DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Comment From Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council
Today, I voted with five other council colleagues against delaying Phase 3 of the Bennett Middle School project. It was a difficult vote, because I agree with the concept of re-purposing buildings. However, good ideas do not always work in specific circumstances. That's the case here. Contracts have already been signed to complete Phase 3. We were facing uncertain legal issues, had no idea whether any cost savings would result, and were presented with no plan on how to accomplish re-purposing. I commend the county executive for bringing this idea up. If this vote had been held a year ago, I would have agreed to the delay. But it was too late in the process to do it for this project. My desire to save taxpayer money is clear. In this case, though, I did not think what was being proposed was a workable way of doing it. Anyone who has questions about my vote or the BMS project can reply here, message me, or e-mail me at mkilmer@wicomicocounty.org. I'll be happy to discuss it further with anyone.
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Its never to late! Smdh.
Marc, if you agree with the concept of re-purposing, then why didn't you support this and give Culver the 60 day delay? You came to the conclusion that "in this case, though, I did not think what was being proposed was a workable way of doing it." What are you basing that on?
You sir are a FN TRAITOR to the party and will NOT be forgotten.
He is in with JT I see them together all the time
Dodd is another traitor. His comments were absurd. Did he even know what he was talking about?
Tell the truth, you buckled under to all of those emails and pressure from teachers that live in your district. Those people didn't vote for you. Remember that.
4:31 PM, said it all.
He speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
Contracts have been signed. The could sue and get the contracted amount.
Correct. There might be language in the contract that covers canceling the contract for good reason, but
"I changed my mind" isn't one of them.
$9,000,000.00 will now be spent to demolish the building and build ball fields. Is that how we want our hard earned $spent? Not me!!!
Hall needs to be put out in a HALL..
Yikes, there's a new RINO on the Council!
5:08 -- wrong -- at most they could get the lost profit on the deal.
Your vote was extremely disappointing. Did you base your decision on facts since you wanted facts from Culver? Did you research each contract and read the fine print about cancellation? Why were contracts signed so far in advance - is there a price escalation clause? Did the BOE hurry up and sign them when Culver started asking questions? You don't feel Culver provided you enough information, I don't think you've provided enough about why you didn't vote for something you claim you DO believe in. You complain about "unknowns" well it seems to me your decision was based on a lot of unknowns too. VERY DISAPPOINTED!
Kilmer your DONE FOOL.
Someone said they see JT with him all the time. Really? What politician would hang out with JT? Get real.
No. Not the full amount. And even we were penalized it may still be cheaper in the end.
No contract ever states full pay if failed. Penalties yes. You can't charge full price if nothings been done.
Folks, you amaze me. I do not know Mr. Kilmer personally but he had the guts and maturity to write to this venue and sign his name and give you his e-mail and phone number. You all don't have the intestinal fortitude to even sign your names. Kudos to Mr. Kilmer for attempting to explain to you what his thought process was;even if you don't listen.
623 really he is a RINO and one term .hope your reading this idiot.
Dear 6:23 ,
I don't see your friggin name in the comment section either.
Mr. Kilmer is nothing more than a puppet for the council and a traitor to the county , thus he is on my $hit list forever.
Amazing how people forget who voted them in, typical fn politician toast.
Let's not forget that O'Malley TOOK teacher pension funding from the Counties and he GAVE them school construction money. I can understand what's happening here.
Mr. Kilmer you can try to sway the public with your syrupy statement, but the fact is you caved to the BOE and to the likes of Matt Holloway, Hall, Cannon, Dodd, and you followed Pop-Pop Creamer's advise.
You were not honest, you sold out the very people that voted you into office. You betrayed the people. You desired the possible springboard to a higher office, the possible financial gain to be had by playing ball with the rest of the boys on the council.
Not only did you freely betray those who trusted their vote to you, you have shown you are willing to sell yourself out for personal gain.
Remember this sir, I don't trust you and will never trust a vote to you.
Marc, unfortunately you along with many others before you, fail to understand who your supporters are, and who voted for you. Your comments, actions and vote clearly indicate that.
You are a disappointment. You did not do yourself any favors, and similar behavior in the future will surely guarantee an opponent in the next election.
With that said please reconsider your actions, and using parlimentary procedure, bring it back for consideration at the next meeting which you can do.
Mr. Kilmer, Thank for communicating in a candid and honest fashion.I agree with the majority of the above 26 comments.
You made a worse mistake than Bob by voting without enough information. A huge mistake was made on Phase 3. Why would you want to continue the mistake as opposed to fixing it ?
This is the final straw for my family we are leaving for Delaware a home equity loan is a matter of days from being done and then our Delaware home construction begins! We will list our beautiful home we worked so hard to have and have almost paid off no doubt it will be sold at a price so low it will give us the motivation to leave Wicomico county after 45 years without even a tear shed! You Mr. Kilmer and those many RINO's like you in this county are welcome to this drug infested crime pit slum of a county and it's section 8 population base! Good riddance!
Anon 6:12 I will swap you homes. Move to my crime and drug fested home in Seaford.
JT is so proud of this, boy that would steer me in a different direction just because JT is a boot licker and shoe shiner.
Mr. Kilmer, Thanks for writing but you and your colleagues made a very poor call. Down the road it will look as foolish as it does today.
Perfectly good building at BMS has been neglected on purpose. Younger than either WiMiddle or EastSalisbury and a more user friendly building, location and layout. Fields and track already in place and only require some update.
WiMiddle recently was repointed and got new windows. Same could have been done at BMS.
Very disappointed in ALL of the recently elected council members who passed on the opportunity to think out of the box. A short delay to gather more facts would not have stopped the world from spinning.
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