abuse. Get a grip people. Free college is not the answer.
June 21, 2016 at 1:54 PM
That is what Bob Culver is telling people. He said Harris Teeter said we be to unedumacated an he be imbearissed.
Anonymous said...
LOL What a bunch of losers they are. Like giving someone free tuition is going to help the county. These clueless inbreds that you knuckleheads have been electing for generations now have done nothing but turned the lower shore into an out house. You have to stop electing these shorebillie inbreds and start electing intelligent people. There is no excuse other than electing the stupid inbreds for this area's deterioration. Being so close to the ocean and Wicomico county streets should be paved with gold. But no you "from heres" know it all and the "come heres" are to keep quiet when the reality is you all needed the "come heres" to tell you how to do it! Now you are stuck. Stuck with properties you can't sell. Stuck with no good jobs. Stuck with land that the stench is so bad a maggot wouldn't take up residence on it. High crime rates. And mark my words-IT'S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. You all grew it now you have no other choice but to chew on it. You don't listen to good sense and this is what happens. Yep this is what happens.
June 21, 2016 at 2:14 PM
This is obviously one of those CAFO haters! I wish you Turd Burglars would move back to Pennsylvania! We don't want you losers here.
You would think that he would be working a little harder economically. Since Giant is leaving we will be left with only wallyworld and that putrid food lion.
I bet you Harris Teeter never said such a thing. Fact is they will not come here because we do not meet the economic criteria. That is why Wegmans won't come either.
Culver lied.
Are you that stupid not to realize that they do not build nice stores in the ghetto?
Until you morons start to change the economic fabric of this craphole, no degree is going to save you.
Anonymous said...
Wouldn't have mattered if Dodd was on vacation or not. He did the same thing when he was on BOE when a tough decision was on the table. He would be absent so as not to look like the bad guy. That is why Dr Freddy was able to stay as long as he did. When came time to vote No Dodd.
June 21, 2016 at 2:16 PM
AW!! Someone is jealous of Councilman Dodd. You should have signed your name instead of being a coward and hiding behind a key board. Most of us know him and know you are full of crap. Happy key stroking Ma'am!
Property taxws will be raised thanks bob and cannon.$$$$$$$$$
8:13 jealous? of Dodd? That a laugh. You are right, yea we know him, and his petty games and spineless actions. Yea we know him. Pitting neighbor against neighbor to do his dirty work because he wasn't man enough to step up and do it himself. Local yokel would be an appropriate description.
8:09 PM yea I know how much the truth hurts but someone needs to tell you. Suck it up cupcake because everything they said is true.
How much more free can be handed out?
There are good jobs that pay more than some that require a degree.
I continued school and had friends that dropped out of high school and did much better than myself financially.
New taxes.
More fees. Surcharges.
More government departments, employees, and administrators.
More bloated government contracts. Watch who gets those....
More police campaigns.
"Your guy" (he was going to really change things, remember???) has sold you (we, the people) out. Politicians at every level throw OUR money around in the most stupid of ways and further, insult our intelligence with unfounded reasoning and delusional excuses. Say whatever you want to hear, then bury their head in the public trough and gorge themselves, their family, and their connected friends. We, the people take another hit.
Its a wonder they didn't tell us we would "save $2500 in average tuition".
A version of it worked pretty damn well for the lemmings amongst us.
Keep cheering.
who wouldn't be opposed? More WASTED taxpayer dollars. Any guarantee they'll stay here & contribute to this community. DOUBTFUL!!!!!
6:22 ok annonymous
When did Bernie relocate to Maryland?really
I love that students only need to keep a 2.0 GPA to stay enrolled for FREE college.
What a joke!
As long as the country (this county, etc.) continues to de-value those things that require hard work,
and are deemed to make a person more successful, you will continue to LOWER THE BAR.
Raise the bar!
Stop pandering to lowest common denominator.
I just found out that this package includes free college to illegals. As long as they have lived in the county for two years they get a free education at our expense.
Anonymous said...
Every time one of our council reps miss an important vote, it's a vote against them at election time. Have the cojones to attend and defend a position, or admit that you don't have confidence in a proposal. Taking a powder during a vote is inexcusable. And if you later have any comment whatever, especially if it's in opposition to a proposal, keep them to yourself, because we don't want to hear it from a chronic absentee.
June 21, 2016 at 7:56 PM
The same Douche Bag running his mouth over and over again. I say he has a man crush on someone. Wink, Wink!
By the way Wuss, why don't you sign your name since you seem to keep sneaking in these little attacks. I'm sure your little anonymous threats don't worry anyone.
Speaking of cojones where are your cojones to attach your name to this attack you little coward. You are a pathetic little scumbag hiding behind a key board. Nothing lower in life than someone who feels big bashing a good person behind a keyboard. What are you jealous of? Man up you little girlie man.
I hope someone with real business sense runs for executive. Someone NOT from here, who has real world experience. No more Culver, Cannon, Pollit, Day, Holloway types.
8:18, With all due respect, where's your name?
I haven't read all of the comments,but a citizen vote should accompany major decisions like this.If the majority approved I personally would have no problem with it.Unlikely that the majority would vote it in,but so be it if they did.
Anonymous said...
1:53 and just what will these "angry idiots" do with their free education? Will STILL not being able to find a job even with an AA degree make them less angry? Will having a piece of paper that says they have an AA degree that they got for free make them less angry? The angry idiots are the ones who were raised to feel entitled and owed everything for free. As someone who has worked since a teenager and supported a family, paid my bills, paid my taxes, I'm sick of supporting the angry idiots, Larry!
June 21, 2016 at 2:40 PM
I am sitting here with an open mind and it sounds like someone has a hard on for "Larry." In case you haven't been paying attention this was brought up by the Council Executive Bob Culver and fought by Marc Kilmer, Joe Holloway and "Larry." Not only was this brought up by Bob Culver, Council President John Cannon brought this back up on the agenda, not "Larry." Since you are so smart you should have realized that the Council President makes the agenda, not "Larry." In case you didn't learn math in school, even if Mr. Cannon decided to bring this back on the agenda and "Larry" was there to vote and the vote was 4 to 3 it would have still passed. Isn't it amazing how people try to attack others with false information because they have a personal agenda against one person. You can't be that stupid, or can you. Your beef is with the wrong person and it should be with, first and mostly, Bob Culver and second, John Cannon. John Cannon had the majority of the council voting against this during the budget and it was shot down, in case you were sleeping during that meeting. It did not have to be reintroduced at the last minute and railroaded through like it was. Get your facts straight before you attack the wrong people again. But then again, I don't think you had a beef with this at all since you only singled out one person. I think we have a council member that has a STALKER!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You would think that he would be working a little harder economically. Since Giant is leaving we will be left with only wallyworld and that putrid food lion.
I bet you Harris Teeter never said such a thing. Fact is they will not come here because we do not meet the economic criteria. That is why Wegmans won't come either.
Culver lied.
Are you that stupid not to realize that they do not build nice stores in the ghetto?
Until you morons start to change the economic fabric of this craphole, no degree is going to save you.
June 21, 2016 at 8:09 PM
Who are you calling stupid? If you don't like us morons then feel free to come back where you came from.
Good point Joe at 8:36 AM, but I don't think 8:18 was the one making the personal attacks, just calling someone out. Thanks for understanding.
9:49, "Douch Bag, Wuss, Cajones, Scumbag, Coward" aren't personal attacks?
Blame the Greater Salisbury Committee, too.
To the person who just personally attacked Matt Holloway, REALLY? You think I'm going to publish an anonymous comment defaming and accusing someone without you using your real name? The rest of your comment was fine but the beginning will not fly here. Try again.
Well im thinking, if they are preparing to further their education then they are planning on working for "things". Js
@6:31 lol!
Yes let's continue to give things away for free so the middle class can again be strapped with more taxes to pay. When everything's given away for free people don't appreciate it. When you have to work for it and pay for it yourself you appreciate it a whole lot more. This world is falling apart and these so-called politicians do not have the people's best interest at heart.
Here is an interesting thought...the people.....are simply elect these stuns me how Jim Mathias remains in office yet he keeps being elected...I'm sure all of these folks will as you are all here all elect these morons....
Well first and foremost I am a taxpayer with a fulltime and part time job and I went to nursing school. Further your education is well worth a taxpayer to pay for look at all these rapist and child molester under protective security and guess what are tax money is paying for that too so grow up!
I hope this is for everyone who is here legally only. I'm all for free education for everyone but if they do not pay taxes and are not here legally we must say no. We need to start somewhere and stop handouts. I'm not afraid to show my name
Have you attended classes at wor-wic before? Just because they can get in doesn't mean they'll not have to work. They'll have classes they have to manage along with any jobs they have. Plus think about all the good it will do to have a smarter state? Are you really that against people learning if it means you lose a few bucks? Don't be selfish
Well said
I am sitting here reading these comments.So your telling me that the people that work and pay taxes should not get free college? Isn't part of our tax dollars paying for the college? So right now we are paying for the college, paying to go to the college and then paying more taxes because you income has increased enough to be middle class but not really middle class? FYI fusing over people getting a $20 flip phone, "Free Food"(even though there are working people that received food stamps) and $9/hr is not going to take care of a family or pay for tuition. Google how much the average wage is in Salisbury and how much is the average rent and then tell me how that can be changed without education for everyone. Also before you say anything slick. I am a nurse that wished someone would of given me free tuition then I would not have as much student debt and could enjoy the fruits of my labor more. Stop judging especially if you haven't needed help before.
So not only do we have to pay our own student loans and some of us have alot of debt because of it but now have to pay for someone else's education and be in even more debt. I can never get ahead...smh
Joe you are welcome to use this comment as a post if wish.
Having read your post on the WOR WIC free tuition and watching the council meeting Tuesday on Pac 14 I am in amazement over how this happened. First of all we supposedly have a republican county execute and six of the seven members of the county councilmembers are republicans yet they take a page out of the Bernie Sanders playbook. Having talked to many of my coworkers and neighbors I have not found no one who was in agreement with this.
I want to commend Marc Kilmer and Joe Holloway for voting no, but my utter disgust is with the council members whom supported this. When Councilman Joe Holloway brought up the fact that illegal undocumented students could have access to this free tuition I was shocked but more shocking was the statement that Councilman Matt Holloway made when he said well maybe they.
have green cards. So myself and the other taxpayers of Wicomico County are going to be footing the bill for illegal immigrants to go to college DISGUSTING
If I heard Dr. Ray Hoy correctly he stated this was a program of hope and it would take ten years to see it's success. one has to wonder how much this will grow before we find success one million dollars
two million dollars or more
I am currently going there and working a full time job with living expenses going up , free is my favorite word when it comes to bettering myself so I can make more money. I can't afford it on my own 1 book is over $200 and that's just for one class. I agree with this but I don't agree with making tax payers pay for it that's basically me still paying for college.
So sad to see this, in my hometown. It's part of the reason this country is going to hell in a hand basket. People no longer earn stuff & work for it, it's just a gimme. If people want a "free"/ cheaper college education, go serve a few years in the military, then we'll talk. At serve your country/ community, before you just take from it.
Agree with Hmorgan
I find it sad that the county can afford to do this, but not help the county retirees with the healthcare they can't afford.
Jason Twilley - excellent point.
Bill Hagan, why veterans and especially law enforcement? (I suspect you were one or both) Why not teachers or nurses or soup kitchen workers or priests or...? Everyone pay their own way. Enough special interest already.
An example of how it works here.
If Bank of America has a house in foreclosure, anyone affiliated with BOA can not go after it. Conflict of interest.
That's not the case here. There are cases where council family members have gotten grant awards in the amount of 100K and up. I wonder how that worked out that they were the only ones to get the grant.
What was the reward for this vote?
9:11 - I do not understand your comment. Retirees? Can't afford $145 a month? Try paying over $600 a month plus a 2+K deductible. Or go get a part time job and be productive and social.
Just part of the "want it all free" club?
More taxes time to get out the slum wicomico county
Though Culver was real. Just another cannon ready to use up and tax us
Sad state of affairs
All seem to have the free everything
June 24, 2016 at 9:37 PM
Yes funny how it works out that way. Too bad none of the council people are capable of doing basic math.
June 24, 2016 at 3:45 PM
All the farms hire illegals. Most pay cash. What do they care if taxpayers pay for them to get a free education.
Their children will not be going to WorWic. They are above all you serfs.
Sweet. Free Tuition! Yeah!
I'm sending my student loan bills to Bob Culver and John Cannon! Hope the county has enough cash to pay them!
Why is this just for graduating high schoolers it should be for working adults trying to better themselves ?
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