DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 09, 2014
Sears Repair Center - 'Another One Bites The Dust'
Today, I went over to Sears Retail Sales Center that was located on W. Naylor Mill Road, just behind Lowe's, to try and get a replacement part for my cordless drill. I knew that Sears had reported bad sales numbers for the past few quarters, but I was a little surprised to see such a sudden departure. Last month - JC Penny's reported it was closing and now Sears Parts Center.
This is yet another negative indicator of Salisbury's sagging economy.
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I wouldn't be surprised if the Centre of Salisbury Mall location also closed. I'm telling you - things are really bad around here and this is another classic example. Sears had been at that location for well over a decade.
I am not sure if it is O'Malley's fault, Obama's fault and/or both.
However, I'm sure if you ask either of the above named individuals - they'll try and blame it on FOX news.
radio shack is leaving, imperial gallery is closing, kmart is closing stores, city of sby doesn't want new restaurants to come by giving them a hard time. Burger king is closing stores. the mall is in bad shape financially.
You asked for you, and now you got it... You voted for it, so you got it... SO now all you have is to stfu...
I swear it just keeps getting worse and worse by the day.
What in the hell is happening around here? Cornerstone businesses folding right and left and yet most of our politicians cite that things are just beautiful.
I don't even recognize Salisbury anymore, for that matter not even our Country.
I just can't imagine how Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and all those wet pants liberals can keep smiling and acting like everything will be OK.
We have been exposing for YEARS, businesses closing their doors, For Sale/Lease Signs up just about everywhere.
I know, let's open a new WELFARE, FOOD STAMP, SECTION 8 & OBAMA PHONES stores to replace what we've lost and collect a rent check from the government.
Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman have screwed the City of Salisbury into the ground and let me assure you, RICK POLLITT is just as much to blame. Oh, did I mention they're LIBERALS.
Welcome To THE NEW DETRIOT!!!!
It's also a statement of that Hack who bought Sears and pinned them to K-Mart-- as if that wasn't a move to the other sides of the tracks
Well get this - K-mart called all of their full time employees together and told them that they were cutting them back to 5 - 6 hour days as opposed to 5 - 8 hours. They are doing this to force them into Obamacare.
I would like to know why all of the other media isn't reporting these conditions. What is so obvious to everyone else - and yet all of the other media are just distorting what is actually happening. Are they delusional as to what is occurring around them? WBOC, WMDT, The Daily Times, should be all over these types of events. Shame on them all - I will never patronize any of them, NEVER!
Reponding to 4:07 Post - Who's at fault -
Answer - It's all Salisbury News fault.
Imperial gallery did not close because of business The owners retired!
4:44 that will work out great. Stop shopping there and get others to do the same. Then the store will close and there will be more people out of work. Businesses are responding to the laws that have been enacted, it is not personal, just business.
This isn't necessarily indicative of Salisbury's economy; more a side-effect of Sears going downhill. This has been happening for a while now.
Hit WDMT WBOC The Daily Times and thuer advertishers in their wallets where it counts that's the only way the abysmal reporting we get from these cowards who aid and abet the enemy .LIES AND DECEIT ...will change
The last line on the sign says it all.Buy it online shipped to your home.The retail stores will never be able to keep up with dot com
To 5:13 PM Posting who says; 'This isn't necessarily indicative of Salisbury's economy'
What rock have you crawled under!
Heck, almost every conceivable industry in and around Salisbury has either closed up shop, moved out, or gone out of business. How can you say that this isn't necessarily indicative of Salisbury's economy.
The only businesses that I know are doing well are - Sam's Club, Wal-mart, Royal Farm, WaWa, and the local liquor dispensaries. Almost everything else is barely hanging on. Salisbury/Wicomico needs SOME BIG THINGS TO HAPPEN AND FAST!
As the Memo Diricker would say;
'It's all a normal cycle for business' and the Services Sector will pick-up the slack.'
My response, BS - when an entire nation loses its manufacturing sector, it's technological edge falls by the wayside and you're living and breathing it. We are now what I consider fallen to 3RD WORLD STATUS!!
complain complain with the same ol tired political diatribes. Take a second and look around you without the partisan blinders. Look at global trends in the economy. Look at this area, its resources, and its demographics. Now tell me really what does this area have to offer in terms of investment besides more fast food and toilet cleaning jobs?
I saw the moving vans just a couple days ago clearing out their inventory. What a shame. They had been there a very long time.
Is this the Diriker person that is affiliated with the Beacon group. If it is, I would drop using their advise like a hot potato. The only thing that the Beacon group has accomplished is a substantial reduction in our manufacturing industries and a dramatic decline in our job base. If you consider these as attributes, then my advise is to get some psycho help.
I have noticed there are quite a few homes that are vacant and sitting idle. Many of these homes have been sitting unoccupied for several years. I do not know about the rest of the readers, but I am having difficulty in paying my real estate taxes and I do not have a mortgage. So if I am having trouble just paying the taxes then I can understand how difficult it must be if one has a mortgage. In my personal opinion, I truly believe we are in a Depression.
4:27 De-Bury, Gotta love it!!!
Joe I would like the first T-shirt please.
Not the "polar vortex", which has been happening since 1400, but the "Obama/ Omalley" vortex which has been happening since 2004?
Good bye, folks, I'm leaving.
I read today that Staples is going close over a thousand stores nationwide. I'll Salisbury will be one of them!
if sears didn't make such junk they wouldn't have needed this business. that's why they are going out of business!
I'm outta here! Good bye, folks! There's really no need to stay and fight. The deal has been done. Time to just go.
Thank goodness they opened up the Red Light District. New business growth!
Can anyone say Obamacare. Wake up people it was his plan from the beginning. Obama is a Socialist Muslim bastard.
Just more nails in the eastern shore coffin...... The end of the shore is coming fast. Keep pointing fingers as it's all you folks have left. I am willing to guess at least one business a week is going to close on the shore.... The lack of progress and those stupid bypasses.... Really??? That's the best the shore can do? Good call to ditch the shore if you can....
On a lighter note....there is a new bridal shop on the corner in Salisbury downtown. Looks very pretty. I am sure that some wealthy family's are still having lavish weddings. Hopefully this is just an economic cycle.
Joe, why not put together a list of recent business closings, say, since Obama and O'Malley have been steering us into a depression!
6:08, do you know what a 3rd world country looks like? Our economy is dragging but we all still have shoes and blog comments sections to bitch on. Your real 3rd world countries tend to lack things like electricity and drinkable water.
BLAME WALMARTS. YOU DUMMIES. Every store that is closing in Salisbury, there products can be found in walmart. Every city that allowed a walwart to come into their town, all of the mom and pop businesses and restaurants have closed down. Do your research. And once these stores close down, here come the dollar stores, dollar general stores, common cores, and the Koch brothers.
Anonymous said...
I am not sure if it is O'Malley's fault, Obama's fault and/or both.
However, I'm sure if you ask either of the above named individuals - they'll try and blame it on FOX news.
March 6, 2014 at 4:07 PM
They might blame it on Fox news, but they will blame it on Bush. I blame it on the liberal Democrat Mayor(s) and City Council. Now what do you think you idiots who voted for Jim Ireton, Laura Mitchell and Jake Day.
Anonymous said...
Imperial gallery did not close because of business The owners retired!
March 6, 2014 at 5:00 PM
Prove that is the reason.
Anonymous said...
I read today that Staples is going close over a thousand stores nationwide. I'll Salisbury will be one of them!
March 6, 2014 at 8:07 PM
You might have read wrong, I read 270. Don't know about Salisbury, but as someone indicated above you can't compete with Dot Com. My issue is when I want to buy something I want it then. I don't want to order it, it come in wrong, then have to pay more money and time sending it back.
Chuck Cook said...
BLAME WALMARTS. YOU DUMMIES. Every store that is closing in Salisbury, there products can be found in walmart. Every city that allowed a walwart to come into their town, all of the mom and pop businesses and restaurants have closed down. Do your research. And once these stores close down, here come the dollar stores, dollar general stores, common cores, and the Koch brothers.
March 6, 2014 at 11:59 PM
Chuck Cook why do you and your liberal idiots love to Bash Walmart and the Koch brothers. Why don't you look in the mirror.
BTW who bought Sears and isn't K-Mart a Walmart type store? Duh!
There appears to be an increase in the number of unliscensed pharmacies on the streets of Da Bury this counts for economic development in the eyes of a Democrap.
11:51 you don't get it do yo?u-- we are a Banana Republic now--run by a two bit Dictator who can support the Ukraine's Constitution while sneering at the USA's --don't lecture us about what we still have-- What we have is a Totalitarian as a President who said --I have a Pen -I have a Phone-- I can do anything I want-- and you love it--parasite
Relax folks. Ol jimbo is bringing in dance studios and art galleries.we are gonna be fine.salisbury is gonna thrive!
This whole country is in a sad state and if you're around 20 years from now, you will certainly know that. I can remember the good times and it certainly is not now and I don't think I'll ever see things get much better. Very sad.
Losing the Sears repair outlet is an inconvenience; they'll be missed. But for quite a while they were sending most actual repair work that I inquired about to a site off the shore. And quite a long time back they chopped the parts they actually stocked there.
So most of my parts orders the past few years have been done online, at their request.
It's become cheaper to buy a new weed whacker than to have a minor repair done there. That's the real reason for less walk-in business.
Think this was mainly driven by Sears while acknowledging that general conditions play a role.
I do need to know something. As sad as it is that stores do close due to lack of business, why do you blame the Mayor of The City of Salisbury. It's not his fault that K Mart closes stores. Maybe not here in Salisbury or J.C Pennys closes stores and the one here in Salisbury. I say it's the company that says what stores to close. Did you blame the Mayor for Circuit City closing in Salisbury? hey closed most of there stores in the U.S.A, because of lack of business. The Stores in Canada were doing way better than in this country. I guess you people think the Mayor is to blame for all the problems in this area. I don't know the man nor say he his the blame for all the problems,. You think everything would be great if Mr. Albero was mayor? It might be a little better but the stores and problems would still be here. What would you all Do blame Mr. Albero? Think about it. Sheamus
You know business is bad at the mall when MCDONALDS closes for petes sake.. it'd been there since I was a kid
I heard the new Bakers in the Twilley Center is getting ready to close their doors as well.
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