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Friday, December 11, 2015

Quote Of The Day 12-11-15

"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian;while on the other hand, arms like laws, discourageand keep the invader and the plunderer in awe,and preserve order in the world as well as property.The same balance would be preserved were all the worlddestitute of arms, for all would be alike;but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the worlddeprived of the use of them..."

-- Thomas Paine(1737-1809) US Founding father, pamphleteer, authorSource: I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56, 1984


Anonymous said...

This was in 1798.
Nothing has changed except the number of people, the number of guns and the loudness of the people who think that partial my disarming the citizenry is in everyone's best interests.
Sorry, but we're not yet ready for that. Check back in another couple of hundred years.

Anonymous said...

True then and true now