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Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Viewer Writes: CPS SCANDAL

Some background on the biological mother: she has been an avid heroin user for the last five years, but since she was 15 has been into numerous drugs and alcohol. The drugs of choice that I know of are as followed: crack cocaine, Percocet, heroin, and alcohol. She has tried many other drugs but nothing gave her the same affect as the ones listed above. She comes from an abusive and neglectful childhood, where her biological father was the first to introduce her to crack around age 12-14. She was sexually molested by her father, in and out of foster care throughout her childhood which is how I became acquainted with her. At 16 she had her first child who is now 13 going on 14, and every other year since then has had a child. Her youngest is now 6 going on 7 and she is currently 36 weeks pregnant with her 6th child.

After being arrested on September 18, 2015 for heroin possession, she reached out to my mother and myself to take her children because she was scared that the drug dealer would harm them. At that time we were taking with a Dorchester county sheriff when we received the call we left immediately and picked them up. The last three months all of the children have thrived being in our care. The entire staff at their school noticed the difference almost immediately, and reached out of myself and my mother to offer their support in the upcoming custody case for these children.

On Wednesday December 30, 2015 there was a meeting held at Dorchester County Department of Social Services with Pam Elliot as well as other staff members up to the director of the department. The meeting started very aggressively, when it was supposed to be a neutral family involvement meeting, to set up visitation with the mother and the biological father of the youngest child. There were many questions asked but my mother and the children's therapist were not permitted to answer any questions that they were asked during this meeting. The end result of this meeting was the mother made the decision to move the children based on the fact that my mother filed for custody of the children and she stated that in the meeting.

Through working with the therapist throughout the 3 months we had the children we have found out about numerous accounts of abuse. She has tried to murder her son numerous times and has failed at every attempt. He made the comment before he left us on New Years Eve, 'what if she kills me this time Nana I'll never see you guys again'.

Tonight we sent out Caroline county Sheriffs office and Greensboro Police Department to check on the children when we found out they were with their mother, unsupervised by the one listed on the safety plan as well as a tier 1 sex offender, the police did nothing!

Socials services, in particular Child Protective Services, are doing nothing to protect these children from their abuser. We are very disappointed in the lack of care this agency has for the children, they are for benefit of the parent, not the safety of the children.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there is no licensing requirement for being a parent. Good or bad, the biologicals usually prevail in custody disputes.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the safety of the children are at risk. I thought CPS job was to keep them safe not out them in harms way? Please tel me how this theory is wrong. I'm not disagreeing with you but in the same aspect this woman was in jail and gave 2 shit where her kids were now all of the sudden she cares and wants them again? Please. She's only using those kids!

LadyLiddy said...

God Bless. My sister has fostered children who were given back to parents who could not/would not care for them. Heartbreaking for you, your mother and the children especially.

Anonymous said...

so why is this animal still able to pump out kids that society will have to take care of? Obama the fool wants to outlaw guns when he should outlaw this type of bs behavior. Which does more damage to society?

Anonymous said...

By "biological" do you mean the Parents?

Anonymous said...

This is just the tip of the iceberg in Greensboro.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Foster parents cannot have access to every detail of a client's case plan. You should call the children's worker or worker's supervisor and report your suspicions about the unsupervised visit.
You may not hear the outcome, but don't assume something isn't happening.
If the case plan has been broken you may end up as the Foster home of choice, or if you're too involved in trying to "get" the children rather than just Foster them while the mother legally tries to regain custody, you may be considered an obstacle.
By all means keep reporting what you know until someone hears you. Call the Governor's office if need be.

Anonymous said...

I bet you a bottom dollar that if one of those children are killed by the sex offender or parent someone will pay attention. If I was you I would call the Governor's Office or anywhere you can all the way up to the President until someone hears you. Parents are not always the answer to their children's well being. The mother needs to be fixed also so she will not keep reproducing. Those children are just a money wheel for her to fill her drug problem. Feel so sad for those kids, they do not have a chance in this world. That is what is wrong with society now, no one listens to them (Children).

Anonymous said...

Their mother who conceived them and birthed them. They all have different father's who are not in the picture.

Anonymous said...

It's not a foster home. It's their godmother and nana. The mother is mad because these 2 women who these children consider a mother (over their biological one) is going to try to gwt custody of these children. And 2ndly CPS has been involved for years and knows everything that has happened. The abuse the drugs the arrests and the cochroches that have been living in their old house for years. And the head of CPS was invovled in this and she knows everything that has happened in that home. The oldest child's guide nice councilor and truencey officer have reported eve ry thing to CPS as well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 1000%! That will be the first thing is CPS will ask "why didn't you do anything?!" When they've done nothing but cried out for help for almost a year now if not longer.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately no one seems to be aware. I give this person props on attempting to get the word out there. I hope everyone can do it! Please help spread the word! It needs way way more attention them just the little bit it does get. Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like she is abusing the system and the welfare of the children so she has the funds to support her heroin addiction. This mother doesn't want or care for her children. She only wants for a means to support her habit. Shame on CPS to endanger the children's lives and suppot a drug addict. How can they be so reckless? What's it going to take for a child in an abusive home to be protected? Absolutely horrific!

Anonymous said...

Yes! That's the whole point. They're suppose to help these kids and they're not. What happens when something happens then what is CPS gonna do?? They need to be called out on this. I can only imagine how many other children this has happened to!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No they are not.

Anonymous said...

Social services say she can drown the kids and as long as they live...nothing they can do.

Anonymous said...

Its nice when cps calls you and tells you what they will be looking for before they come so you can prepare for it! Good job CPS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Then we shouldn't have social services. End of story. That's not protecting them kids at all. They're just as muchh at fault as the parent.

Anonymous said...

Yeah they shouldn't call before hand! That defeats the whole purpose!

Anonymous said...

For some reason these "professionals" try to preserve families that never WERE suitable families.Some people are incapable of caring for a child and yet it is their "right" to have as many as they want,without restraint.When does the madness stop?Family preservation is not a good thing for these extreme cases of abuse,because most of the time the addict parent comes from a dysfunctional family where the kids are at very high risk for sexual,emotional and physical abuse from multiple family members and the people they bring into the home.
The best way to fight it is just what you are doing,making it public and shining a spotlight on a tiny rural county that does not advocate for its most vulnerable-kids.Write letters to Governor Hogan,all the H & S members,delegates,etc. Be a pain the ass to the extreme and eventually you have to hope and pray the agencies are held accountable for their failure to put the childrens best interests first and foremost.Godspeed! Thank you for what you do,it takes a woman with a huge un-selfish heart to mother a child she did not give birth and protect that child as fiercely as mother lioness.

Anonymous said...

This woman is amazing. She's been there since the oldest was born. She's fighting tooth and nail with her mother (the children's nana) to get all 6 of them back together and doing what they've done for the past 4 months.

Anonymous said...

Any word or update on this situation?