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Sunday, December 01, 2013

This Has To Be A Hoax!


Anonymous said...

I would like to verify this information.

Your president is a traitor and needs to be prosecuted appropriately.

Anonymous said...

john bolton says iran has gained almost every major objective it sought. the obama position is milk toast weak.

israel pm states this is a historic mistake.

obama is delusional.

Anonymous said...

Tough audience....

Just cause he says "If you like your reactor, you can keep your reactor" and signs on the line, you're all over him. Gotta give him some cred; remember he's got a Nobel Peace Prize!

/sarc off

Anonymous said...

Its bibilcal. The nations will now line up against israel..when they challenge this idiocy or do something drastic...this is bad ...further evidence he is an agent of islam.

Anonymous said...

Must be part of the way Common Core math works...the equation doesn't add up, but we don't want to hurt the kids feeling so we will give them credit...except this time, the world is at risk. Valerie Jarrett must have had a hand in this-- So it is worth noting that Jarrett, who was born in Iran (her father was a physician working there), is now reported to be dating Ahmad Rashad, a former NFL star, and a "Quranist" - that is, a Muslim who follows only the Quran, not the hadith - the stories about Mohammed's life that are also regarded as sacred scripture by nearly all Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Typical Obama, supporting wrong, cavorting with the enemy and aiding the Islamic Caliphate against Israel.
Just another day at the Marxist White House for him.

Anonymous said...

Wake up America Obama is a terrorist from within our country.

Anonymous said...

BO = Odor and a lot of it - whatever he does and wherever he does it - it Stinks!

lmclain said...

THIS is the supposed LEADER of the Free World? He's kissed more ace than a New York hooker.

Anonymous said...

GOP record on Iran:

-Talk trash (axis of evil)
-Ineffective sanctions
-Drastically decrease effectiveness of US military threat by chasing shadows in the desert for 10 yrs.

Obama record:

-Back-breaking international sanctions
-significant steps to slow nuke development
-Short term solution to get the ball rolling
-not a single bomb needing to be dropped to get it done

Anonymous said...

Obozo the evil brown clown and his sidekick Dufus Kerry have just given our enemies everything they want and a reason for the start of WWIII.

Anonymous said...

9:15 Trollololol "Significant steps to slow nuke development"? Tell me more about how I get to live in your fantasy land. We handed them all of their cash, and other commodities... and they're allowed to keep what they have, they just can't build more.

In reality, a large bomb would have been much better... one to wipe the entire country off the map.

Anonymous said...

Obama Plan:

-Give up on back-breaking international sanctions
-Pretend Rouhani is a moderate
-Stick head in the sand while Iran carries on with nuclear program
-Head off to Dreamworks (how appropriate)