You didn’t want to be the guy chosen to tell Stalin that the wheat crop failed or the production quotas on trucks and cars were not met. Why?
Because despots always blame people, not systems.
In the same way, you don’t want to be the guy chosen to tell Obama that his health care websites are a disaster. But that’s what they are, and he’s managed to blame everyone but himself.
At his hilarious and embarrassing press conference on Monday, the president first assured us that “no one is madder than me” about website failures. Then, of course, he lashed out at the critics and implicitly blamed them for technical failures.
“It’s time for folks to stop rooting for its failure, because hardworking, middle-class families are rooting for its success.”
Someone needs to explain to this guy that rooting one way or another does not cause a website to fail. Crop failures in Russia were not because of the enemies of communism, and the failure of Obama’s health care websites are not due to his political enemies, either. The problem is that government is a bad developer, even when it’s contracting out.
Then Obama said, “We did not wage this long and contentious battle just around a website. That’s not what this was about.”
Now O is gonna give us a few extra months to join his health club and he's put Dion NotSoFineStein out in front ines of FixedMedia, chanting, I'm gonna get to the bottom of all this surveillance of foreign bigwigs. Smoke and mirrors for the gullible believers.
He needs to meet with "The Dali".
Some excellent points about government but realize that Stalin planned some famines to bring the citizens to their knees.
Obamacare is about taking from the deserving to give to the undeserving.
obama, in his own words, is the MOST "in the dark", uninformed, and out of the loop President in history. He didn't know about the catastrophe of a web site, he didn't know about Fast and Furious, he didn't know about security at Benghazi, he didn't know about the IRS targeting his enemies, and he didn't know the NSA was listening to the German chancellor's cell calls.....pick something. If it was embarrassing or politically damaging, he didn't find out about it until he watched the news. He's either lying or so totally stupid about commanding/running anything that it's both sad and alarming. He never asked a single person, "hey are we ready to rollout the health care gig? Any problems I should know about?", or "How are we getting this intel? Its amazing stuff here!"? Basic questions even mid-level managers would ask. Please don't say "plausible denial" because these issues are waaay too big to even WANT to claim THAT. Of course, when you've never even run a hot dog stand, how can anyone expect him to know how to lead or manage the most powerful nation in the history of the earth? A TOTAL goof.
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